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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: eabd93e2e631c79⋯.png (161.83 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, JP_01_Copy.png)

57e2ad  No.221458

You know what to do.

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edd425  No.221460

Welp bump. For meager minds the "jew power" interpretation wont render the how or why of that, and why it is so. These hateful uninformative threads are unproductive to the survival of the white race and it's cultural heritage that was once the crown of this world.

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b919e2  No.221461



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54ffd7  No.221463

How about "In 1921 the great American hero Henry Ford wrote a book exposing the jewish conspiracy to enslave the non jews of the world. Read his book "The International jew" before it's too late…vague shit with no meat on it gets nobodys attention

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018e60  No.221466

redpill me on jews

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548e33  No.221467

Attatching the name of jewish orgs to flyers like this will probably cause some kvetching. More informations is needed though; Something for people to research.

The martin van krevald quote about the "Sanson Option" is also worth putting on flyers.

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548e33  No.221468



My hand slipped lol

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9bec91  No.221487


< Sage! Sage! Sage!

< Just dont do anything!

So many shills.

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58539a  No.221492


>Hello fellow white nationalists

>Let's go commit "domestic terrorism" so that you can get vanned

So many glowniggers.

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e8a9d5  No.221494

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e8a9d5  No.221495









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ce231c  No.221512

The best way to get people to do terrorism against the ZOG with you is to find young white men, preferably around the age 15-19, and take them on a ride with you to go kill some random spick/nigger/Kike/faggot. These should be young men you know, who are already prone to violence, and who already hate the ZOG.

Tell them you're going somewhere to make some quick cash. Find a random victim where there are no cameras around. Put a bullet in them, 'rob' them (you'll want to have plenty of cash on you anyway, to tell your potential recruit that you found it on them, even if you find nothing), and then hand the money over to your partner.

Give them an ideological spiel afterwards. Hand them a copy of the Turner Diaries. Tell them killing random spicks/niggers/Kikes/faggots is always a more lucrative option than working for the ZOG, and that killing these people is a noble cause. Tell them now that if they went to the police, it would already be too late for them; no one would believe they didn't participate in the murder with you, and ratting now would just mean they're also going to prison for decades for a worthless nigger/spick/Kike/faggot.

If your recruit is into it, you've went from Lone Wolf to Wolf Pack. Do this 3-4 more times, and you have a White Nationalist guerrilla cell, capable of much more highly coordinated activities.

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782b2c  No.221513


Yeah, we'll get right on that.

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ce231c  No.221515


>violence is wrong, vote Republican

ZOG-faggots never advocate violence, and are the first to denounce those who do.

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edd425  No.221516


>if questioning jewish power is terrorism, what is cofirming the history and means with which they attained it?

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edd425  No.221517

File: 9e7d8c90a2a8bc8⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 9e7d8c90a2a8bc8e7d5954dfd1….mp4)

Is that considerdered genocide?

>Article 1

>The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.

>Article 2

>In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

>(a) Killing members of the group;

>(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

>(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

>(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Does "d" ring relevant bells? Well, shoot gais why didnt we file a lawsuit yet?

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edd425  No.221518


I mean Article 2 in and of it's entirety is a wrap wherein all avenues of each subsection have deliberately, numerously and consistently been pursued by the perpetrators who currently govern it's entire judiciary settlement, lol.

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edd425  No.221519

delete this thread now.

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58539a  No.221521


>what is cofirming the history and means with which they attained it?

Oy vey! That's literally committing another holocaust.



That could fix white birthrates. But will it be allowed to?

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edd425  No.221522


>mp4 hur

>fucking forum etiquette in 20-whatever fuck year it is.

How are your Aryan children doing anon?

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58539a  No.221524


>How are your Aryan children doing anon?

I'm not married.

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edd425  No.221526



If you stop listening to me and other faggot's on the irrelevancy of discussion until fulfillment of it's sincere consequential obligation from now on, you might be.

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58539a  No.221533


>Discussions are irrelevant

They can be. So could anything else depending on the viewpoint.

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fafa94  No.221535

If you decide to post this, I think you should put a jewish website like adl on it so people think it was made by them.

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edd425  No.221547


when you respond to me attempting to quote me while omitting the entire context of what I posted to back it, and rendering it a sentiment, obscuring your lack of understanding, lacking direction in a focused resolve and asserting your nominal passsive aggressive "anything else" to get you through your teens, I have to say: well done lad, you are truly closer to saving your soul and it's race than most. You've utterly failed on all fronts, but in doing so have laid down the fert, gg lad.

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58539a  No.221562


>gg lad

Ok, thanks.

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768188  No.221817


How about just "question jewish power"

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1d9f43  No.222028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hint hint

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