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File: 30253692fb83dc1⋯.jpeg (13.1 KB, 474x298, 237:149, RandomBlackGuy.jpeg)

69b83d  No.223000

Okay, so I tried to post this on 4chan, but I've been rangebanned so I came here. I had this brilliant idea to use young African American culture to turn the tide against man hating feminism and rabid trans bullies. I noticed online that many young black men are actually really based and still believe in traditional values. I've noticed they are allowed to post homophobic things with nowhere near the amount of backlash, and usually even praise. For all the crap TikTok gets, it's actually only like 2% dancing girls and 90% memes. I've noticed many young black men posting all sorts of things and the other black men agree with them, and white people to agree with them while under the guise of responding to African American culture.

Personally, I have nothing against women in the workplace, or even trans people as long as they don't bully others and drive them to suicide like they did that one porn actress. People's lives have been ruined for saying they wouldn't have sex with a trans woman. Is the solution to oppression more oppression?

So I had the idea to normalize masculine and feminine roles, "toxic" masculinity, and rational thinking by using young black kid culture. It could be done on any site, but particularly TikTok or Instagram. The following things could be done.

1. Actively enforcing a hyper masculine warrior role. Shaming men for acting girly and being adults that play with toys. Shaming men for not going to the gym and working out. Encouraging men to take up combat sports or to learn how to fight. Make fun of weak men, but only for their muscles, so they focus on working out.

2. Push for shaming promiscuous behavior in women and for learning traditional roles. When you see videos of women dancing promiscuously, shame them so that they get the impression that that is not something people want. Many people already do, but they need to get the idea that popular young black culture dislikes what they do. Make it obvious that a girl should know how to cook. Many white girls don't know how to cook to save their life, and many black and minority men have pointed that out. If it becomes evident that popular, diverse culture wants them to cook, they will strive to do this. Women do what the strongest men want. This is proven scientifically, you can research yourself.

3. There is no need to bully transgenders, but if they actively shame you and call you names for something like admitting you wouldn't have sex with a trans woman, then strike back accordingly. Tell them it's your choice, tell them that forced sex is rape, and tell them that you aren't forcing them what to do so they need to lay off.

These are just small suggestions about what could be done, but you get the general idea. African American culture is one of the last bastions of traditionalism to a degree. If there will be a comeback in American society as a whole, it will be there.

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3fd281  No.223001

File: 9fd41dbeb6a8514⋯.jpg (127.82 KB, 788x1000, 197:250, white_culture_6.jpg)

File: 6441d785da0a391⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 620x369, 620:369, black_culture_12.jpg)


I don't need to worship another race's culture when I have my own. Alternatively, anons can show that "masculine african american culture" is nothing more than thuggery and that "european american culture" is superior.

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64b253  No.223009


Niggers are not human and this thread is bad.

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d95423  No.223048


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4bdfdc  No.223318

You people are acting so dumb. You do realize that traditionalism and men acting masculine has been painted as being "right wing" or racist right? Unless the person is a minority. One of the only realistic ways I can see things going back to normal is to play to peoples desire to immerse themselves in African American culture. Like this, we can make traditional views of masculinity and femininity "cool" again. You are playing yourself if you think people are going to wake up one day and go "Suddenly, I think a man wanting his wife to know how to cook is great! Totally not sexist! I'm going to stop hating on men on Twitter!"

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64b253  No.223323


You are in the wrong place.

Your options are three:

1) lurk for an additional six years

2) return to digg.com

3) murder yourself

I am now saging and hiding your embarrassing nigger thread.

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