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File: ff5f5385b6c5029⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 1063x403, 1063:403, purple_anon_advocates_whit….jpg)

e25ac6  No.229993

This KIKE is actually trying to tell you that KILLING YOUR OWN PEOPLE IN FAVOR OF THE KIKES is the 'highest priority'.

The image pretty much speaks for itself. Here is a link to the post tho. >>229990





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e9d1f0  No.229994

File: 0baa4a71f60ea33⋯.png (197.84 KB, 295x295, 1:1, _bodhi_1.png)

They wanted anon to side with Zionism or Nazbol, both of which are Jewish ideologies. But anon realized that both sides are bad. Thus the hasbara shill, dazed and confused at the prospect of total annihilation, is left mindlessly regurgitating his agenda

>some jews are good

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e25ac6  No.229996


What would even lead a kike to think that they were wanted or needed in White politics tho? Does he really THINK that there are some White people out there who don't know how badly we have been continuously fucked by kikes for the last 6,000 years?

We are so much higher IQ than kikes…WTF would make one think that 'we needed' or 'wanted' their input at all?


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e9d1f0  No.229997

File: a1fc789c65d0c48⋯.jpg (145.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, shh_its_coming_soon.jpg)


I know. But it won't be long now.

*pats you on the shoulder reassuringly*

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65f2ef  No.230001

File: 577b6a77177569f⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 588x744, 49:62, hitler_jews_you_say.jpg)



you've got jewish derangement syndrome brosky. you can't see clearly.

i am sorry, but your retardedness is getting in the way of winning the war, and there is not time to do anything else with you than toss you out of the way; and if you won't get out of the way, then my first priority is to TAKE YOU OUT of the way.

as a rule 50% of jew derangment syndrome nazis are really jews Larping to destroy NatSoc reputation. I only respond to you in case you're in the other 50%.


get backed into a corner of having to defend good jews exist all the time is annoying; but if their frontal assault is accusing natsoc of "no good jews exist" as a means to make us look dishonorable that we would hurt a good jew; then i have no choice.

even if 99/100 jews are bad; our honor stands firm. we do not hurt good people, and always investigate first to insure we never do. this is what makes a race supreme.

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e25ac6  No.230003


>then my first priority is to TAKE YOU OUT of the way.

Be very careful what you wish for…

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bf93de  No.230006

File: 4d19887352eb36a⋯.jpg (377.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Areyounot.jpg)


Excellent find anon, I knew he was a fed so I didn't read his posts, but to think he's an actual kike fed sucking kike cock.

Good find anon.

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ffff79  No.230183


By mere probability, chance has bestowed the blessing of goodness in a tiny minority. However, like all genetic aberrations, it lasts only a single generation. Is it worth not slaughtering that filthy kike, "good" as he may be, if it means you would be plagued by his parasitical spawn?


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ffff79  No.230186


National Socialism is the inverse of Imperialism. You are a disgusting fucking imperialistic kike, like the rest of your kin, and you parade disgusting views which are antithetical to the concept of National Socialism, which seeks to re-establish the ancient world order whereby proud races dug deep roots in their ancestral lands.

Sieg Heil

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e2f3d4  No.230261


There is literally nothing wrong with killing whites.

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8340c9  No.230289


>go home

Israel is an illegally occupying power and Zionism is not the solution. Mostly everything else you said is a yes. There are traitors in every race.

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8340c9  No.230292


They're even easier corralled by the law.

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