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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1134aea9a3e851c⋯.png (15.81 KB, 483x291, 161:97, IQ_by_race_and_gender.png)

File: 97f29b9285e06a1⋯.png (643.97 KB, 1308x630, 218:105, iq_cranial_capacity_bell_c….png)

File: dd7d6bf8c98c0a2⋯.png (424.87 KB, 1317x1652, 1317:1652, IQ_by_race.png)

File: 200e98bba0258e0⋯.png (209.08 KB, 1024x896, 8:7, 1024px_Homo_sapiens_lineag….png)

8231e9  No.221834

What exactly are Negroes in general? Are they a mixture of Homo Sapien and some primitive extinct hominid? Or were they just humans who have devolved due to living in Africa where food isn't hard to get?

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099480  No.221846


Some type of apes. To be honest I don't care, I just want a wall between me and negroes.

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8231e9  No.221849


Yeah but they can speak and reason. I just don't get how this lines up with the grand scheme of things. Why did God create them? Was it a test? Do they go to Heaven/Hell?

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567887  No.221856

File: 14b384e5110b773⋯.jpg (106.35 KB, 629x425, 37:25, 1576462769087.jpg)

File: 589c2187d232763⋯.jpg (183.73 KB, 853x1024, 853:1024, 1616727460595.jpg)

File: 62329c496e9e374⋯.jpg (366.8 KB, 621x1000, 621:1000, primates_apes_157394907805….jpg)


They are a slightrly evolved homo erectus.

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a704e2  No.221857

File: ae9e4b03cdd21b3⋯.jpg (41.48 KB, 460x460, 1:1, anjrw05_460s.jpg)


>they can speak and reason

>they can speak

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c636f3  No.221859


lol orang

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190eef  No.221905


Workforce for Whites.

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757ebc  No.221950


Yeah but that is only due to gene theft. It isn't because they are 'evolving' if anything they are the genetic weapon to destroy humanity.

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757ebc  No.222022


Neither since they are simply animals like a dog.

They are a cross between hominids and a human being most likely a Khoisan which goes to show you that men will put their dick in anything…I guess since it is popular now for men to put their dicks in other men's assholes we really shouldn't be surprised by this, right?

Africa is not known to be super discriminatory since they are the infant rape capital of the planet.

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757ebc  No.222023


I saved that chart. Differences are deeper than this anon. Jews religion, which is just nigger religion in disguise will show the fundamental differences between 'semites', niggers and Europeans. The more chimpanzee you have in you (like jews) the more GIBS ME DAT, cannibalism and other 'questionable' nigger like traits…so it isn't just the physical traits that are different. The parallels between cannibal niggers and jews is so foundational that you literally cannot tell the chimpanzee races apart on a fundamental level when you look at them.

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