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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e30ce77f5f11fad⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 17820443_401.jpg)

3558ac  No.223869

Immigrants aren't just bringing age-old diseases back to the West, like the plague or typhus etc., they haven't been "properly vaccinated" either.

We need to weaponize this. Immigrants crossing are borders are now a "threat to public health". It's not just jobs and rape anymore. It's about them bringing new virulent strains / mutations that "will kill us all" unless we close the borders.

Get it? Do your work, anons. We can turn this game around. Immigrants are VIROIDS from now on.

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c1361e  No.223870

>save the whites that do not want to be saved because reasons

Big fucking pass on that one, cunt.

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bb7b47  No.223871


fuck off kike no one wants you here

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c1361e  No.223873


I've never met a Mexican as purely fucking disgusting as the white trash in this heroin-prison. The ones that come here are ambulatory and willing to risk their lives for their families; much more than I can say for most of the (((white))) race. Fuck you.

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15ee53  No.223879


I am thinking there is gonna be another migration crisis in Europe after this pandemic ends and lockdowns, flight bans are lifted. Especially in France, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany where the death tolls are higher than most other countries. It supports the narrative that "lots of people have died by the virus now we need more workers to replace them so open the borders". And the kike's great reset plan does include moving a billion climate refugees in the west within 2030.

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0eb75a  No.223880


Some Mexicans are very hard workers and very pro-family. Unfortunately those are not the only ones coming across the border, there are also arms-traffickers, sex-traffickers and drug-traffickers among them. The real agenda is to displace White America with lower standards of living, slave laborers who will do as they are told no matter how shit worker conditions may be, or their wages for that matter. I don't hate the Mexicans so much those who are benefiting enormously by getting rid and replacing White populations. Those in power know if they want to "fundamentally change America" they must replace average Americans who at least demand some better standard of living and individual freedom.

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0eb75a  No.223881


It is all about bringing the West into the third world to plunder land and resources, that's all their "new world order", Agenda 21, "green new deal" now called "Great Reset" was ever about: total control over populations, ending individual freedoms and wealth confiscation. No matter what they call it next, it's the same goal as always. Remember the leaked footage of what that CNN dude was saying recently: 'we got an agenda and narratives to push!' Little do most Americans know, under Obama, US corporate media has been nationalized by our own government for kickbacks and grants, allowing government and corporate media to work together at taxpayer expense (I forget the name of the law passed but the info is out there if you look hard enough).

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c1361e  No.223882


It's amazing to me that you think Hillary and CNN journos are going to be spared from this purge. What do you think is doing on, exactly? What part of


do you not understand?

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c1361e  No.223883


>be Klaus Schwab

>walk into dark room

>see Don Lemon sitting at the table

>"ayo klaus sheeeeit"


>"time to eat ze bugs herr lemon"

>leave room

>door closes

>muffled nigger screams


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253b0c  No.223917

File: 7acae543ece75ea⋯.jpg (48.89 KB, 496x324, 124:81, Potc.jpg)


Well, now, there's an anon who uses his brain.

First you have to think of a catchy, brain stamping name for your viral tourists.

NPC's like to say names as they don't have to think about things in depth, only the expression of emotions of said thing.

Hmmm, what to call them? Blended words?

Virus, invaders, disease…. Many such choices.

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0eb75a  No.223920


It's amazing you think they matter to those institutionalizing agendas like the "Great Reset", no the propagandists will not be spared, nor will the enforcers, nor will (You) either. Those that remain would be subjugated or killed off. And if this evil agenda is ever successful, I'll go out fighting for the latter as life would simply not be worth living anymore.

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