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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9897a16f95c26a8⋯.jpg (262.65 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, 20210513_131834.jpg)

bbe71b  No.232162

Due to a massive fracture on the Mississippi bridge in Memphis Tennessee, there has been a complete disruption of America's supply chain.

Memphis used to be a really nice place to grow up, but that was many many decades ago. Now Memphis is the most worthless city in America.

But it's still THE distribution hub of the United States.

Not anymore.. they're not even letting River traffic go underneath the Mississippi bridge (technically called the Hernando de Soto bridge)

No barges going up the Mississippi River, no 18 wheelers going across the Mississippi River into the Memphis distribution hub…

The river and the bridge are being shut down indefinitely, but construction crews say it will take at least 2 months to repair the damage.

And this had nothing to do with the Democrats or ransomware hacking or aliens from outer space or the government beaming secret weapons at your head and taking control of your mind….

Nope…. This is simple disrepair. This is what's happening all across America right now.. expressway overpasses and bridges all across America are crumbling apart.. they were built in the 50s and 60s, and they are all facing imminent structural collapse.

This isn't about the collapse of society caused by a cabal of child rapist cannibals or black lives matter protesters….

society has been allowing itself to collapse ever since I was born, and it was happening since the beginning of time, but when you're younger you don't really realize it…

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bbe71b  No.232163

It's funny how Trump never mentioned anything about repairing our expressways and bridges

But Biden jumped on it pretty much immediately

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bbe71b  No.232164

Memphis used to be cool as fuck believe it or not

It was a great place to grow up in the sixties and seventies

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bbe71b  No.232166

but now ?………

These days, I'd rather live in a steel box filled with raw sewage and water moccasins

These days Memphis is the most disgusting dangerous filthy embarrassing worthless shit hole you've ever seen in your life

niggers ruined it

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bbe71b  No.232167

Arkansas Department of Transportation Director Lorie Tudor said it had the potential to become a "catastrophic event," adding, "The bridge was closed to vehicular traffic and the river was closed to barge traffic as a safety precaution."

Authorities said barge traffic can't resume unless engineers determine that the ridge can stand on its own despite the rusting crack. They said it could take a couple of weeksjust to complete a full inspectionof the nearly 50-year-old bridge.

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6b7483  No.232178


>Disenfranchise young whites males in all aspects (the best future engineers)

>Reallocate resources, positions, scholarships and placements to the nigger imbeciles, the dumbest race humanity has ever evolved "so dat dey can be da fu-cha."

>Provide incentives to ship both engineering and manufacturing jobs overseas, typically to China.

>Have your State department more concerned with empowering Israel than American dominance

>Develop a financial structure which operates like a rigged casino for insider jews.

>Build a woke obsessed tech culture centered around building phones and apps for niggers.

>Delete the southern border, allowing hordes of violent people who scarcely post IQs more than 10 points higher than niggers.

It's almost as if by design. If American whites continue to allow this to occur, at some point, you deserve it.

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bbe71b  No.232188


I agree with you completely

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d62f21  No.232194

File: 236fe5d8ecac80a⋯.jpg (47.23 KB, 650x650, 1:1, Memphis_rapper_Crunchy_Bla….jpg)

> Memphis.

Nogs. Had something to do with them.

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06aa2c  No.232302


More economic sabotage. They want to wreck the US, it's their job and in their interests to subjugate America, one way or another. Whether unfair or just plane dirty. Just like releasing their covid-19 bioweapon funded by both China and US NGOs and the NIH…. hyperinflation is coming, better be prepared for it. All reports about these REAL EVENTS are being deleted from /pnd/!

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