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File: c0c1392cc097877⋯.png (7.25 KB, 320x208, 20:13, fashy.png)

c4c482  No.222047

Are lies good? Specifically, are lies which are intended to motivate people, give them hope, keep them positive and productive, morally good?

I'm asking because I've always personally held a deep repulsion towards dishonesty, even if well-meaning. I hate falsehoods and love the truth. Reveling in taboos and finding truths that have been denied me my entire life is a big joy for me.

So is it just autism to categorically reject productive lies? I can rationally recognzie the benefits of keeping certain truths from people but that won't me from having a negative emotional reaction towards it.

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a4f2d6  No.222054

You wanna know how I know you are not White?

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00346b  No.222060


You wanna know how I know you are a kike pushing moralfaggotry on Whites?

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a4f2d6  No.222063


HAHAHAHAHA…you think kikes are 'moral'?

The only people in the world who have ever been moral are the sons of Ares (Aryans) or the natural nobility of the world.

Dig yourself deeper, why don't you?

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a4f2d6  No.222064

Kikes are literally glorified niggers with nigger DNA and everything…but you think they are 'moral'

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ec8e5f  No.222073


There is no such thing as productive lies. Anyone who needs lies in order to be motivated is a defective being. Sooner or later, he will completely spiral down into self-ruin, when he can't lie to himself anymore, or when people aren't able to keep him from the truth anymore.

Just look at all women all over the world, as the primary example: all living in lies in order to feel better and motivated. all ending up depressed and engaging in self-destructive behavior as soon as they learn the truth.

Lies are always bad. Period.

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44676a  No.222085


No, lies are never acceptable. Lying is laziness. The intelligent man will tell the truth creatively but he will not lie.

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a4f2d6  No.222087


I think it comes down to productivity. Here is where I start to ponder…if 'civilization' (which is shit, lets be honest) is bound to surplus and surplus is bound to productivity and lies are unproductive but the truth is productive, how much 'truth' can you tell before it becomes a net asset used against you to perpetuate civilization? All behavior is a mirco or macro of the fundamental principle…so can telling the truth (among Whites because no other race on the planet is moral) be utilized to destroy our people? I think that is what OP is trying to get at…and although civilization and productivity are not directly correlated to truthfulness (again more productivity) then is their any real correlation to these things? And should we consider the net benefit to lies (only among the trash people; we would never lie to our own because that, is counter productive to our own welfare).

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a4f2d6  No.222088


Pretty sure I have met one or more of these unicorns in the past couple days. They are very slippery and you can't ever really tell what side they are on in any situation. Very Übermensch but strangely kikesque.

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a4f2d6  No.222106

I take it back;


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44676a  No.222129


It's much the same. The difference is Jews try to deceive with their arts while we should try to tell the truth with ours. Zoroastrian children were raised in three things from a young age: Horse rising, archery, and truth-telling.

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44676a  No.222130



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00346b  No.222185

File: fda3227fb163c14⋯.png (199.33 KB, 2445x722, 2445:722, 1614547227.png)


I'm not saying kikes are moral. If anything they are the most immoral of human beings out there who have reasoning capabilities. It's just that it is kikes who tell goyim to be domesticated, law obeying cattle as it makes it easy for them to rule over us. You can see it in liberals who are brainwashed by marxist propaganda. They prioritize virtue-signalling and the feeling of moral high ground above the survival of their own nation.

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82fbb7  No.222187



No seriously.

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2b4cf6  No.222243

Goebbels said the most effective propaganda was the truth. There's no need to lie in order to have people come to a conclusion or realization.

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a4f2d6  No.222244


That must be why the jews couldn't allow Germany to continue then and why they can't allow Truth to continue now.

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