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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1d17eab599b1b02⋯.jpg (273.61 KB, 1628x1150, 814:575, eric_nelson.jpg)

14c8d1  No.219143

If we were to meet at a social gathering or a party, what are the top 3 things you would tell me about yourself?

Derek Chauvin thread.

Also retard mod at half chan didn't know the guy in the pic was Derek's lawyer and I was banned.

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cf0dca  No.219144

>data mining

>irrelevant eceleb faggotry

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12ee73  No.219159


I'd tell you my dick size 3 times while repeatedly punching you in the face.

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563556  No.219162

File: 163046301777c00⋯.png (433.47 KB, 570x598, 285:299, 1615020213231.png)


"I'm related to Hitler's ancestral family."

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b18fcd  No.219202


> what are the top 3 things you would tell me about yourself?

1. I'm not gay

2. I feel unsafe near you

3. I am walking away now

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f67d72  No.219210

File: a7aa6bd55c79e34⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 500x264, 125:66, 23dq44.jpg)


Why are you walking away anon? Come with me, I got free candy.

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b221b6  No.219220

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14c8d1  No.219299

File: 9a565e98fa9a22b⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 1024x628, 256:157, eric_nelson_shoot.jpg)

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b221b6  No.219305

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fb0ca9  No.219314

I wanna get laid, is your sister nearby?

Nigros are inferior

I am not a good boy

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