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281f94  No.223113

I understand what is this.. all of the political theater, the Nazbol shilling, PSYOP/mindwar, ecelebs. Let's talk sometime. Otherwise "total war" destroys all of us, or in best case scenario, most of you.

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39025a  No.223114

could you elaborate?

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281f94  No.223116

File: da3d8b82969c5b2⋯.jpg (183.65 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, brutalism.jpg)


There are good arguments to be made on all sides. National Socialists and Bolsheviks, for example, both have strong points, though both seemingly contradictory. That is if we assume both sides aren't predatorily and pursuing their own individual political interests, or if we believe they're sincere in wanting what's right for the largest group possible. Anarchist and Conservative, too, have valid arguments. But we're past the point of arguments. One side has dominated the theoretical realm and all that stops them from subduing other subgroups is the physical might of one of them, but that's been chipped away at for quite some time, no matter how self-assured. The issue then is one of understanding. Even those with self-serving political interests can not, and will not, violate common decency because it would mean their self-serving political interests are indeed inferior and brutal. I believe that outward art is an expression of the inner artist and brutalism can not escape the brutal, but it is a truly intellectual man who means to be less severe, so he has given choices to others – Choices which have not been chosen properly by any measure.

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281f94  No.223117

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684dd1  No.223128


I'm gonna call you a faggot.


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281f94  No.223152


Not an argument you crop-top wearing faggot.

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39025a  No.223164


thank you for the insight, im a "newfag" as they call it, but its not hard to see you are one of the few intellegent people here.

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684dd1  No.223167

File: 99d78ffc34ea916⋯.jpg (41 KB, 680x408, 5:3, 5e1.jpg)


I don't wear a crop-top. I already got my programming socks.

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281f94  No.223187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


god i wish that was me. how much for nudes?


thank you. if you think im intelligent then you must be really smart. that's what my narcissism says anyway. do you really understand what was implied?

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9a69c8  No.223189


>Anarchist and Conservative, too, have valid arguments.

No, they don't.

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281f94  No.223192


They really do. Conservatives are too harsh in their approach to Conservatism and this causes others, more level-headed, to embrace Anarchism.

True "conservatism" endeavors towards two things but which are really one:

>That God be the head of all standards


>That State be the physical manifestation of God

And while I believe these two are right and good, they are pursued by men who are neither right nor good. Therefore, the Anarchist has said

>No Gods

>No Masters

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281f94  No.223198

File: 113c01540e8ff0c⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 480x480, 1:1, choose.jpg)


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281f94  No.223200

File: 5ae5c0600eacd1c⋯.png (127.56 KB, 1098x452, 549:226, 1055_11.PNG)

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bae031  No.223267


Anarchists do.

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684dd1  No.223897

File: 10499aff5d44f07⋯.jpg (190.22 KB, 828x1472, 9:16, 1516737448_1.jpg)


I don't do nudes but you can buy feet pics if you want UwU

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