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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b21807228750724⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1704x2136, 71:89, Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn_197….jpg)

7bd021  No.221814

In the Soviet Union, political dissidents were called 'mentally ill'. They were quaraintined and given forced treatments.

In the West today, political dissidents are called 'contagious'. They need quaraintines and forced vaccinations.

When the shepherds make money off the cattle, they are good. When the cattle become too costly to maintain, they are 'ill'.

You best chances of survival are to become part of the system, get a high rank, and wield your power to kill random competitors. Don't negotiate. Kill. Keep people alive only because they server your purpose. Then kill them too.

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5ad98d  No.221972

So glad my mom named me after him: drove me to read his books. Gulag Archipelago is required reading for anyone who wants to understand the mind of an unbridled leftist.

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6af691  No.221995


What if you don't want to understand their mind but rather would like to follow OP's advice?

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b1e256  No.222002


then you're ngmi

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6af691  No.222008

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6af691  No.222010


REALLY 8KUN? Post a fucking blank comment?


That's right!! When you kill your enemies they win…right?

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2272b8  No.222078


>Don't negotiate. Kill. Keep people alive only because they server your purpose. Then kill them too.


This, above everything. Use people and discard people. Either you absolutely control, or you will be one of the cattle, used and discarded.

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6af691  No.222082


You are talking about foreigners, right?

Why would you talk this way about your own people unless you were a useless mongrel with no connection to blood and soil?

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e8c876  No.222156


you don't understand much lol

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6af691  No.222191


I pity your children.

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1606ac  No.222443

>Delivering the commencement address at Harvard University in 1978, he called the United States Dechristianized and mired in boorish consumerism. The American people, he said, speaking in Russian through a translator, were also suffering from a "decline in courage" and a "lack of manliness."

Based. I just started reading his books.

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c2967f  No.222445


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