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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 49748a67dcfb5c7⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 768x198, 128:33, President_Donald_Trump_s_L….jpg)

9f49ba  No.221944

It's pretty frustrating to see every lib making bank on NFTs. Jack Dorsey selling his own stupid tweet for millions? Sickening. Why don't we get in on this? How about Trump's last tweet as an NFT? Let's try: https://rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:772989:0x55eae6d35c6b0b0e01d81a350f313338bbf72cfb

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bb5b5b  No.221954

File: c898e8972e9b7ab⋯.jpg (899.54 KB, 828x1525, 828:1525, Biden_More_ProWhite_Than_T….jpg)


fuck off israel

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1c8181  No.221957

Not like anyone will see it on this dead board, but just in case any of the lonely elderly Qboomers wander over – NFTs are a scam. Do not purchase or invest in NFTs. Do not dip into your fixed income for an NFT.

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d88738  No.221960


I sold a rare pepe for $278,000. I didn't make it, I didn't own it. I was just the first one to post it on OpenSea and some dumb fuck bought it.

Never underestimate the stupidity of Qoomers.

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e1f483  No.221962


Die, jew lover.

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b7afc4  No.221988


Please be joking.

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a44558  No.221991



A few years ago, that story would've been met with delight. You fags are so boring now.

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f772d4  No.221993


Which pepe was it? And how did you sell it? I got about 56,000 of cartoon frogs. Where can I sell them?

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