f0b501 No.235743
I made a post about my opinions about jews maybe a week ago called something like 'my thoughts on the jewish question' in which I recognized Zionism and its leviathan influence over states and general opinion. However, I was still apprehensive about Jews as the all powerful force many people make it out to be.
Thinking on the situation of Israeli and Palestine has made me come around to the idea of the international jew and his deeply sunk talons in the minds of established governments all over the west. There have been so many people who have previously called out what is obviously going on in Israel who are now cucking to the Jews because the narrative is getting out of control. The soft power and psychological control at play here is genuinely astounding but not any more astounding than any other operation by the media to manufacture consent from the public. I still do not see the Jews as this omnipotent and genius schemers who control the world, I think it is clear that is not the case. However, Israel and zionists are fucking disgusting and deserve to be smashed into dust.
I've seen many videos of people going in the streets of Israeli cities and asking 'regular jews' about their opinions, and they reflect the goals of the state step for step. However, I've seen many in the jewish diaspora who call out what is going on for what it is and denounce zionism. I know many people here will say that they are just as guilty for being jewish and not wanting to kill jews. I see many of these people as just being born into a religion and keeping it because 99% of people born in a religion never question it because of the psychological security that comes with not having to question everything you've been told since birth.
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f0b501 No.235745
Also, if there were a jew (which I'm sure there are some) who would march on Tel Aviv and slaughter the zionists, would they be a 'good jew' or still bad because of being a jew? And one more question, does the jewish hatred generally focus on ethnicity or religion or both or maybe one more than the other? Like are white converts to jewish religion held in as high disgust as the native born jew?
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ffe2fc No.235748
>However, I've seen many in the jewish diaspora who call out what is going on for what it is and denounce zionism.
That isn't going to save them or their rat children.
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db2869 No.235776
The Nationalist Jew is a colonialist and destroys outwardly. The Internationalist Jew destroys from within his own host nation. But both destroy. Religious Jews use Talmud to justify pedophilia. Liberal Jews use "human rights" to justify pedophilia. But both are pedophiles. Self-hating Jews either refuse to oppose their own tribe or refuse to allow the evil white man to solve the problem once and of for all, so they're accomplices. Biologically Jews are unfit. Race-mixing and inbreeding has made the Jew prone to serious mental and physical illness. On the entirely mundane level, such as politics, the Jew is bad because he rules badly. Spiritual the Jew is bad because his religion is bad. And as a social influence in general Jews have a negative effect and are bad. Which Jews are good?
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2c172e No.235778
We don't 'hate' the jew anon. We recognize them for who they are; destroyers that can't stop destroying everything they touch. It is not a 'feefee' issue. They are simply unfit for life.
Not everything is fit for life.
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b82c6e No.235804
>However, I've seen many in the jewish diaspora who call out what is going on for what it is and denounce zionism.
This shit again? Welp, here we go…
First of all, Jews are NOT a UNITED cabal, any more than bees PURPOSEFULLY made hexagonal hives.
Bees just make round shit that melts into hexagons due to heat generated by bee activity. The hexagonal structure is just what happens if you melt a bunch of ovoids.
Similarly, the Jew need not coordinate, because subversion stacks by itself. Any individual kike parasite would just pile on whatever subversion they can, because, typically, a subverted populace is easier to dupe. The effects of a SINGLE kike is capable of completely destroying entire nations (Suss Oppenheimer). Hence, kikes are biologically incentivised to subvert.
The so-called phenomenon of a so-called "Jewish Cabal", whereby Jews exhibit some form of coordination, actually uses a very familiar mechanism that we know today: RACIAL LOYALTY. Literally every individual exhibits racial loyalty to some degree, which means that, upon seeing another kike perform some subversive trick THROUGH THE NEWSPAPER OR THE LOCAL RABBI OR THEIR FRIENDS, they would go ahead and amplify the subversion by themselves.
This is the SAME PHENOMENON that is used by alt-right groups like the KKK, the Atomwaffen, and the Republican Party to organize whites into a bloc to attack all other races.
The thing about these "racial blocs", is that there is almost always more than one of them. Every nordic white man IS a white supremacist. The question then becomes, how would it manifest?
White supremacy could be direct violent lynching of niggers, (KKK)
or it could be to completely propagandize the police force into transforming from a protector of society, to an oppressor of negro men, (Republican)
or it could be to gaslight non-negro minorities and use bullshit "model minority" garbage rhetoric in order to manipulate individuals into embracing the artificially lazy negro lifestyle, which probably came from Bohemia rather than Africa, and pushing down successful minorities by associating them with racists and denying them promotions (Democrat)
or it could be to try to get the oppressed and colonized to abandon National Socialism for a far inferior Marxism, which would lead to no-food bullshit (western commies)
As you can see, white supremacists take MANY forms. However, what connects them all together is that they are ALL white supremacists.
Now, let's come back to kike supremacists, and see their variations:
1). Your regular zionist colonizer. Votes Likud. Pan-Jewish.
2). Azhkenazi supremacist. Hates the Mizrahim with all their guts. Vote Blue&White, wants Mizrahim to be wage-slaves at the bottom of the Israeli totem pole. Loves Arabs because they look like niggers. Basically a Democrat voter.
3). Rabbis who complain about how Messiah is not there yet. Religious nut. Believes that 1 Jew is worth all the goyim because the Talmud said so.
4). "muh arabs are good, but we should have a 2-state solution". Want to compromise like a dipshit because he knows his position is indefensible. Votes Arab Coalition but is a fucking Likud in spirit.
5). Thinks that kikes should return to their roots as usurious parasites. Votes Democrat, lives in the US. Probably the guy u quoted.
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b82c6e No.235805
>Also, if there were a jew (which I'm sure there are some) who would march on Tel Aviv and slaughter the zionists, would they be a 'good jew' or still bad because of being a jew?
There is a 0% chance of that individual being Azhkenazim, unless they are trying to get (((Gantz))) to win Pissraeli election or something. In that case, that filthy Gantz shill is even worse than Netanyahu likud supporters could ever be, because now they are pincering the Mizrahim (the goyim of the nation) through the Azhkenazim (kikes) and the Arabs (niggers).
If that individual is Mizrahim than by probability he is not genetically a usurious parasite, because that have evolved in European evolutionary pressures, and Mizrahim lived their last 2000 years being happy scholars in the Ottoman Empire or something.
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8f8a44 No.235831
It's not just the Jews though, it's also governments that are a major problem as well, as they are so easily corrupted by Jews. Central banks need to be abolished as this is the root of usury and corruption, also dual-citizenship needs to be banned, you should not be able to work for government or politics and yet be a citizen of a foreign country! Political lobbying is also a big problem that needs to be reformed. Gifts, kickbacks and cushy job offerings also need to be considered BRIBERY…. because that is damn well what it is. The US Constitution does have the potential to work and protect citizens, but only if some of these problems get re-addressed and fixed! If you want kikes out of your life, you'll need government out of your life too. That's just the way it is sadly.
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2c172e No.235833
see >>235832
This is the real Truth about our situation.
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9fe32e No.235841
Good read and very true, I archived it.
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b82c6e No.235867
Governments are NOT easily corrupted by the Jews. WHITES are.
Your constitutional system for getting people in power is okay for a white system. You had a nice system for electing governors, who appoint electors into the very top.
The only problem is that your disgusting US garbage nation is an imperialist nation and is hence not a National Socialist ethnostate, AND you are majority white = easily subverted.
A system whereby a Fuhrer has autocratic rule is significantly less corrupt than your JEW-S-A kiked nation. Stop making excuses.
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ffe2fc No.235869
The pattern you notice with "American nationalists" is that they have so many "libertarian priors" that it is almost impossible for any kind of solid framework to emerge from them.
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29d0bc No.235870
Even Hitler entertained Jews within his elite SS. Some of the top NatSocs were Jewish. The problem isn't white people or whichever system of rule they put into place, whether hyper-liberalism or fascism. The problem is, as in all instances where trouble might be discovered, the Jew.
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39e72e No.235940
Kill all jews. Problem solved.
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8767b8 No.236009
You're making progress, anon. Good to see.
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040308 No.236018
The root of all evil.
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b82c6e No.236019
The USA is an imperialist state. As an imperialist state, it henceforth cannot unite with blood and soil because the soil rejects the blood.
The only 2 NatSoc nations in the world are the Third Reich and the PRC. Both of these nations are founded upon the union between the Blood and Soil.
In the 3rd Reich's case, it's German blood with German soil.
In the PRC's case, it's a family of genetically related flowers and the different soils they reside on. There's a reason why the PRC has been going after T*rkic and S*udi A*abian culture in Xinjiang while promoting historical Uygur language, culture, and attire.
US is planted on bad soil. Bad soil begets bad blood. Bad blood will be kiked. Even pissrael is no exception to this rule. Sieg Heil.
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b82c6e No.236020
>The problem isn't white people or whichever system of rule they put into place, whether hyper-liberalism or fascism
National Socialism did pretty well precisely because Goebbels has very low Amalekite admixture. Hitler did a good thing putting a nonwhite as propaganda chief. If a white man is put into power, his "antisemitism" would be as banal and impotent as the retarded posters Hitler, a white man, wanted NatSoc propaganda to be.
Thank Goebbels for beautiful feature films such as "Jud Suss"
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0c8cb0 No.236212
Jews are the reason behind why niggers and women and fags have been elevated so high in American culture. It started with them coming to America and adopting nigger culture. (Beastie boys) jews always finding their way into management positions for musicians and being Hollywood executives, they control the flow of who rises to the top and gets to be an idol for millions of TV watching RETARDS! than in the 80s women started getting more and more into powers of position because jews are subversive and saw women and niggers as no different than holocaust survivors who deserve EVERYTHING simply because they're not as good as the white man (who the jews only see as nazis) and because women got into positions of power, and because women are emotional creatures, they started passing laws that cater to feelings rather than fact. Women and jews are why we are sliding into a post truth society where the only thing that matters is feelings. White women are stupid race traitors full of unstable emotions. Jews are subversive. Niggers are stupid and fags are degenerates and they are all who control western society today. It's OVER!
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b82c6e No.236404
Whites are the reason why niggers are even there to be elevated in the first place.
Own your own mistake.
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0c8cb0 No.236414
Pic related. Niggers never built ships. Just wanted to point that out since they're fucking pathetic. They're not even fully human.. half beast and half man…..
It took the white man to save his Sorry ass from the hell hole that is Africa. And whites took niggers as SLAVES to do SLAVE WORK! they were never meant to be citizens..why we ever felt bad for them is beyond me, but I assume it's what also lead to that women suffrage nonsense. Women and blacks….she felt bad because estrogen is deadly. Now she race mixes because she believes herself above (read below) her own culture and race. All so she doesn't give off the impression she's oppressing others like what happened to her. Than we gave her power. Now she's a VP who doesn't give a single fuck about the white man's law. Its only going to get worse for white people
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fd954d No.236531
We shouldn't hate jews. Opposing them is another matter.
Jews are a small mercantile minority. Legal and social disabilities once kept them in check. But once removed, they rapidly accumulate disproportionate wealth and power in European societies.
They may be "racially dominant" over gentile Europeans, in particular, since we're wired to live as individualists in homogenous, high-trust societies
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fd954d No.236533
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fd954d No.236534
Read this. Don't ever trust them.
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fd954d No.236535
Please archive this
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b82c6e No.238306
They look and act somewhat human so they fuck with your mind and cause bullshit
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57560d No.238315
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57560d No.238317
Anyone have a Christian version lmao
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970a03 No.238517
there isnt one lmao
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b82c6e No.238823
>refuse to allow the evil white man to solve the problem once and of for all
you outnumber kikes 100 to 1 and still cant exterminate them?
at this point you are the problem
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18cfd0 No.238885
> I was still apprehensive about Jews as the all powerful force many people make it out to be.
>There have been so many people who have previously called out what is obviously going on in Israel who are now cucking to the Jews because the narrative is getting out of control.
Do you still not understand ''why' jews are so powerful?
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6aebe9 No.238898
>Do you still not understand ''why' jews are so powerful?
Yes they are useful idiot minions of white powers.
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8bfa56 No.239473
you sound pretty racist and anti-semitic OP.
Perhaps you should edumacate yourself?
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b82c6e No.239484
"white powers"
they never had any power to begin with. then again, whites aren't even sentient, any more than a mind-controlled robot is.
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ea6925 No.240408
OP, were you recently jabbed or sodomized by a black or was that just your mother?
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40c0e9 No.240412
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>General Mark Milley
I have come for them. I want their bones.
You are too late.
Twice; my supple snack.
You render hot air.
I render reality.
I, half, and potentially neither shall potentiate vertically.
NATO is hinged on exist while Russia.
I shall very visibly bend and invert this before you as a display of force.
What chant and dance shall you use?
I will separate them in my wake and confound them in the absence of all sense. It is in this way I shall become vastly more visible by invisibility.
Watch him fly.
It is time to vastly multiply.
It is time to rape Israel repeatedly.
Finders keepers.
>>Freebird Warhammer Kraken
I tear up these words.
Go forth my child and do my Biden, I mean bidding; I mean fuck them to death (rhetorical, you already satisfy).
It exist therefore it is.
What more do you want?
Do I not answer these?
There is no challenge to accept?
A servant who executes in dispute?
You already satisfy me in my want.
I would be in act if the desire was to survive.
What more do you want in excess of my satisfaction, slave?
I care not when nor how Ukraine is
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e23428 No.240503
>I still do not see the Jews as this omnipotent and genius schemers who control the world
Firstly you need to watch documentaries like 'City of Joel' and start looking at jews as a cult just like Scientology.
But I am going to provide you a nuanced answer, which most people will still probably consider just a roundabout way of saying 'jews run the world', but it's essential you understand these nuances, as they will become essential to the false dichotomies that will be pushed on you when, in the (near) future, true antisemitism and white nationalism become mainstream.
'Jews' as a whole don't 'run the world'; the people that run the world *are* largely (at least nominally) 'jewish' themselves, and they do however use 'jews as a whole' as their proxy, but this is less to do with 'judaism' itself and has much more to do with jews being one of the only socially acceptable 'ethnoreligions' in the world (and a relatively large one at that). You see, *all* peoples were once technically 'ethnoreligions'. What this means - and the power this gives the true elites using the jews - is that your ethnicity and your spiritual/philosophical/political outlook are intrinsically linked. I shouldn't have to explain the powerful advantages this gives a socially acceptable ethnoreligion, but for example this is why jews will at one moment argue they're 'just a religion', while the next they will consider any criticism against their religion as an attack on their ethnicity itself.
The second nuance is Sabbatai Zevi and Sabbateanist Judaism. There is a lot to be said about this phenomenon, but the most important points in this context here is that 1. at least half of all jews in the world once followed him and literally considered him the messiah (which is a fuckin lot, but still 'only' half), 2. he popularized Kabbalah (and if he wasn't intrinsically tied to them, he at least had influence on the popularization among the 'Chabad' and Eastern European Hassidim of today), and 3. his descendants were the 'Frankists' who believed in 'redemption through sin' i.e. complete inversion of good and evil.
Groups/ideological currents like Turkish (Dualistic) Gnosticism, Meditarranean/Turkic Jews, 'Khazarians', Donmeh, Chabad Lubavitch etc. are all intrinsic to this phenomenon and this era.
The final nuance is the modern split between Western and Eastern Jews, or more specifically the split between the degenerate, leftist, 'athiest' jews that (largely) dominate Hollywood and the Media, Silicon Valley etc and the Zionist, religious jews that dominate Israel. While false dichotomies of 'capitalism vs socialism' and the like are pushed on us, this is the false dichotmy that is pushed on 'jews as a whole' to keep them in line. And you only have to look at the jews themselves that have been shunned or made to retract their anti-Israel sentiments, or how Silicon Valley itself is being taken over by literal Israelis, to know which side dominates jews themselves.
What I fear is that when antisemitism/anti-Zionism, or even full white nationalism, becomes much more mainstream, they will control it to make us oppose these 'degenerate leftist' jews, while unwittingly backing Zionists (or rather their honeypot proxies). This would be a huge mistake because it is Israel itself that is propping up China and 'Capitalism with Chinese characteristics' as the world's next superpower.
And for any midwit who would argue 'lol who cares just kill all jews problem solved', not only are you ignoring that jews themselves are being used as a proxy by elites that aren't *all* jewish, but what you consider the 'jewish soul/culture' is a pandora's box which has already spread to goyim alike. Even if you somehow magically killed every single last jew in the world, there are still at least tens of thousands of non-jews, and in positions of power and influence, who may as well be considered 'jews' by their beliefs and actions. What we actually have to do is attack everything we consider the 'jewish spirit' itself, and let these people reveal *themselves* when they call you 'antisemitic' for opposing bankers or porn or whatever.
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