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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 41b2b77e9a13712⋯.jpg (243.49 KB, 1348x1216, 337:304, noautism.jpg)

f41079  No.232051

Anything speaking ill of Greta Thunberg is now bannable, apparently

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62dc65  No.232083


Far-leftist is actually Mossad performance artist. Many such cases. Who could have predicted this.

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5b12c0  No.232127

File: be49cf4e9d65d89⋯.jpg (138.24 KB, 827x701, 827:701, 1620868842182.jpg)

File: 993e36e0214144b⋯.jpg (187.52 KB, 1440x825, 96:55, 20210512_184222.jpg)

>Corporate needs you to find the differences between these two posters

They're the same poster

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62dc65  No.232133


Damn. Great example of propaganda. Same message for different audiences.

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6ee675  No.232301


I've been noticing a few other threads being banned here, yet the spam bot continues it seems, completely uninterrupted. I would not doubt /pnd/ was set up as a federal honeypot (notice all that violence larping recently?) and it was not only unsuccessful, but truth was starting to come out (about who was really behind the covid-19 funding, the dangers of these gene-editing vaccines, corruption on every level of society, warnings about hyperinflation and prepping tips, etc)…. and BAM! /pnd/ falls victim to a spam bot. Oh what coincidence….. same tactics as ALWAYS.

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f41079  No.232303


She most certainly does not have autism. Autism is the ultimate source of antisemitism within goyim.

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