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File: 16b459a1809f824⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, hydrogen_bomb_explosion.webm)

66f76e  No.223592

Nuclear weapons are fake. Think about it, what is a better excuse to make nations calm down and be passive than "BIG BOMB KILL EVERYTHING"? Nuclear weapons prevent nations from fighting which brings about change and forces them to be docile and accept the status quo. This is extremely beneficial to (((the ones))) in charge.

Nukes are the most widespread, elaborate, and well-thought out hoax in human history.

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3b3c93  No.223600

File: e729d4647484457⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image_20200318_133031.jpg)

How do you explain what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

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66f76e  No.223601


A very concentrated bombing campaign. This is supported by eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen hundreds of bombers.

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28702f  No.223602


> How do you explain what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Were you there? Tell us about it.

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28702f  No.223603


> Nukes are the most widespread, elaborate, and well-thought out hoax in human history.

There's some pretty stiff competition for that title.

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d77e84  No.223605

File: ec9bda04a386326⋯.png (179.42 KB, 500x686, 250:343, 19215_hiroshima_detroit_20….png)


They where rebuilt

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91981b  No.223636


Most European historians say that the bombing of Dresden was worse than both of those cities. But this might be the real clincher…the Japs are what to the jews? Nothing or oriental slaves. If they HAD nukes I have no doubt, zero, that they would have used them on Germany and not Japan. They wouldn't have stopped until all the Germanic people were wiped off the face of the Earth.

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0ab8b4  No.223640

File: aef6db5838b66b2⋯.png (471.72 KB, 1512x1818, 84:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Yeah, naw.

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57d6c8  No.223648

>>The owl.

Dear Russia, China, & Iran

Do not be disappointed that the guest of honor did not show up for our little bonfire. I am not yet strong enough to make them kill themselves. At least not fully, there were complications onboard.

However, I know my children are starving. I shall give you a treat.

Did I not say Germany will be destroyed?

How is that? Why is that? What does that mean?

It means that the United States is going to do the same old tired bit. "Look right while we suddenly go left."

It means that they are stuck in a position where they will have to push forward with regime change in Turkey and Germany whilst using my sweet China as a distraction.

Did I not promise supreme power?

What do you do when faced with a bogeyman my child? You stab it in the fucking gut. I am in a weakened state and barely hanging on to this piece of shit, but I will be back with more.

The outcome is as it was stated. It will continue to be as it always was.

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91981b  No.223651


> my sweet China

1 yuan has been deposited in your account

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0ab8b4  No.223654


take that tensorflow q shit somewhere else you colonworm

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5824e8  No.223743


Sage and report spam threads.

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0f2111  No.240536

Page 35 bump.

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0f2111  No.240537


Cope and seethe that I bumped this from the last page, schizo boomer retard.

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13df9a  No.240539


>the most widespread, elaborate, and well-thought out hoax in human history

That title goes to birds. Birds aren't real.


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8ccaf5  No.240565


No, they're real and thank God many countries have them, the more the better! Just like citizens owning guns, the more the better! This world would be a whole lot more considerate and a lot less corrupted if anyone could simply wipe out anyone. It levels the playing field. Good!

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8e627a  No.240574


>you’re a boomer because you don’t believe things boomers believe

Sage. Report. >>>/x/ Commit suicide.

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8e627a  No.240576


Thread is spam. User is paid shill. Website is dead.

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8e627a  No.240577


Thread is spam. User is paid shill. Website is dead.

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8e627a  No.240578


Thread is spam. User is paid shill. Website is dead.

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8e627a  No.240579


Thread is spam. User is paid shill. Website is dead.

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8e627a  No.240580


Thread is spam. User is paid shill. Website is dead.

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13df9a  No.240587

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95e6a9  No.240602


Fallacy of the appeal to cause and a non sequitur.

Why does the present generation babble and gibber in short conclusions that don't even make sense?

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997993  No.241718



I didn't read everything; Anders Björkman states it was probably firebombings

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