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e3cf7d  No.241840

Life in the West is getting tougher and tougher. The more perceptive of us are now aware that the whole system is unravelling, and that it may soon become extremely challenging to continue surviving. The grim reality is that not all of us are gonna make it. This article describes some ways that a person can tell if they themselves are not gonna make it.

You believe that the authorities are altruistic.

If you had shitty parents, you will have one advantage in the coming age of the world: you will have already lost faith in authority. Most people who grew up with decent parents blindly trust what they’re told by authority figures, and this makes them vulnerable to demagogues. Those people feel that the government is just like another set of parents: powerful, and willing to use that power in the service of justice.

Anyone who still believes, since the transition to Clown World some two decades ago, that the authorities are altruistic will be lining up for experimental vaccines like the citizens of Jonestown lined up for the Koolaid. The truth is that the authorities value your life as much as they valued the lives of the soldiers they sent charging into German machinegun fire – i.e. not at all. If you still trust the authorities to be looking out for your best interests, you’re not gonna make it.

You don’t understand that conspiracies are always happening.

‘Conspiracy theorist’ is an insult nowadays, used to smear someone as a paranoid schizophrenic who sees dangers where they don’t exist. As far as the Establishment is concerned, anyone who doesn’t trust them is a conspiracy theorist. The mainstream narrative today is that anyone who questions the mainstream media is by default a conspiracy theorist, and therefore mentally ill.

The truth is that conspiracy theories are happening everywhere and at all times. Read any history book, and it will recount numerous conspiracies by various groups of actors against other groups. Adam Smith once observed that “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public,” and this is just as true today as it was of his time.

If you don’t realise that conspiracies are being hatched almost every time there’s an incentive for any group of people to do so, you’re not gonna make it.

You can’t sit still in peace.

The entertainment industry makes hundreds of millions of dollars every year in America alone. This industry exists because of boredom. Ideally, a person could sit down for an entire evening and read a book, not needing external input. In practice, most people need to spend money on Netflix, OnlyFans and similar shit. Such people are dependent on the matrix.

The sort of person who needs constant thrills will be at an extreme disadvantage in the coming age of the world. Being dependent on the corporate media for entertainment means that the Establishment can shit directly into your skull during the ad breaks, and you’ll accept it as normal. If you can’t meditate in silence for at least ten minutes, you’re not gonna make it.

You believe that the Justice System is there to protect and serve the citizenry.

Young children are taught that the police are there to defend them from criminals and other bad guys. Television shows like Cops paint a picture of a world of violent criminals held in check by a thin blue line. In reality, the police are the army of the rich, and were raised to defend the property claims of the rich. They’re often as bad as the criminal gangs.

The difference between a prostitute and a police officer is that the prostitute will let you do things to her for money, whereas the police officer will do things to other people for money. If you have never reflected upon the fact that almost every human rights abuse in history has been carried out by the local security services, and that the police of your country would load you into cattlecarts as soon as they were given the order, you’re not gonna make it.

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e3cf7d  No.241841

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You believe that “If it wasn’t true, they couldn’t say it on the news”.

It’s possible that, in some halcyon former time, the news was compiled by honest people who wanted to inform their nation about relevant issues. That was a long time ago. Today’s mainstream media is a propaganda outlet for the Establishment. That became clear to everyone when they did the cheerleading for the Iraq War, and they’ve only become worse since then.

Every mainstream media enterprise has an owner and, today, that owner is likely to be a multinational asset management firm. They can say whatever they like on the news, because the people who own the news companies also own the politicians, and those people want to keep their dirty dealings secret. So the reality is closer to “If it was true, they couldn’t say it on the news.” Anyone who still gets their information from the mainstream television news is not gonna make it.

You think the brain generates consciousness.

The entire mainstream academic establishment will tell you that the brain generates consciousness, and therefore the death of the physical body entails the extinction of consciousness, and therefore life is meaningless. This is despite the fact that the greatest of all scientists, such as Plato, Newton, Schroedinger, Bruno and Planck, believed the exact opposite.

The truth is that our great war is a spiritual war. The idea that the brain generates consciousness is otherwise known as the big lie of our age, because it enslaves people with the despair of nihilism. This is why people who believe the brain generates consciousness so often die deaths of despair – if life is meaningless, why engage with it? The divine is completely absent from the lives of such people.

Anyone who thinks the brain generates consciousness is simply not gonna make it.

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ed6441  No.241855


Like I told another anon here, two things you need to be thinking about and doing, ASAP.

You need to be drawing a LINE IN THE SAND, that's basically a term for what you will never tolerate no matter how bad things are going to get, see this: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/239540.html

And you need to be preparing for the worst case scenarios: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/233150.html

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ed6441  No.241858


I'm going to give you a doomsday prepper tip, and although it sounds a bit extremist, this will prove true in the future: the only niggers who survive this are the most violent and hardened ones, the ones who lost their heart, and this really goes for ANYONE. You can't let emotions get to you, you have to accept this is a dangerous world but you do not have to accept what the dangerous world imposes on you. If someone threatens your life, take them out. If someone threatens your family, take them out. If someone threatens your way of life, take them out.

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f6615c  No.241891

>Ideally, a person could sit down for an entire evening and read a book, not needing external input

but books are external input, at least if you didn't write them yourself

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024e2d  No.241956


>If you had shitty parents, you will have one advantage in the coming age of the world: you will have already lost faith in authority. Most people who grew up with decent parents blindly trust what they’re told by authority figures,

No that means you and your parents are low iq sissies. If you don't trust authority you have good parents. If you do trust it then you are normiescum.

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4c82c3  No.242180


A stable society needs control MORON! You need structure. You can't have that when every conscious person are making personal decisions. If we, the idiot scummy Public could make the decisions than we'd live in absolute chaos. People need a leader. Why do you think religion was so popular? Now that religion is dying people turn to fucking celebrities and people who yell at video games on YouTube. The best thing we had to a real leader was Trump….but modern Americans are pretty fucking stupid.

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0c1139  No.242397

File: 9869a92f43f8988⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2508x1504, 627:376, 9869a92f43f898816315470e47….jpg)

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>the greatest of all scientists, such as Plato, Newton, Schroedinger, Bruno and Planck, believed the exact opposite.

could you possibly provide quotes proving this?

I know I'm being lazy, but if you already have them compiled that would be excellent.

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cf2807  No.242700


>If we, the idiot scummy Public could make the decisions than we'd live in absolute chaos.

True, but for the most part that's the world we've had for a long time now and it's worked out OK (at least for the most part). People shouldn't have to cling to leaders or be told what to do. That just makes your nation a nanny state full of sissies. Of-course authority is supposed to crackdown on crime and corruption too, but THAT is what we lack today big time: authority doing their job and reigning in corruption and crime! That can cause absolute chaos too. There is a balance between having freedom and authority. You can have and enjoy freedom but you have to have authority to crackdown on those who abuse a free society for exploitation and nefarious purposes. This is what America really seems to lack understanding today, a common sense balance.

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cf2807  No.242701


It's real sad that we can no longer trust authority. The reason that is is because they abused their power and are not doing the jobs they were hired to do in the first place: to stop crime and crackdown on corrupt actors.

Even in a free country there needs to be some level of authority to stop bad actors. But when authority behave like bad actors and are criminally negligent or outright subverted, that too becomes a serious problem. The problem we face today is exactly that and why we can no longer trust them. They deserve that lost of trust honestly. Very sad.

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ba9974  No.242731


> /FIT/ Diet pic

Nice but there is one thing on that list that really needs to be excluded and that is canola oil! Canola oil may be cheap but it is highly toxic the way they mass produce that shit. I've used the stuff to outright kill ant colonies I kid you not. Canola oil is as toxic as you can get when it comes to mass production!

For that reason I prefer using coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. I like to have a balanced diet too, always have meat and a side of green vegetables. I add spices to my vegetables like fresh chopped garlic and ginger root. Sometimes I'll cook eggs with some butter and toast. Fruits for snacks during the daytime.

Besides canola oil, here are a few other ingredients that are highly toxic: anything with nitrites or nitrates added, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup or sodium benzoate. If any foods contain that stuff do not buy them. If your at a local farmers market, always inquire if the local farmers use any of those preservatives! Also inquire if they use glyphosate for their crops too! If they do, don't buy from them. Find someone who strictly grows organic. Some do, some do not.

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ffe618  No.244194

>If you can’t meditate in silence for at least ten minutes, you’re not gonna make it.

I often meditate in silence, thinking about a multitude of ways I'm likely going to be killed and so will my family and God only knows who else when SHTF.

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db47ee  No.244392


>avoid animal fat, consume canola oil instead


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e3cf7d  No.244452


That's fine. The important thing is to observe such thoughts without judgment.

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0f70a5  No.252460

2 scoops!

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