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File: 591eb9cf571608f⋯.png (97.26 KB, 953x701, 953:701, old_friend.png)

593538  No.206163[Last 50 Posts]

What's the deal with the old domain name 8ch.net.

It no longer forwards here to 8kun, and connects to nothing.

Can someone purchase it and restore our true home where there was no sage fag?

Or is the domain somehow permanently trashed.


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fcd396  No.206168


why have you started pretending to be me in every fucking thread?

you are spamming literally every thread pretending to be me and telling everyone that im gay

seriously stop it its pissing me off

im not gay!!!!!!!!!

SHUT UP!! and stop impersonating me

the real purple

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593538  No.206171

File: 8214d1c0a1adf65⋯.gif (292.14 KB, 289x185, 289:185, haha_thats_funny.gif)


you make me laugh anon.

first one to hit dubs is the real purple

ill roll first


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f5de57  No.206172


Global report.

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fcd396  No.206173


suck my cock

im so pissed because of you


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593538  No.206175




go fly a kite sage fag anon

is there a way to trip code or whatever on here so this neckbeard stops being able to impersonate me?

the real purple

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fcd396  No.206176


see if this guy was real he would already know you cant tripcode on here

purple posting is my thing, get your own signature

rolling for justice

the real purple

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34c859  No.206179

roll, dubs get.

i am the real purple

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34c859  No.206181


the real purple doesn't curse. so you are an obvious fake. roll dubs get. check'em, dubs prove i am the real purple.

no but seriously. what is going on with the original 8ch.net domain ? will it ever come back?

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fcd396  No.206182


the real purple gets dubs

check 'em


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4ff216  No.206185


the real purple will hit this upcoming hitler 88 dubs.

how dead is this 8kun domain? we're literally the only people posting on this entire board right now? its only going up one number per post. hilarious.

i have to change vpn almost every time i post. is there some mod that just keeps banning vpns?

the real purple

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fb988a  No.206187

dubs proves the real purple. check em. roll.

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fb988a  No.206190

File: ded67728eef2a96⋯.gif (826.41 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ohh_yeah_havin_a_good_time.gif)

dubs proves the real purple. check em. roll again

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fcd396  No.206194

i am purple

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fcd396  No.206195

check 'em

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b687e5  No.206199

dubs prove the real purple. check em. roll.

i actually am the real purple

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f5de57  No.206200

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29facf  No.206207


sage fag anon, get off my thread.


99 dubs prove the real purple is me, OP

now quit distracting from the thread topic, this was a legitimate question. i want to purchase the 8ch.net domain if possible

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4e5248  No.206224

File: bb73a6f678f0504⋯.jpg (16.1 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 2.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 7, 9 = 16 (2d10)

We all the purple now.

Rolling for Purple's level of gayness.

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4e5248  No.206226

File: d30d60f58b07f56⋯.png (97.34 KB, 860x753, 860:753, 437_4379458_acchi_kocchi_t….png)

Dice rollRolled 8, 13 = 21 (2d20)


Why does the swastika look like tarantula legs?

Rolling for purple OP's number of blow jobs he's performed this morning.

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4fc69d  No.206229

itt: (((Bodhi Mantra))) talks to himself

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f5de57  No.206236

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19df33  No.206265

File: 02afdddb4e25800⋯.jpg (26.27 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 9781534441668.jpg)


< You dont have the required amount of federal agents posing as posters to have your own forum.

Sorry fren, have a manifesto.

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a36bd2  No.206305

File: 674cb7f8bb92d57⋯.png (206.88 KB, 1257x808, 1257:808, flash_672714_largest_crop.png)

how do i purplepost?

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492a9c  No.206316

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8640b6  No.206321

you guys are retarded

I am the real purple, and I am a massive faggot


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e1620b  No.206349


""I"" <HateNIGGERS

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fcd396  No.206354


are you calling me a nigger?


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93c653  No.206391

File: 8a3050b450cee8c⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1633x1932, 71:84, qresearch_purple_thread.png)


Another purple imposter? This is getting out of hand

Purple is not gay you fags.

I would know.

Because I am the real purple.

Look, Qresearch is already talking about purple anon in their latest thread: pic related: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/12828299.html

There was a thread here awhile ago of us discussing co-opting the old purple psyop, and possibly drawing in the Qtard crowd looking for a new shepherd.

I'm glad to see it taking hold somewhat.

Our Purple is associated with a specific website that the originator of the idea controls. That's how we know that real purple, for now.

I won't link to the old thread or the website so that no anons complain about spamming. but if you're interested, let me know and I'll give the link in the QTDDTOT thread here.






But seriously anons. Come up with your own idea and leave purple to me. Why don't one of you red text all the time and call yourself Red anon.


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fcd396  No.206398


purple here

ignore this qtard nonsense

I'm just here to have a nice time and chat

It annoys me that you guys have started pretending to me be

It's like some sort of "troll" or something

stop bullying me

the real purple

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696443  No.206538

File: ae4c94118615df9⋯.jpg (104.32 KB, 944x471, 944:471, halp.jpg)

this is small font not purpel

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696443  No.206541

jk i am the real purpel

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9c6d48  No.206565

File: de0bd0a318d9de8⋯.png (593.64 KB, 1673x926, 1673:926, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2eef3040f133f25⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1279x982, 1279:982, ClipboardImage.png)


these fake purples are probably same-fagging, but it's irritating me now

purple is a character of a master secret agent who wears a purple hat.

pics related


purple was created by secretagentwars.com in a thread


as a rival to the infowars.com alex jones character, to challenge their conspiracy news monopoly.

if you go comment on that thread, just make sure you sage it, because it's now a secret planning thread for an epic new troll on the qresearch board.

obviously, i am the real purple.

hail hitler

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fcd396  No.206866


underrated post


id code: a1-01a

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492a9c  No.206910


>be sure to sage it

I have code in my JS that hides sage posts, so …

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4ff216  No.206920


your id-code isn't even current anymore according to http://secretagentwars.com/idcode

the real purple anon doesn't call his own posts underrated.

<using old codes like he knows the first thing about code warfare.

you ain't got no codes, anon.

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b687e5  No.206922

File: 701d0fc4a47f43b⋯.gif (444.98 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1575501777663.gif)

It is beyond me why not one single person has even attempted to address the topic of this thread….

It looks like 8ch.net is now again re-directing to 8kun again.

Any mod here want to explain why they don't just keep the old domain name?

I'm sure a legion of oldfags are out there that are just refusing to post on anything except the original domain name.

So why change it?


id code: q5-09j

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4d5b36  No.207155


your code is wack and old. fake purple

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be2734  No.207162


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5461f6  No.208689

File: 87f11c1f401e6f8⋯.jpg (37.88 KB, 285x602, 285:602, aEU.jpg)

oGSINBFAntM ciNqTsyQRqef BKzf RlDO vPWLUXZjjMs DJHb ajSY xkcZNFSpOn EzI sMPmgd rCWS JsIcjdlukuXw DUgcnQekHcXT lEKDuyqVKe YLqLjBIgs auR VdardGzYvJ

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701dee  No.208709

File: e896107487dc5cd⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 401x522, 401:522, rLlW.jpg)

plwZpuSRxYr YTesaSn bNLcy jPXxwFCKws Wooe SKJs ueWBe tUcKpy zBXvrZEFQUkF cAcosHMlMm rPZX

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98fd69  No.208719

File: 1678c93441f918b⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 456x491, 456:491, AppYfCoOHz.jpg)


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409457  No.209605

File: 5331418646d4b26⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 402x575, 402:575, vRfbPlZMk.jpg)

JiLAyqCBoDG iczA keFqtP fbae pBrYX WCqTTiRIL zVfPhAN SMnJsO hXDmZDI uvnZH

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135829  No.209639

File: afca9575d9fa6cd⋯.jpg (83.16 KB, 971x698, 971:698, wrnwii.jpg)

iHFhcUdTrozU wzfvmN hkMjBxpYrNK zAjmutUbNv RnfGHnnpV VHkj MmnNmZUKorz UZpukFNrhmw mbMfxheexxM oMwIgje uBlnJAeSs xDqdXvdVaiQ jYmivRd ferxl

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0749b6  No.211292

File: 66cabf7a68c6c78⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 974x668, 487:334, zegCtdoIMG.jpg)

YviBFhXWfIXC AeQqL aSmxA LUVyWZl KWOKhGYCAgU YqAqq IrA EYssBtKip yqauOhsm pNSCrbTOl rBeUZmYcta

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b162f8  No.211321

File: d06e78d78284878⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 434x493, 434:493, qk.jpg)

DrpgBs uUrjdMSk icxKtTuBv iYFHhowcfvG clenCfi wnK SnteN UMnNWc HLakHpWFIB CqhsTVlZ ghJZPPuGw shhiYxoLzM ZVxnrGPHIm shXOO wMeXUbvqjA XRYIACayUtPO GAqAbcNd MQrurUqXvmU RzDuYnXIzSOE

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e3c5af  No.211816

File: 91a5b815da226aa⋯.jpg (75.71 KB, 929x638, 929:638, MVguorPCcK.jpg)

DepcG vFG QzlwgG ZOyf MojN

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d12182  No.212086

File: cdb777e32e8083b⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 448x609, 64:87, oNuLCCiMz.jpg)

XBRxO gsrCcUTNZa pLXqxKRd THFmTaPx YaWQS rIvtawTwBFJh rSgUoVab jZiLg

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287bd7  No.212345

File: 0cdd148a8525a27⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 1033x621, 1033:621, Yi.jpg)

UKgyCZkpv UuM pvS MlfNPUc VdSyttquRcte XVHX AUjwikKzk YZXHwvbamyFp lsXoLBxozy oocDGqE TnRyePberVuw sqNfF sVcvdRiyz

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dad780  No.212589

File: e0427165f631197⋯.jpg (58.17 KB, 457x631, 457:631, Hmqq.jpg)

chsghRURJCx jFvimUN zkhY DZyvAtjrwA ktag

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1d9a44  No.212667

File: 58c540b17a7e8f4⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 1113x470, 1113:470, TWssd.jpg)

lNK JPzjMVmnPP ZvqItv ulN yEDlrpII fsRsIxb vluzYPeWKi QMffrmmL PKM BrYoEZFTAPl laAmTEZzlS

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dfa566  No.213548

File: f5cc13425dbb90e⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 1040x616, 130:77, BGVORsS.jpg)


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3c9be1  No.215996

File: a567f7eef870e23⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 968x642, 484:321, T.jpg)

Hhmx IlW pncu ZLPhux QYNhh mIP yhEEonIU WUid IDPU CxTyHiffj

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