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File: 4371e87a627e997⋯.jpg (199.13 KB, 1120x976, 70:61, b3bced8894adf276d855752044….jpg)

577251  No.232208

are the mods, and 8chan owners mostly responsible?along with the discord trannies hitting up this board and proyecting their shit on it.

this place along with the shitty captcha really punishes the user,

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d89e4b  No.232209

File: 42e0d3e99710931⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 432x183, 144:61, 8kunsucksbecausethereareno….jpg)

Does this picture answer your question?

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af9182  No.232210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shhhh…. I've got a bit of a headache… so just stop typing, okay?

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af9182  No.232213


Oh, I almost forgot….

I have a problem reading. words don't make sense to me. all I see is a bunch of squiggly lines and circles.. some of the letters seen backwards or upside down sometimes.

So I couldn't understand anything you typed.

Would you mind typing it one more time for me?

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