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File: a0ef5164846f00f⋯.png (54.94 KB, 480x435, 32:29, biden_antisemitism.png)

cfcc3d  No.220072

Trump sucked Jewish dick so hard that Biden looks antisemitic in comparison.

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5cc8a4  No.220073


PragerU as a source is nigger-tier, but if Biden is making Israel suffer, then I hope we appoint him King for Life.

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fee68a  No.220093

File: d5b974bdf354171⋯.jpg (174.16 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Criticism_Creates_Support.jpg)


Go away.


You, too.

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905400  No.220123


Obongo had a rocky relationship with Israel, but I don't think it'll necessary be that way with Biden. He's probably more aligned with kikes other than the Likudniks who owned Trump, but he's literally a brainless golem.

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2303f4  No.220124


>President Biden presidency

Has anyone got a link to the study referred to in the tweet?

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53cb54  No.220132

File: e51bb35b2418ea0⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 960x480, 2:1, 1615995633991.jpg)


Once again jews claim to suffer when they don't, a running theme with these folks.

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80556a  No.220144


A running theme? They are the biggest mass murderers on the planet who complain about their ‘victimization’ 24/7. That is a real running theme.

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80556a  No.220153

White leaders haven’t stopped sucking jewish cock since the crusades.

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5006fe  No.220201

File: fba57a5fa27c528⋯.jpg (50.94 KB, 706x960, 353:480, 1612156877579.jpg)


I though i'd never say it, but in that regard Biden is sort of based in an ironic twist.

Still it's even more funny they immediately kvetch "antisemitism concern" when hebrew asses arent being kissed 24/7 and $ aren't being received in sizable quantities… How typical of those selfserving cunts eh?

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a5f183  No.220680

Both are jews. Don't be an idiot.

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