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364c02  No.228190

3/11/04 Madrid Train Bombing

3/14/04 General Elections

For context: https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/56/566993C75C3A43A8E02E61182B3C7BE4_AtranMuriOK(Jan30).ppt.pdf Page 10.

CIA began to create their own digital platforms in order to lure out jihadis and make them easier to track. Global Islamic Media was a premier source for radicalization at the time. "Iraqi Jihad, Hopes and Risks" called for the upcoming Spain elections in March 2004 to be "exploited". Madrid subway bombings occur, all campaigning is stopped. The (then) government is led to believe the attacks were committed by Basque Nationalists, a group named ETA. Public mistrust grew as more and more evidence became available, contrary to ETA being responsible. These contributing factors led to an "unprecedented electoral upset". The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) seized control of the country. How convenient. Almost like it was intentional. Perhaps fake information was fed about the ETA on purpose?

Well here is the PSOE leader doing just that, poisoning the well right on cue; directly after the bombing occurred: https://web.archive.org/web/20210430001121/https://cadenaser.com/ser/2004/03/11/espana/1078966213_850215.html

Translation: "Why has the ETA done this?"

Two weeks later: (((poll))) shows 91% of Spanish want out of Iraq, leaving Americans hanging with the bill: https://elpais.com/diario/2003/03/28/espana/1048806001_850215.html

America is the globohomos favorite child. We manufacture wars and unrest, "spreading democracy". People it affects are forced out of their comfort zones. Our CIA then gently nudges sheep jihadis to attack Spain of all people, right on schedule. (((New))) government now, people resume normal lives thinking "finally, things will change", completely oblivious. Next election/season will be (((our guy))) vs (((another guy))). This is Democracy in a nutshell. A production of the highest order.

I recently noticed this with the establishment of Weimar. Treaties were signed to send everyones POWs home. Except Germany's. Their return from Russia was conveniently delayed, intentionally. Meanwhile, the freikorps put down the Spartacist Uprising (commie jews) and think they've won. Now they can start their own government and keep germany german. Plot Twist: Freikorps fought jews on behalf of jews. The average German citizen didnt realize what had happened until it was too late and Weimar had completely destroyed the country. In present day "democracy", you are that average german citizen. The illusion of participating because you think your interests are being represented, completely oblivious that youre essentially watching a movie, detached from having any substantive power as the globohomo pulls the strings of both sides of the staged conflict they created. Now go consume. Next election things'll be different. We'll get em next time, right guys? But wait, what happens when there's a new favorite child? We're witnessing it. We're spreading democracy to ourselves now kek

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98ff77  No.228199


When the Synthesis isn't produced you're left with a world rotting. Let it rot.

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