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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: c597f4e12055dff⋯.png (436.23 KB, 489x774, 163:258, purple_fuhrer.png)

9c324b  No.233121[Last 50 Posts]

TLDR: I'm considering making an internet pronouncement claim to being the new Führer of National Socialism. Wanted the thoughts of my pol bros before I make the move.

Greetings My Fellow Anons, Pol Bros, Shills, Noobs, etc,

I do not come before you tonight lightly or in jest, nor seeking LoLs (though those are important), but rather in all the seriousness of the times we live in.

Many of you may have come to know me on here from my purple text. As purple anon. Or as the shills love to say "purple-fagot". Shills will shill.

I was sitting back just now for yet another session of "What would Uncle Adolf do?", and it hit me all at once that I must take stand. That I must make a move in a direction as a leader for my people.

As you all are aware, we have been psychologically bombed back into the stone age, figuratively. It is not possible to act in person off the internet in ways that were possible before. Therefore, in order to make it possible to act off the internet, I understand that the Führer must be chosen here on the internet in order to make possible an effective in person meetup.

Thus, I am considering laying claim as new Führer of National Socialism, in service to what National Socialism originally was before technology opened up the floodgates to the psychological war on our very souls.

–I will make this decision before the end of the month, after which time, if I decide it is the right thing to do, I will announce myself as Führer. Then will the in person meetups be established with the hierarchy already pre-understood.

They say modesty is a virtue, but so is self confidence, and at some point in your life, it is the right thing, the NOBLE thing to do, to acknowledge your own supremacy in certain fields, if it is true then it is true, no reason to deny it for the sake of modesty.

Few are able to hold themselves in a debate with me; and I owe this power in no small part you my pol brothers who have been a steady friend and guide to me these last 10 years. But with strength comes responsibility, and I am prepared to take on this responsibility to my volk.

Of course, I must talk this decision over with my pol bros first. You anons, are indeed dear to my heart. Shills aside, we do know each other in a way that we would recognize in person when that time finally comes.


I am white and non-jewish without question. Heterosexual, never once tainted with the corruption of heterosexuality. I am about the same age as Uncle Adolf when he made the transition to Führer. And by God's grace I am not an obese neckbeard, but suitable for the observational needs of the volk. Nothing against neckbeards, but I understand the volk won't accept an obese neckbeard as Führer.

That's about it for now. This is a brainstorming thread. Please don't engage shills who just throw insults around in order to derail any productive conversation. You should already know this, but I understand we need to be reminded.

Your Friend,

Purple Anon (maybe soon to be Purple Anon The Führer)

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aba894  No.233122

File: 2dce071abe608c1⋯.jpg (5.12 MB, 3635x2362, 3635:2362, purpleanon_maymay.jpg)

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9c324b  No.233123

File: 4f44bc1def1de94⋯.gif (1006.84 KB, 170x160, 17:16, quiet_then_laughing.gif)


Well, isn't that an embarrassing. I meant to say "heterosexual, never once tainted with the corruption of HOMOSEXUALITY"


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d08d2f  No.233128

I fully support you. The time is right. You have my support to the death. Lead me into any battle, it will be my sacred honor to follow by your side to taste either victory or obliteration in the name of you.

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b582af  No.233133

File: 63a28c4916c80d6⋯.png (32.91 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, white_national_socialist_f….png)


>I fully support you. The time is right. You have my support to the death.


I must retire to sleep, but to maintain the integrity of this thread, I will drop a verification code.

CODE: B1-23K

VERIFY: https://secretagentwars.com/code

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598191  No.233140

File: 9fffaa34ec716c9⋯.png (133.19 KB, 276x462, 46:77, woop_woop.png)


You're dumber than Chris-chan and your LARPing is smiley-tier. You're just too retarded to realize we're all laughing at you.

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54b750  No.233142

Op is right.

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ddcb35  No.233143


>What would Uncle Adolf do?

Lose war, kill self.

Also, Hitler was ELECTED, you fucking knob. He wasn't appointed.

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b1e735  No.233145


LMAO if you lived during Hitler's time you would most likely be the first to betray the white race in the name of the British Empire

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598191  No.233146


OP is a faggot.

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ca3352  No.233149


>It is not possible to act in person off the internet in ways that were possible before.

Yes it is, but you have to go outside and go out in the real world and meet people. There are still plenty of people out there who don't use social media or sit on their asses on a computer all day. I know a few couples around my area who never even had the internet, nor do they care to pay for the service.

But you are right about one thing, if you want to be productive in life, you can't sit on your ass in front of a computer. You have to go out in the real world and do something to better yourself or your own community. If everyone did that the world would be a much better place to live.

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cc2850  No.233152


As an anarchist, I find this amusing to say the least.

Second Führer, meaning guide, is specific to Germanic peoples, it is not something that someone can be unless they are Germanic, BY DNA (and we know you aren't). One does not declare themselves 'leader' (properly guide) because you haven't earned either our respect or fear (or properly our loyalty)…I suppose it won't hurt to LARP but honestly you have to be sort of messed up in the head to think that you can declare yourself a 'guide' for people who don't love, trust or respect you.

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9b4625  No.233158

The jew lusts for power, he cant help himself

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92fcf9  No.233178




AND "STRIKER !!!!"………

thethreeinsecure little men of pnd

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51b690  No.233179


you're starting to grow on me

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92fcf9  No.233180


THIS POST WAS CREATED BY "MARSHMALLOW SALLY", the morbidly obese effeminate closet homosexual


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92fcf9  No.233181


Yesterday, I learned that the online nicknames of thethreeguys in /pnd/



and "Marshmallow Sally"

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92fcf9  No.233182


Freudian Slip, but not in a jewish Freud way

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334f23  No.233184

give me a break

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92fcf9  No.233185

File: b781c20ac2221c4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1709, 1080:1709, PicsArt_05_17_11_13_18.png)

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92fcf9  No.233187

File: 2e4654c7c1a022d⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1709, 1080:1709, PicsArt_05_17_11_11_11.png)

I am LAVENDER KIKE™ and I have elected myself to be THE LEADER of something.

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92fcf9  No.233188

File: 97bf1155ae4ab8d⋯.jpg (131.05 KB, 1196x1594, 598:797, detail_2x.jpg)


assclown sideshow nigger

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92fcf9  No.233189

File: 807070812d36991⋯.jpg (192.65 KB, 1196x1595, 1196:1595, detail_2x_1_.jpg)


the BIG SHOW, and his embarrassing delusions of grandeur

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92fcf9  No.233190

File: 4070bb3dbc5cffc⋯.jpg (276.46 KB, 1080x1709, 1080:1709, PicsArt_05_17_11_26_08.jpg)

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92fcf9  No.233191

File: 6557fca288fa917⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, PicsArt_05_17_11_32_32.png)

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92fcf9  No.233192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hint : it's YOU

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105099  No.233193

Hey Johnny, have you read the latest INTEL report yet?

Karl Marx Running The US Stock Market As Killcen Warned Of Impending WWIII Outcome From Unknown


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cc2850  No.233194


As his handler I would expect he is growing on you.

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2b1926  No.233195


honestly ? no, not yet

but I will, I assure you

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92fcf9  No.233196

File: 67233d31ae4d684⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 800x600, 4:3, nail_fungus321.jpg)

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105099  No.233197


ONE THING: were YOU the one that posted that warning on here to me, with that Youtube link about a greater threat than nuclear war? Are YOU the unknown?

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cc2850  No.233198


That is really what bothers me about this anon and OP. He only thinks of himself never of us as a people (which of course since he is not German this is no real surprise). He lusts after power rather than seeking what is best for us as a people (no leaders/rulers).

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105099  No.233199


I've actually had this happen to my toe nails before, it happens when I wear boots a lot in the summer, often I just rip the dead toe nails right off - and NO, it doesn't even hurt, you can't feel them at all anymore once dead! And YES, they do grow back once ripped off. No big deal.

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105099  No.233200


Actually, the best way to rip the dead toenails off is to allow them to stay dead for a while, as they will loosen from the skin, that way, there is very little skin attached, therefore you won't even feel it.

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2b1926  No.233202


Yes, that was me…….

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105099  No.233203

IF the dead toenails are still attached to the skin, yes it will hurt… so if someone has dead toenails on this board, now you know, let them loosen up, enough to easily wiggle, and then you can simply 'peel' them off with no pain.

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105099  No.233205


And YES… they do actually grow back after that, you don't need a doctor, it's not scientific, in fact, it's ancient hiker knowledge.

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92fcf9  No.233206

File: 1580605fd63b5a8⋯.jpg (178.02 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_05_17_11_49_44.jpg)

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105099  No.233207

Did you learn something from me today Johnny?

Hope you did, because it can save you a lot of money and hassle if you have a dead toenail.

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92fcf9  No.233208


RE : hiker

you either misspelled HITLER or STRIKER

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92fcf9  No.233209


the toenail is pnd

the fungus is me

and OP is a faggot

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105099  No.233210

Here is the latest thread - not an article - but SHTF thread: >>233150

If you are a prepper who has tips or wants to learn how to prep, even on a low budget, this thread is for you!

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92fcf9  No.233211

File: 4cde576182c165f⋯.jpg (177.28 KB, 1080x1438, 540:719, PicsArt_05_17_11_54_14.jpg)

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2b1926  No.233212


but I'm having a bowel movement at the moment

(thank the lucky stars for smartphones)

do I have to do it RIGHT NOW?

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92fcf9  No.233214

nothing SCREAMS "100% heterosexual leadership"

…….like a lavender fedora…….

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92fcf9  No.233215


all the prepping I'll ever need

took place in my mind

in 1975

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92fcf9  No.233217


If ypu TRULY want to be the Purple Führer….

you're going to need to inject methamphetamine

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105099  No.233218


Waco was the event that made me wake up to how corrupt the system really is. It was the threat of Y2K that made me think about becoming a prepper and taking action to save myself the trouble during a SHTF event. While nothing came of Y2K, I am still very glad I have prepped, because I saved A TON of money doing so over the years! I bought many things for 1/5th the price they are valued now days! Example: I got shotguns that cost me under $200 that are worth at least $500 today! I got tons of buckshots for them, I recall paying 99 cents per 5 shells! Today they are selling for $10 per 5 shells!

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92fcf9  No.233219


ALSO: we will need photographic verification that you were born with only one testicle

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92fcf9  No.233220


I prepared for Y2K by purchasing a discount purple fedora

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92fcf9  No.233221


Today, that same fedora is given away free

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105099  No.233223

BY THE WAY: Bill Gates was just BTFO again. Recently I ordered another quarter cow to add to my box freezer, as I want to stock up more beef! It's in the processing plant right now, being chopped up to my preferred selection! I told them they better give me ALL the liver + throw in some extra too, as I love liver and onions!

Bill Gates will NEVER take my liver and onions!

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92fcf9  No.233224


HINT : that's a unanimous "NO"

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105099  No.233225

One of the BEST recipes EVER…..

Make a creamy rue out of the liver blood. In another skillet, fry some non-nitrite bacon (or uncured pork belly) up. Then chop the bacon or belly into strips and add it to the creamy rue! Then top the liver and onions with the rue!

It is to die for. Simply healthy, and at the same time, delicious! Even french food can't touch that!

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92fcf9  No.233228


It's not all bad news…..

I heard that /bellybuttonlint/ is looking for a Chancellor

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249940  No.233229


Funny, I just gave you the benefit-of-the-doubt to assume you meant you didn't turn heterosexual desire into full on-blown degeneracy (i.e., banging every hood rat to walk by).

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92fcf9  No.233230


Yummy !!!

Everybody knows how HEALTHY it is to eat ORGANS….

Especially the liver, which traps all the POISONS AND TOXINS from the blood….

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249940  No.233231


> rue


Or are you just THAT anti-French?

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249940  No.233232



>but I'm having a bowel movement at the moment


>(thank the lucky stars for smartphones)

Anon folks like you are literally the ONE reason I NEVER go anywhere WITHOUT my portable 1984 mike & cam oppression device FULLY CHARGED.

I am TERRIFIED I will have to borrow somebody's phone and….shutter……have that screen close by (sicky face)

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92fcf9  No.233233

File: e98198f309492a5⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1034, 540:517, PicsArt_05_17_12_28_59.png)

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105099  No.233234

While they're going to keeping handing over free money…. spend wisely before the US Dollar faces hyperinflation!


Seriously folks, time to invest in REAL HARD assets. If I get something like this, I'm going to buy a huge nut, washer and bolt assortment kit (I currently am running low on 2" to 4" bolts). Have plenty of big ones, and smaller ones salvaged over the years. I got plenty of lag bolts too. I really need some 2" 2¼" 2½" 2¾" 3" 3¼" 3½" 3¾" 4" bolts with the nuts and washers! The more the better! And with lumber prices rising, maybe get a few more 2x4s, 2x6s, 4x4s and 6x6s for the wood shed!

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334f23  No.233235


give it a rest

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92fcf9  No.233236

File: e6b3937140b94b8⋯.png (942.13 KB, 1338x1080, 223:180, PicsArt_05_17_12_35_10.png)

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105099  No.233238


I spent the entire day yesterday adding on and expanding a chicken coup (when it was raining too!) I really know what I need when I have to take a drive all the way down to a Dicky Bub to get specialty items. That can happen so I need to look around for a solution to the issue. An assortment kit for bolts would be wonderful.

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92fcf9  No.233242

File: ba79c755d445400⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1795x1080, 359:216, PicsArt_05_17_12_44_26.png)

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92fcf9  No.233243


It took you an entire day to cook some chicken soup?

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92fcf9  No.233245

File: 52673afa9cb0311⋯.jpg (192.41 KB, 1080x1220, 54:61, PicsArt_05_17_12_50_55.jpg)

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c57e97  No.233247

File: e4250dd905de2f7⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 780x300, 13:5, 000520_000000_780x300.jpg)


More like Dickey Bub, I spelled it wrong.


From scratch? It just might take me half a day.

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92fcf9  No.233249

File: 85eb2f43c38373f⋯.png (441.48 KB, 1395x1080, 31:24, PicsArt_05_17_12_56_53.png)


Wunderbar !!

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92fcf9  No.233250


try /asifafedorawasntalreadyembarrassingenoughyouchoseagoddamnpurplefedora/

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92fcf9  No.233251


So you're between Dutzow and Three Creeks?

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92fcf9  No.233253


So you're between High Gate and Lanes Prairie?

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92fcf9  No.233254

Because that Dickey Bub is in Rollo

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92fcf9  No.233256


as in: rolla doobie and relax, Killcen

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92fcf9  No.233257

I'm guessing you're about 8 miles outside of Vienna Missouri

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92fcf9  No.233258

I used to have some friends in Vienna Missouri

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92fcf9  No.233259

I'd always take 63 to get to Vienna

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92fcf9  No.233260

yeah, I'm guessing you're 8 miles SOUTH of Vienna

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92fcf9  No.233262

How far are you from the gasconade river?

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92fcf9  No.233266

File: fca808857de8c2c⋯.png (184.32 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210517_132148.png)

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92fcf9  No.233272

File: 8fabd17482259ce⋯.png (742.42 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210517_132641.png)

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92fcf9  No.233273

File: b51d87ad8ea18ed⋯.png (755.09 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210517_133135.png)

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c57e97  No.233277



Sorry, not giving any more info out other than rural Missouri. It's pretty tucked away, if you were to appear here, you would not have a clue where you were. You'd be driving down some old gravel roads and then onto junctions to find out.

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b2ccc9  No.233375

File: 82cc0bdbfc87781⋯.png (693.64 KB, 797x880, 797:880, purple_anon.png)


I would like to thank you for your replies and support, and LoLs at the expense of my purple fedora. The need for LoLs is not to be underestimated; more on that later.

I am not able to make a full reply today, but I plan on posting an official video response to you all tomorrow.

I will mention in passing however, the question of whether I am German. I am German. My family hails from Baden. Sorry to disappoint the naysayers.

However, it's important to know that you need not be a German to be a National Socialist. Germany was merely the most recent nation to carry the pregnancy of National Socialism, which is the natural and original form of the world order. You could call it THE OLD WORLD ORDER, in comparison to the new world order our enemy is trying to establish.

Stay tuned for my video post tomorrow, where I will appear to you in the visual form. Hail Hitler.

Here is a song to inspire you in the meantime:https://youtu.be/mbYhEPBHzi8


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7650ef  No.233377


At least use Bodhi's real pics.


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cc2850  No.233379


>which is the natural and original form of the world order

jewish government is about as unnatural as it gets anon. There is nothing natural about (((government))) at all. The sooner the idea is destroyed in your own mind the better.

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b1e735  No.233383


>However, it's important to know that you need not be a German to be a National Socialist. Germany was merely the most recent nation to carry the pregnancy of National Socialism, which is the natural and original form of the world order. You could call it THE OLD WORLD ORDER, in comparison to the new world order our enemy is trying to establish.

Imma bet $10000 that this purple Jew won't support PRC despite PRC doing everything in the NatSoc playbook

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535e91  No.233390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Harden yourselves for psychological battle, Dorothy anons. Because Kansas is going bye bye.

Embed Related: "We are soldiers."


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6edae3  No.233391

File: eff2f2eaceac1bf⋯.jpg (29.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, l_e28917_3_hr.jpg)


The olfactory bulb, which transmits signals from the sensory neurons to the brain, connects directly to the amygdala and hippocampus in our brains. The amygdala is believed to have a key role in processing emotions, while the hippocampus helps you form new memories and is also associated with emotions. Smell is the only sense that has a direct connection to these sections of the brain. All other sensory input first travels to the thalamus before reaching the memory processing centers. Therefore, smell has a more powerful impact on memory than the other senses. Not only does smell have a tight relationship with memories, but smelling something can trigger an emotional response related to the memory, without bringing up the memory. There is also a notable entity among our friendly flora OP: A plant offering countless health benefits, sage is an herb as old as time. And while it’s commonly used in cooking, the herb has been heavily utilized in medicine and even spirituality as well. Some of the more recent studies on sage indicate that the herb can improve memory and even possibly prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

The study, published in the June 2003 Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, looked at the effects of sage on memory recall tests. The researchers used 45 individuals in two groups; one group received a placebo while others received sage essential oil at dosages between 50 and 150 microls. Following the administration, memory tests were given. Even those who were given the smallest amount of sage oil saw notable memory improvements. The study abstract concluded: “The 50 μl dose of Salvia essential oil significantly improved immediate word recall in both studies. These results represent the first systematic evidence that Salvia is capable of acute modulation of cognition in healthy young adults.” Another study conducted that same year indicated compounds within Chinese sage could offer an alternative to pharmaceutical Alzheimer’s disease treatments. Professor Peter Houghton presented findings at the 2003 British Pharmaceutical Conference that showed isolated compounds in sage acted as acetylcholinesterase (AchE) inhibitors, similar to prescription drug solutions.

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a1b7e2  No.233449


Why was I banned on KC?

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96bead  No.233451


Sage and global report all Barney LARP spam

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c44ad1  No.233565

not even spencer is this much of a faggot

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632f44  No.233710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As promised, I will now appear in the visual form. Embed related.

Special mentions in the video for these anons:





Alternate Ways to View

OFF YOUTUBE LINK: https://secretagentwars.com/thread-video-purple-anon-the-fuhrer

YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/rddA6rzdfHM

DIRECT VIDEO LINK: https://secretagentwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/i_am_purple_anon_1.mp4


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4b0000  No.233715

File: 59805b7d687fe88⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 469x452, 469:452, Least_rare_shooter_pepe.jpg)

>glowie shills ITT

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7a2031  No.233721


Dooooo it, namefag - put that bullseye on your back.

I can't wait for fagbot to respond to your video.

We may get our lolz giving you shit - but you seem like a genuine NatSoc brother. Hail victory ✋

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677a26  No.233731


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c3c836  No.233766

File: 5db826f003f9afa⋯.jpg (33.05 KB, 495x640, 99:128, how_the_jews_betrayed_mank….jpg)


Well 'male anon', (if there are any males on /pnd/), that was amusing if not very satisfying. You made me laugh : ) but essentially you are simply talking about (((globalism))) under the flag of National Socialism, a very jewish agenda. I don't want globalism, unless it is ethnoglobalism at which point we can do away with government all together as it will be totally unnecessary. Why you want to continue with kike bullshit, 'muh government', is beyond me. If you wanted globalism, lets just go with ethnoglobalism.

Also, not wrong about Anarcho-Homicidalism at all. It is the total end of (((slavery))). And I wouldn't accept National Socialism as a parting gift when I could have the total end of slavery forever. The way AH is enforced is that every individual who tries to have power (enslave) anyone is murdered, by any man, woman or child who can reach them until we have eugenically purged that characteristic of the desire for slavery from humanity.

We engineer humanity to make slavery a zero sum game. That is the only REAL answer to any of this mess. You seem to want to continue to beat your head against a concrete wall because 'that is what we have always done'. Repetition doesn't mean SHIT in reality. Just because you can successfully 'repeat a pattern' doesn't make it correct. Look at the errors endemic in our current social construct that are just repeated mindlessly by domesticated (NPC) humanity.

Finding the best path is the only way to really make progress or be productive as a species. You are a fan of enslavement because you think it is going to be different when you are the slavemaster…and SURE it is going to be different FOR YOU, but not for us. Anyone who agrees with you, agrees to be a willing slave. I am done with that. But if you can talk people into willing slavery then IDK what to say. This is your right to do so.

To me you are just as much of a legitimate target as anyone in power now, just as much of a hinderance to real human progress, just as much of a danger as any kike on the planet. Sharing is caring.

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c3c836  No.233767


*Also, not right

I edited the shit out of that and didn't proof it

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334f23  No.233775


made it 15 seconds in

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c3c836  No.233778


soooo longer than while viewing porn.

I think purple might be onto something if he can keep your attention that long.

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fff5d9  No.233791


>kike in Soros costume



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fff5d9  No.233793


this is a kike.

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a1b7e2  No.233863


it's well done tho

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c3c836  No.233866




The planet has a very short future since you want to kill all kikes and now everyone's a kike.

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5e3a42  No.233867


mossad pls go

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09751b  No.233874


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f986e2  No.233891

File: 0df9e3536f2eceb⋯.jpg (635.91 KB, 1726x1319, 1726:1319, NatSoc_Civil_War.jpg)

File: 2ea7b6d3f6f2ada⋯.gif (217.88 KB, 300x100, 3:1, adolf_salute.gif)



VIDEO: https://secretagentwars.com/thread-video-purple-anon-the-fuhrer


National Socialist Brothers. It's time to make a move outside of this thread.

Use a junk email to contact me at email above.

I've already had one in-person meetup with a NatSoc brother from here. We met at a Trump Rally.

I'm also open to webcam chat. We've got to get something going.

It's really not that scary to make the transition from internet to real life.


With basic precautions, there is nothing to fear because we're doing nothing illegal.

Unless you are on the "No Good Jews" side of the NatSoc Civil war: See Thread: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/219660.html

If you are, then you are not welcome. We are in a state of civil war with the "No Good Jews" people. Half of them are bad jews or bads Turks Larping as exagerated evil nazis.


The plan is to create a debate club, if possible in person, or if far apart than virtually; and from there build a brotherhood. And from there separate ourselves from the "No Good Jews" subverted nazis, and from there win back the hearts and minds of our volk who thought all nazis were the same. And from there rebuild the reputation of National Social and rebuild our homelands.



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09751b  No.233893

File: 0df72038f496df2⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 474x288, 79:48, .jpg)


count me….in?

am i good bros?

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c3c836  No.233894


>"No Good Jews" people

whew…relief 4 me.

Good luck with your Führer boys.

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ea5c29  No.233980


>jew doubles

>putting words in my mouth

>trying to manipulate group opinion dishonestly

not everyone's a kike, but you are.


you like his gay purple costume faggot?

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ea5c29  No.233981


>we are at war with the "No Good Jews" people.

kike confirmed

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c3c836  No.233994


>not everyone's a kike, but you are.

has no idea what ID's are. ok fag.

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96bead  No.234032

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a1b7e2  No.234042

File: 62024c27164c427⋯.png (752.01 KB, 678x452, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>purple costume faggot?

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1605c3  No.234403

File: fdacac9d6088a40⋯.jpg (424.18 KB, 3000x1022, 1500:511, purple_byzantine.jpg)


>purple costume faggot?

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b882d5  No.234406


scarcity =/= royalty

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e0d6f5  No.234718

File: 810c656fa196fd2⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1395x1970, 279:394, 6_4_2021_purple_anon_natso….png)

File: e9145954ac72b08⋯.png (9.63 MB, 2825x3566, 2825:3566, 6_4_2021_purple_anon_natso….png)

Alright. I've made the decision. Thought I'd tell you about it in this thread first and get your final thoughts before I make a new thread for this event.


If you missed the first half of this thread, then check this video here first: https://secretagentwars.com/thread-video-purple-anon-the-fuhrer

EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream Speech: Renew & Unite the White National Socialist Party

DATE:June 4, 2021

TIME:8:00 PM USA Eastern Time, 2 HOUR SPEECH

LOCATION:Virtual BurgerBrauKeller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

VIRTUAL DOORS OPEN:starting at 4 PM USA Eastern Time

I'm going to announce myself officially in this live stream speech event via Twitch.TV. Taking place in a VIRTUAL version of the BurgerBrauKeller.


The speech will be modeled on the February 27, 1925 National Socialist meeting in the real BurgerBrauKeller: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%BCrgerbr%C3%A4ukeller#/media/File:Hitlerplakat27.02.25.jpg

It was at this meeting that Adolf Hitler Re-established the German National Socialist party in his first speech after getting out of prison.

The livestream speech will have the same theme to unify National Socialists and put an end to our divisions (even my divisions with the 'Good Jews Don't Exist' crowd, I'll try to mend).

I will place myself before the viewing public as a choice for the Fuhrer of the party, to propose that I be given "a personal army" among the 8pol volk for a one year period of time in which to demonstrate myself as a leader. And if after 1 year I have not fulfilled your expectations, then I would resign and let another try to lead. This is the same thing Adolf Hitler proposed to the National Socialists at his meeting back in 1925.

Pic Related: 2 fliers for the live-stream speech, also modeled on the original flier for the 1925 meeting.

If you want to support me, or merely want to support the spirit of the event, then please let other anons know and show them one of these fliers.

I'll see you June 4th, 2021; and maybe the sprit of February 27, 1925 will be with us.

Sieg Heil



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b882d5  No.234722


Obviously I won't be attending…but 2 hours anon? I mean, are you sure about that? Why not do a shorter introduction to your followers?

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ed203f  No.234727

File: 32db2f53fa09169⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1395x1970, 279:394, 6_4_2021_purple_anon_natso….png)


>Obviously I won't be attending…

"obviously" . You've mastered being a dick anon. I'm sure you've mastered little else.

>but 2 hours anon? I mean, are you sure about that? Why not do a shorter introduction to your followers?

Uncle Adolf spoke for 2 hours at the 1925 meeting. I have plenty to say, and I'm a good speaker; so it shouldn't be a problem for me to match his 2 hours.


EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream Speech: Renew & Unite the White National Socialist Party

DATE:June 4, 2021

TIME:8:00 PM USA Eastern Time, 2 Hour Speech

LOCATION:Virtual BurgerBrauKeller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

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84b42e  No.234749

File: 47cc9defbaa6d50⋯.png (9.63 MB, 2825x3566, 2825:3566, 6_4_2021_purple_anon_natso….png)


I'm actually so confident in my ability to deliver a Hitler-tier speech, that I'll make you this deal.

If, on June 4, I don't deliver an obviously inspiring speech worthy of comparison to Adolf Hitler, thenI will never post on this board ever again.

I have been meditating on Adolf Hitler's spirit for the last 15 years. I KNOW how to give a speech. I have zero nervousness issues. I only wish it could be in person, but that'll come later.

EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream Speech: Renew & Unite the White National Socialist Party

DATE:June 4, 2021

TIME:8:00 PM USA Eastern Time, 2 Hour Speech

LOCATION:Virtual BurgerBrauKeller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

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91aac6  No.234759


lol reported to Twitch and FBI

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cfda42  No.234806

File: 277284166c5a925⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 307x395, 307:395, 1614618742590.jpg)

this is fake and gay, but you did manage to drive a trickle of traffic to the site…

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ae9a46  No.234911

File: 9607b038dc8a52a⋯.png (18.79 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 828324430278426645.png)


i dont care what anyone says you are fucking hilarious

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d00b4a  No.235037

File: c11405e706ebad5⋯.png (4.8 MB, 2787x1816, 2787:1816, PURPLE_ANON_JUNE_4_EVENT.png)

File: f4b8ccf2bf7eb85⋯.jpg (794.88 KB, 2186x1730, 1093:865, june_4_thread.jpg)


>how are you going to get more followers to the room?

Good question. I'm hoping the pol bros here at 8kun will appreciate my effort posting and get me a little buzz going in the NatSoc circles.

Just made a thread advertising the event: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/235029.html

Even recorded a short video for the thread as well: https://secretagentwars.com/thread-video-june-4

Any other ideas?

EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream Speech: Renew & Unite the White National Socialist Party

DAY:Friday June 4, 2021

TIME:8-10 PM USA Eastern Time

LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

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b882d5  No.235113


I am not being a dick anon. I am an anarchist, who only follows the European principles of my own people, Frisians (FREE people rather than people enslaved to the kikes government). I am just telling you that 2 hours is too long. People had longer attention spans almost 100 years ago. Unless you are going to be mauled by a lion on a live broadcast you won't be able to hold their attention for 2 hours. You mistake being a dick to you for being pragmatic. At the end of the day even if they are going down into permanent slavery under you kikes, I want people to have what they want in terms of a life experience, if they want to be murdered and enslaved to you, who am I to tell them they are wrong to want that?


There are lots of backwater hard core NS on Discord and Telegram, I fight with them all the time, you should have started THERE and not here on this dead board. You could have had a real audience if you had considered where you post.


Rot in hell you fucking anti-free speech nigger. I can't wait until you fucking non-Whites are hanging from trees in every place Whites live.

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d281e9  No.235193

File: 24ec4cd2a5358d8⋯.png (6.85 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, true_dark_purple.png)


>I am not being a dick anon. I am just telling you that 2 hours is too long.

That's not the reason I said you were being a dick. It's because you said "Obviously, I'm not attending."

>There are lots of backwater hard core NS on Discord and Telegram, I fight with them all the time, you should have started THERE and not here on this dead board.

I'm like a country boy that never left his small town or been to the city. 8chan/8kun is my small town. Where do I find those places you're talking about? There is still time, almost 2 weeks until the event. You need a direct link to something on Discord & Telegram right?

EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream Speech: Renew & Unite the White National Socialist Party

DAY:Friday June 4, 2021

TIME:8-10 PM USA Eastern Time

LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

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426207  No.235243


Discord yes. Telegram, no. Get on there find a ‘alt-kike’ stream…preferably one where they don’t allow comments but ‘forward’ comments and go to every channel the forward things from and start commenting in them. Don’t self promote like a whore until you have established yourself and know what the channel will tolerate. Remember they are all in bed together and you are not a part of their world and never will be. Be witty and make your own channel display the info in case someone checks you out (it should also always be listed in your profile). Personally I hate discord. Go on a different Chan and advertise there instead of here, and stop with the drama. You are going to have to totally lose your fear of death if you ever want to get anywhere. I get death threats daily but I believe in anarcho-homicidalism so much that it simply doesn’t matter. You need to get this info on another Chan to get a discord invite. Also make dlive account but don’t let people comment. Have a patreon account for that or dlive will ban you. Patreon is considered to be a paywall so what is expressed is PRIVATE and not public opinion.

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f816b4  No.235301

File: f6d21f49cb7d570⋯.jpg (142.22 KB, 773x717, 773:717, 5_25_purple_short_appearen….jpg)

I'll be at the virtual BurgerBrauKeller twitch tonight at 8pm, USA Eastern Time. Just to test things out, and if anyone on this thread wants to converse over a virtual beer in our virtual Munich beer hall. I probably will actually be drinking beer.

I can't talk about (((sensitive topics))) too deeply so as to not risk the account getting suspended before June 4th where I can risk speaking more loosely.

EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream Short Appearance

DAY:Today May 25, 2021

TIME:8 PM USA Eastern Time

__LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller


I might ask you to consider coming tonight, if you're going to keep giving me helpful advice. I would like to hear more of your insight, even if I disregard half of it. You seem genuine.


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b882d5  No.235323


I will think about it, but I was planning on reading The Occult Significance of Blood tonight and I don't know if I want to put that off for something that doesn't really relate to my own political agenda at all (indeed it is the antithesis) and the only reason I say anything at all is because if people want to be enslaved, why not you? It literally makes no difference who kills them if that is what they desire.

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b9ca8b  No.235366

File: 63254b17468ac85⋯.jpg (141.45 KB, 948x558, 158:93, live_purple2.jpg)

I, Purple Anon, am now live at the Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller:https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

Come have a beer with me in the beer hall, fellow anons.

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077497  No.235534

File: 6143eb5a2066987⋯.jpg (174.65 KB, 773x806, 773:806, 5_26_purple_livestream_pla….jpg)


I had a great time interacting with anons at the live stream last night. I want to do it again tonight at 8pm USA Eastern Time, but would like to focus on strategy of making the June 4th meeting a success, and exchange ideas. I hope to see you there.

EVENT:June 4th Event Planning Session with Purple Anon

DAY:Today May 26, 2021

TIME:8 PM USA Eastern Time

LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

+ HOW TO CHAT WITHOUT A TWITCH ACCOUNT:This 8kun thread will be monitored during the broadcast, so simply post here: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/235029.html

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077497  No.235535




code: B1-23K

verify: https://secretagentwars.com/code

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d85b1c  No.235742

File: abb696caa8c6887⋯.jpg (69 KB, 748x526, 374:263, Screenshot_2021_05_26.jpg)


EVENT:June 4th Event Planning Session with Purple Anon

DAY:Today May 26, 2021

TIME:8 PM USA Eastern Time

LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

+ HOW TO CHAT WITHOUT A TWITCH ACCOUNT:This 8kun thread will be monitored during the broadcast, so simply post here: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/235029.htmlPURPLE ANON JUNE 4 PLANNING SESSION LIVE STREAM IS LIVE NOW!

EVENT:June 4th Event Planning Session with Purple Anon

DAY:Today May 26, 2021

TIME:8 PM USA Eastern Time

LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

+ HOW TO CHAT WITHOUT A TWITCH ACCOUNT:This 8kun thread will be monitored during the broadcast, so simply post here: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/235029.html

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ecb21c  No.235858


>never once tainted with the corruption of heterosexuality.

The only true thing you've ever said.

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ecb21c  No.235859



How many dozens of views did you get on your video before it was taken down?

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ecb21c  No.235862


How do you have dlive comments through patreon? Redice got banned from dlive because of glowniggers in chat. Does paying money give you extra free speech protections?

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ecb21c  No.235863


You autistic eggplant fag.

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b9ca8b  No.235877

File: fec6754de12933d⋯.jpg (173.01 KB, 773x806, 773:806, 5_27_purple_livestream_zoo….jpg)

Greetings Anons. Doing a livestream again tonight at 8 PM USA Eastern Time. This time we'll be experimenting with broadcasting a zoom call into the twitch as a means to have a guest video calls.

So you can actually chat with me face to face, or voice to voice.

EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream -Testing Out Guest Hosts via Zoom

DAY:Today May 27, 2021

TIME:8 PM USA Eastern Time

LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

++ CHAT WITHOUT TWITCH ACCOUNT:This thread will be monitored during the stream: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/235029.html


code: B1-23K


__:– https://secretagentwars.com/code


>How many dozens of views did you get on your video before it was taken down?

You can still view the video here: https://secretagentwars.com/thread-video-purple-anon-the-fuhrer


>You autistic eggplant fag.

Whatever disagreement with me you have, come on the stream tonight and I'd like to see you successfully argue with me about anything.

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b2ccc9  No.235909

File: 7b731c14fef2ce9⋯.png (816.11 KB, 1669x1396, 1669:1396, purple_live_now3.png)

Purple Anon Live Now

Tonight I'm testing out zoom call broadcasting into twitch. So you can actually chat with me face to face, or voice to voice.

EVENT:Purple Anon Live Stream -Testing Out Guest Hosts via Zoom

DAY:Today May 27, 2021

TIME:8 PM USA Eastern Time

LOCATION:Virtual Bürger-Bräu-Keller: https://Twitch.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

++ CHAT WITHOUT TWITCH ACCOUNT:This thread will be monitored during the stream: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/235029.html

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890229  No.235914


Sad larp, faggot.

You're probably a 90lb soyboy whose half a jew as you didn't tell us anything but the absolute basics on WHY anyone should follow you.

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a891f5  No.236289

File: c6d3ac9bac37851⋯.png (3.81 MB, 2787x1816, 2787:1816, 6_4_2021_purple_anon_natso….png)

Shameless self bump

My fellow anon, my dearest pol bros

I need your help. I need you to take the updated fliers here and post them on every place you think there may someone sympathetic to National Socialism: https://secretagentwars.com/meeting

That link also serves as a host for the official ad Video for this event:

Please download that video and post it to any and all video sharing platforms you have access to.

Together, we can achieve our Final Victory

Please continue to bump this thread by copy pasting this message



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f5773e  No.236298

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9f8c54  No.236698

this thread is cringe.

>haha, I think I deserve a reward for one of the biggest effort posts in the history of this board.

you should be glad that you and i will never meet because i'd bash your fag skull in

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90e7ea  No.236915


You're just a discount Q.



Rage sages denied.

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90e7ea  No.236916

File: 9cb8422de1b693b⋯.png (270.13 KB, 836x455, 836:455, 9cb8422de1b693b70b5abbaf45….png)


You won't do shit, pussy.

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239cbc  No.236924


>wall of strawmen




>being objectively wrong about everything he has ever said since the moment his Barney LARP began

Sage. Global report.

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239cbc  No.236925


>denounces Barney LARP

>bumps the thread anyway

Sage. Global report.

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372eb1  No.236990


Notice how he tried to copy that Hitler posted, but omitted the "no jews" part, as he's a kike-apologist. He also used the gayest possible font, even though ones similar to the original are easy to find for free.

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4ab244  No.236992


What the fuck is this bullshit?

Also, the captchas seem harder than I remember.

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