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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 31afc079d6022c3⋯.png (316.84 KB, 399x399, 1:1, David_Duke.png)

b07894  No.226992

What do you think of him?

He instills confidence in you.

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e86cf0  No.227012


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c58ebb  No.227164

File: a55c38e40f5cdf1⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 600x396, 50:33, lonely_train_pepe.gif)

His name might as well be David Jewk.

I've never seen such an obvious controlled opposition as him.

The give away is the cookie cutter cleanness of his edges. The whole package is a pre-planned psyop. Its not natural. It's a set-up.

Hail Hitler. You people are all idiots.

"a jew jew blah blah, speak elegantly , a hurrr a durrr he said a jew jew must be true truee david jewk is a sure nice fella, no reason why he would be given such mainstream coverage other than he said the jew jew a hurr a durr".


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b79961  No.227252

File: d2fad61a257c38b⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 431x673, 431:673, duke_tax_refund_and_letter.jpg)

File: fb0c8fad8f0f4d2⋯.gif (5.21 MB, 610x454, 305:227, Sam_Hyde_David_Duke.gif)


The jews literally threw him in prison on trumped up charges, and Jared Taylor's ADL-linked jew wife leaked tapes of him to sabotage his political career.

>Jared Taylor, Evelyn Rich and the ADL


I don't agree with him on everything, but he's certainly not ZOG-approved.

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184f3f  No.228543


according to duke the isrealis tried to poison him while he was travelin gthere and he had to go to an american military base for emergency life saving medical attention.

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