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File: cd4ef4a145f2158⋯.png (21.15 KB, 830x231, 830:231, peruvians.PNG)

89d7ef  No.245421

Hey guys the peruvian government published the list of scholarship winners that will go to the US to study in its top universities FOR FREE bringing their underdeveloped educative system (in which they obviously always score perfect), corrupt drug dealing politics and brownness to the country. Just imagine these young brown men desperately trying to escape their country trying to fuck and impregnate a white women so they can stay in the US while also making more money than you in your whole life. Isn't that amazing? give your support in the posts below. sauce https://cdn.www.gob.pe/uploads/document/file/1988928/Anexo%20n.%C2%B0%201%20Relaci%C3%B3n%20de%20postulantes%20Seleccionados.pdf.pdf

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5e5e33  No.246185


Bro, what are you talking about? These are like 500 poor kids coming to American universities to learn and go back to do something with themselves and their degree in Peru.

>impregnating white women

what? how is this tied to your site in any way?


They are students on a education visa, the moment they do any of that they'll be sent back

>they make more money than me

go to school and make money then

This is pathetic. What a lot of you fail to understand is that the West has to do these little programs and handouts every once in a while. You really think we are going to pillage and control their shitholes and not give anything back? They'll just tell us to fuck off then. This idea that you can rule with iron fist DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE.

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c5f615  No.246187



Told ya!

Unfettered corruption and collapse is all ya'll see from now on!!!!


<REEEEEEEEEEE, keep supporting and sending money to our institutions goyim!

NO! and keep being in denial bitch boy! You'll soon see!!! NOT A DIME.

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5e5e33  No.246190


Not in denial but these kids are being sent by the Argentinian government. The Argentinian government is paying for their education.

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9887df  No.246195


Ah, ok, so they get their education paid for, but you as an American should spend $100,000+ for a commie degree is political science, liberal arts and 51 genders!


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5e5e33  No.246206


this sounds like a bot

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68149f  No.246207


It sounds like a bot because you hate reality for what it is.

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5e5e33  No.246209


Nah, I've actually noticed that behavior with white supremacists.

Soft power > hard power.

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00a115  No.246355

A while back my sister in law was tricked by a nigger to go on a date:(nig slang for “gang rape”), luckily for her & the Aryan bloodline, we took care of the situation.

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