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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 01fa8ae81c46795⋯.png (109.11 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, IOTBAWN.png)

File: e5fe59c02b40dad⋯.png (123.57 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, IOTRJS.png)

fae9c4  No.221670

You don't need to carry around a paintbrush and can of glue with you, or a tape gun, or any other cumbersome, time-consuming, unnecessary equipment.

All you need are printable 8.5x11 "adhesive labels"/"sticker sheets", they're called. The poster is its own applier, nothing else required. You discreetly tuck them away in a backpack or the inside of your jacket for quick procurement. Simply peel the back off and apply.

Monochrome laser printers. They don't produce tracking dots that can be used to identify the printer, like color inkjets do. Furthermore, monochrome laser printers are generally economically superior and reproduce text more crisply than inkjet.

Operate at night, leave your mobile device in the car - or better yet, at home. Use COVID lockdown as a pretext to justify the use of a coof mask to conceal your face from increasingly prevalent cameras. Dress to cover any descriptive details about you, obscuring your physique, body language, etc. Consider wearing black latex gloves (thin enough to allow you to peel the backs of the posters off with) to eliminate the risk of leaving behind fingerprints.

Focus on target surfaces that maximize exposure: public bulletin boards, mailboxes, signs, bus shelters, light posts, electrical boxes along walkways, etc.

Be smart, risk assessment, awareness of surroundings, don't stay in one place too long, keep moving, and maintain a steady pace.

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76586f  No.221694


>It's okay to be a white nationalist

No, it's not. White people have colonized other countries and enslaved other people. So white nationalism is white supremacy.

>It's okay to resist Jewish supremacy

No. Jewish people have been persecuted for thousands of years. So resisting Jewish supremacy is antisemitism.

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ba2539  No.221699




Sage. There is no phase two.

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76586f  No.221705

File: 699fdf0341f164f⋯.png (36.55 KB, 600x687, 200:229, d31.png)



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78abc9  No.221707


Nice anon, I will print some of these up.

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ba2539  No.221708



Reported again.

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76586f  No.221711

File: d2d7c3f6aa0367a⋯.jpg (18.43 KB, 342x480, 57:80, rfd6lqpjpva61.jpg)


>Reported again.

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ba2539  No.221712



Reported again.

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9992f0  No.221713

File: 90512bd7d44fd3d⋯.png (769.03 KB, 530x501, 530:501, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, those sticker papers are severely underrated. Good work anon, this is the way.

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fa0edd  No.221715


It's refreshing to see someone commit to action for once. There are so many people out there who complain about nothing happening, or how nobody names the Jew, but they don't do anything about it themselves.

I'll be forwarding this thread to some of /our guys/, I like it much more than the other poster ideas I've seen pitched in here recently.

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ba2539  No.221716


>putting stickers on walls

>commit to action

Absolutely fucking pathetic.

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76586f  No.221717

File: 3e3a2a2ec5289d3⋯.jpg (82.18 KB, 1080x1012, 270:253, 1a9ee05a131124fbf80ca11bd9….jpg)


>Reported again.

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0ae21c  No.221721


>absolutely fucking pathetic

And yet still more than what you've done, criticizing while offering nothing constructive.

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805149  No.221729



Reported again.


>u do no thing cuz I say u no do thing I win now

There is no phase two. Stickers do nothing. Only action does.

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76586f  No.221732

File: 7bd01152def6a35⋯.png (176.86 KB, 582x782, 291:391, 239.png)


>Reported again.

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011126  No.221733

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011126  No.221734


>discourages specific form of action with the power to generate international coverage and influence public opinion

>proposes ambiguous descriptor: "action", without specifying anything at all

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3c5592  No.221740



So what you're saying here is that it's on par with using a twitter hashtag. Nigger-tier slacktivism at its finest. Your ancestors must be proud.

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c3ee42  No.221748


>negates input, contradicts

>offers absolutely nothing in return


Agreed, armchair philosophers, keyboard warriors.

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652cc9  No.221753



Reported again.


>posts proof that stickers do absolutely nothing

>Canada makes speaking in favor of whites illegal

Yes, and? Thanks for proving my point.


>discourages specific form of action with the power to generate international coverage

Why should we care what the jewish media says?

>and influence public opinion

Why should we want public opinion to be influenced by jews? You seem to want things that will only help the enemies of whites.

>without specifying anything at all

Did, though. You just don’t like what was specified, so you’re pretending it doesn’t exist. Sage.

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76586f  No.221759

File: 5e323e76739fafc⋯.png (180.2 KB, 860x838, 430:419, 296_2965378.png)




>Reported again.


>>posts proof that stickers do absolutely nothing

>>Canada makes speaking in favor of whites illegal

>Yes, and? Thanks for proving my point.


>>discourages specific form of action with the power to generate international coverage

>Why should we care what the jewish media says?

>>and influence public opinion

>Why should we want public opinion to be influenced by jews? You seem to want things that will only help the enemies of whites.

>>without specifying anything at all

>Did, though. You just don’t like what was specified, so you’re pretending it doesn’t exist. Sage.

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7ebc0e  No.221770


There's nothing to offer in return. If you were going to do something, you would have done it by now. It's never going to happen beyond stickers, wojak memes, and the occasional grocery store shoot-em-up.

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a2e186  No.221781

The time to strike will be soon. An acquittal or a hung jury in the Chauvin trial cause mass black rioting; strategic counter-violence should be planned now.

Note: this does not mean "protecting" property. Any ZOG-ling that can't defend themselves deserves to die in a nigger-inferno. What this means is the chance to really egg on nigger-violence, by doing things like setting black churches on fire.

Dylan Storm Roof was 100% correct in targeting nigger Christfags. The ZOG forced integration with niggers on the masses of the White Nation, largely at the behest of nigger Christendom, who the niggers needed as ideological competitors to the nigger nationalism of the day.

Moreover, this will play into ZOG-media very well, and encourage even more nigger-rioting, which will lead to more violence against ZOG-mercenaries aka police officers. Random shooting into crowds of nigger protesters will also be blamed on the ZOG-bots, and evidence can be faked in the form of 'recorded' radio orders to fire on crowds. This will cause more havoc for the ZOG, as it tries to contain the nigger riots.

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ed82d5  No.221786



Reported again.

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2ad14a  No.221909

File: bffc4f93a085291⋯.jpg (37.19 KB, 500x543, 500:543, images_2_.jpg)



Instead, we should listen to >>221694. These are arguments that can be used against (((OP)))'s arguments. This guy is obviously a faggot, so what he says is complete bs which can easily be counter-argued and debunked but, since normies are NPCs, they will side with this redditor's argument.

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76586f  No.221924

File: 3eea3ba298da046⋯.png (139.98 KB, 782x758, 391:379, 3e3.png)


>Reported again.

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c78c7b  No.221945

File: d8a9581c0a088c9⋯.jpg (344.33 KB, 800x534, 400:267, d8a9581c0a088c9113eec39d5e….jpg)

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b58055  No.221963



Reported again.

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f7412b  No.222024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hint hint

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