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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: c80489190a4bbc0⋯.jpg (94.83 KB, 1000x758, 500:379, proxy_image.jpg)

496c1a  No.221999

lol cut ur dick off fed fuccbois

lmao dickless


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748af7  No.222000

Best thread on /pnd/ right now. Dilate fedtrannies.

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748af7  No.222004


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8cd983  No.222015

Smells like multicultural hell in that photo…I bet is smells like a porn studio…shit and cum in vast quantities, with some nigger cop mixed in.

Course, it is hard to stick your dick in someone's asshole when you only have something that looks like a microwaved hotdog. Or it is missing entirely…when is the tranny suicide rate going to kick in for these cops anyway? Nothing says "Doing my job" like need 4 hours of your 8 hour shift to dilate yourself while other people pick up the workload for you.

MFW 'trannies' are 1,000 more parasitic on society than a woman would ever be…yet they hate women at the same time. God what a wonderful world they are going to engineer for themselves, I am so glad I am along for the ride. I can laugh at them while they slaughter each other.

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1c23db  No.222017


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748af7  No.222031


Women hate nothing more than other women. Imagine their mental state when they'll be getting replaced in their positions by mentally ill men pretending to be women. And to top of it all if biological females speak out against trannies they'll be branded as transphobic, sexist bigots by the very left which supposedly fights for women's rights. Clown world is starting to get fun.

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8cd983  No.222037


>Women hate nothing more than other women.

>Imagine their mental state when they'll be getting replaced in their positions by mentally ill men pretending to be women

I think it is funny. Watching the jUtopia play out is about as funny as it gets, all that suffering, terrorism, murder, disease, suicide and drama that is 'entertaining' to people is like watching a comedic black[nigger]horror movie. There is something fundamentally wrong about their trajectory that they have never taken into account but that I shall never reveal because this chaotic destruction of the world (out of all the past ones) needs to be their last…and the only way to accomplish that is to not respond to their provocation.

I also do not 'hate' women, I just like men better.

The idea of a man wanting to put his dick in a fake woman shows me the defects in men and those who need to be self genocided off the planet, so it is fine as well.

It really is 'all good' in the scheme of things.

There is no way to learn something with 100% certainty on an genetic evolutionary scale for humanity than to just sit back and let people engineer their own death without rescuing them at all from their suicide.

It would be like watching one of your offspring kill themselves and knowing that to let them do it is really for the greater good for all of society.

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8cd983  No.222038

I need a t-shirt that says:

I support your suicide.

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748af7  No.222044

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8cd983  No.222045


TOR doesn't like link. Boohoo. I will have to imagine.

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748af7  No.222046

File: 0ff60728548f134⋯.png (218.57 KB, 1522x868, 761:434, 956556.png)


But I worked so hard on it :(

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