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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 21de78d74a24b5a⋯.png (68.26 KB, 448x337, 448:337, defector.png)

4a386c  No.242236

Rumors that China’s top “spy catcher” has defected to the United States and is giving the Biden information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the leak of the coronavirus, if proven true, could “even lead to the fall of the Communist Party,” China expert Gordon Chang told Newsmax on Saturday.

But now China is claiming that possible defector Dong Jingwei attended a meeting in China yesterday


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407247  No.242245

crank calls himself spy catcher…….lmao! omg!!!!!1

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0b2898  No.242378


True, he leaked it to the DIA which withheld the info from the FBI and DOJ to prevent the inevitable destruction of information….. HOWEVER…. the same (((Bolsheviks))) who control China overall control America too…….. so there's that.

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aa6a47  No.242379

What happens when you leak information about corruption to a government who is mostly corrupted?

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951a83  No.242384

ZOG is so thirsty for an edge they'd likely be duped for any double agent.

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31ec1c  No.242391

China has been around for a very long time. Even after the great leap they are still around and doing what they do best. Insect things. Either way the Chinese will be fine.

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fdbb0e  No.242646


Why would anyone defect to the United States? It is a country in steep decline. Think logically.

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3fc8d4  No.242674

Mossad used to claim that there was another defector named "Wang Jingwei"

I'm not buying Mossad lies. Chances are that it's a fucking made up name that just so happens to correspond to one actual person's name

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3fc8d4  No.242679


>the same (((Bolsheviks))) who control China

It's almost as if there is a reason why the Bolsheviks universally hate the Tiananmen Square Incident whereby Dengist Tanks ran over the Bolsheviks singing the disgusting commie song rather than actual atrocities like the Great Leap Backwards…

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