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File: dd93fb4e8d72de2⋯.gif (240 KB, 1570x2232, 785:1116, Africa.gif)

6e789e  No.233844

Here's a map that shows the true size of Africa, it's fucking huge.

As you look at that enormous continent, just think one white country was to much to ask.


It's weird that they'd bring African refugees Europe and Americas when they have so many neighboring countries with plenty of space. .

Imagine what a tourist Mecca that place would be if it wasn't populated by third world savages.


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c42b97  No.233853


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42a446  No.233854

Honestly, the greatest future is to the country that decides to go full leibensraum on Africa first. I dream of the day when a man can get a charter to start a PMC to go in and start conquering Africa. It's the only way forward lads.

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f1b79f  No.233855


When slavery was phase out, the British dumped their negroes in Freetown, Sierra Leone; the Americans sent their's to Monrovia, Liberia; and the French dumped their's in Libreville, Gabon. Under European stewardship, these actually became relatively successful coastal cities. If you were to follow that model today to build a series of "Refugee Towns" in North Africa, you would not only stem the tide of niggers trying to enter Europe, but you also create a new markets to trade with. The initial costs could be offset by loans, but even if they were never paid back, it'd still be cheaper in the long run than trying to house, feed and raise a nigger in any European nation.

The only reason we're not following this model, is because the current leaders of our nations are servile puppets to the zionists who would rather see white people encumbered by the ineptitude of successive waves of niggers unfit for purpose, than to solve the actual problem. If the course isn't corrected Europe can never recover, and the fall will happen hastily. One only needs to look at what befell California, which in the last half of the previous century became the envy of the engineering world featuring the best schools and hosting the greatest companies. Today, we are sadly met with serious plans to eviscerate mathematics for the sin of embodying "white supremacy." (See: https://equitablemath.org). Californians can forget being technology pioneers, they'll barely manage basic infrastructure. Some of you Californias are alright, don't be on any "equitable bridges" in 20 years.

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c42b97  No.233860

File: 5f8a1757df56450⋯.jpg (182.73 KB, 900x896, 225:224, rhodesia_farm_boys_vs_5000….jpg)

File: a8690f87452aedd⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1267x950, 1267:950, rhodesia_White_military.png)


Rhodie time!


We are going to have to reconquer our own nation. Shame really. Someone needs to pay for this betrayal.

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