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0489e3  No.245554

We should start annual independence days celebrating various nation's independence from Zionism. We'll celebrate the 100+ nations freed with cookouts, parades, concerts and the like, flying the various flags from around the globe. It will be positive, festive and fun. We'll make them unofficial holidays.

What say you?

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aacb4b  No.245555


Those nations will fall/are falling into the hands of Communism. That was the plan. Not Trump's plan.. he was a kike. But it's the plan.

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0489e3  No.245556


Way to completely miss the point. You're a boring person aren't you.

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aacb4b  No.245557


No, that is the point. You wanted to eventually say

>Look how bad these countries are without Zionism!

We know. We're making it this way on purpose.

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0489e3  No.245558


That's… Not… The point, actually. It's too bring awareness to it's impact and influence when most people don't even acknowledge it exists.

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aacb4b  No.245561


Maybe. But do you see the vulnerability our enemies might exploit? Zionism is already in free-fall. Communism/Bolshevism is up next. Should we attack what's already defeated or the next in line?

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