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File: 833eacdce732399⋯.jpg (326.25 KB, 894x587, 894:587, _putin_4.jpg)

4f105e  No.206325

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday told Russia that the United States would no longer be “rolling over” in the face of aggressive action by Moscow, declaring a new, tough approach by Washington.

Visiting the State Department, Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again. “American leadership” must meet rising authoritarianism and unite with partners to combat global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic or climate change, he said.

Biden, as expected, adopted a sterner tone with Russian President Vladimir Putin than his predecessor, Donald Trump.

“I made it clear to President Putin in a manner very different from my predecessor, that the days the United States rolling over in the face of Russia’s aggressive actions, interfering with our elections, cyber attacks, poisoning citizens are over,” Biden said. The two leaders spoke by phone in late January.

“We will not hesitate to raise the cost on Russia and defend our vital interests and our people, and we will be more effective in dealing with Russia when we work in coalition and coordination with other like-minded partners,” he said.



>inb4 Russian troll-farm kvetching

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49668f  No.206329

File: 9ecc3744e944bae⋯.jpg (43.7 KB, 350x401, 350:401, 9ecc3744e944bae46006d358dc….jpg)

Is Biden retarded? Can't really declare war if the Defense secretary orders a 60-day stand-down period to stop white extremism.

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25807f  No.206331


> Biden also promised to repair alliances and engage with the world again.

A lot of countries have already told Biden that they are continuing Trump's policies of Chinese contaiment.

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4f105e  No.206335

File: 5936652f82139e7⋯.jpg (284.3 KB, 1688x939, 1688:939, PSYGROUP_2.jpg)


Which countries?

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21dff2  No.206337


>Is Biden retarded?

Very old and demented. It's the people behind him who actually are in power.

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92ec8c  No.206340

File: 59226821333c0d7⋯.jpg (154.29 KB, 890x350, 89:35, nordstream2.jpg)

Hold this L.

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c54c73  No.206350


>doesn't lick Putin's asshole clean

>declaring war

Are you literally 12 years old?

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14e300  No.206352


>We will not hesitate

<to act at some point in the future maybe

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d3473c  No.206356

Price of gas is up even though Biden talking about getting an Iran deal again. Who are we threatening to invade first?

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06b474  No.206389

But China, nah. Hunta Biden needs his multi-billion dollas

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