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File: aaab42bad7cd14a⋯.png (296,28 KB, 928x576, 29:18, new_battle.png)

File: 5a470d1b9e093fb⋯.png (312,46 KB, 2202x642, 367:107, Secret_Agent_cover_with_qu….png)

157e24  No.198675[Last 50 Posts]

Sup pol bros.

I'm sick of Alex Jones. Sick of his manipulation techniques, insincerity, and his embracing every conspiracy known to man but when it comes to Hitler and WW2 he follows almost EXACTLY the mainstream story.

His brand was successful though, and needs competition.

I call it SecretAgentWars.com

based on the model of infowars.com except not a pile of psy-op garbage.

And instead of it being an "info war" as the higher truth of news analysis, the idea is that it's a "secret agent war" of powers are battling it out via espionage tactics, secret codes signals & symbols, controlled opposition infiltration techniques…etc, which serves as the catchy tagline and from there it'll be a general news and meme site.

I'm not a website creator master or anything, so right now it's just the preliminary surface work I did to get it set up: http://SecretAgentWars.com

Eventually I'll do weekly news reports, podcasts, have reporters go out in the field and say shit like "Reporting for Secret Agent Wars.com"

Never gonna sell vitamins or water filters ever.

Making fun of infowars and Alex Jones will be a weekly segment too.

What ya'll think? Just trying to get the ball rolling on something that maybe could eventually dethrone infowars Alex Jones as an information gatekeeper.

Any time I make a thread on 8chan I'll throw it on there to. I've got a lot of ideas.

Anybody who wants to put something on the website, post it here and I'll put it up if I think it's cool.

It'll give me a hobby anyway.

INB4 Sage Anon spammer says "blow your brains out, jew". Not a jew. And No I will not.

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77d541  No.198679

>shill instantly outs himself without anyone even needing to reply in the first place

Maybe just don’t post spam threads at all in the future, then? Save us the time of bothering to read them. Sage. Because it fucking triggers you all to hell, you goddamn leftist.

>What ya'll think?

Talking does nothing. There is no peaceful solution. No one is going to act. You’re literally wasting your time. If you want to make a thread that ISN’T obviously worthless, I won’t sage it and neither will anyone else.

>Any time I make a thread on 8chan I'll throw it on there to.

You’re literally copying and pasting your spam from cuckchan and you don’t even know the name of this place anymore. You’re wasting your time.

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a54c44  No.198680

File: 1f2a16dc3497ced⋯.gif (370,71 KB, 500x280, 25:14, babble_shitposting_loudly.gif)

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89294f  No.198686

Sounds like your a shill trying to push your brand.

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8f063e  No.198696


youre right. if this thread dies ill remake it without mentioning the website specifically

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020406  No.198703

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8f063e  No.198709

File: 4ebf74a3e04a44e⋯.gif (1,85 MB, 435x245, 87:49, fuck_you_and_you_and_you.gif)

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6571eb  No.198710


You're just beating a dead horse at this point. Alex was good back around 1998-2006 or 2007. When he got rich and famous he became an asshole egomaniac and ruined his own show. Before he had all sorts of interesting people on his show, even if he did shout them down with his annoying foghorn voice. Since he created his modern studio in imitation of ABC or CBS his show's content has swirled down the toilet, as in Jason Bermas and Owen Schroyer swirl down the toilet.

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989736  No.198712

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05060f  No.198716

File: a35eaba3be6973c⋯.gif (147,04 KB, 300x194, 150:97, cheers_clockwork_orange.gif)


<You're just beating a dead horse at this point. Alex was good back around 1998-2006 or 2007. When he got rich and famous he became an asshole egomaniac and ruined his own show.

He's still a behemoth of the media.

He has control over a large portion of lemmings who believe in him, which is the political weight he carries.

He also has a lot of people like me, who know he's a double agent controlled opposition, but still we listen so we can glean the truths he mixes in with the lie.

He has a type of supremacy in certain aspect of the field of battle. I seek to challenge that supremacy. Hail Hitler.

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6571eb  No.198717


He's yesterday's news.

There's more important targets that you need to attack.

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a54c44  No.198730

File: db144766c76b807⋯.jpg (10,73 KB, 250x187, 250:187, yeahIm_gonna_have.jpg)


>He's yesterday's news.

As if saying he's yesterday's news in any way refutes the points I made about him still being relevant.

>There's more important targets that you need to attack.

And there is no reason why a news agency couldn't also "politically/metaphysically" attack those other targets too. It's not just about Jones

Maybe I'm just offering the particular skill/target that I can offer. I'm not a hacker or a weapons specialist. What are you even spending your time doing to further the cause?

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6e65eb  No.198750

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84ef23  No.198767

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22cae8  No.198771

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84ef23  No.198774

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6571eb  No.198778


He's been taken off the air so to speak. He's been banned accross the internets. And he's yesterday's news. Nobody goes to him for news now. He's no longer relevant. He admits it himself by playing a gross buffoon more often than not. You might just as well beat up on Rush Limbaugh or Jimmy Carter. The house is burning down in a 3 alarm fire and you're fussing over the fact that your neighbor's chihuaua made his tiny poopy on the corner of your front lawn.

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0a4e70  No.198785


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c720ae  No.198829

File: 743a83c0f23d872⋯.jpg (83,05 KB, 394x406, 197:203, just_your_opinion.jpg)

File: f543d6bfb3eb33e⋯.png (604,82 KB, 998x1181, 998:1181, alex_jones_buffoon_techniq….png)


>He's been banned across the internets. Nobody goes to him for news. He's no longer relevant. The house is burning down and you're fussing over the chihuahua made his tiny poopy on the corner of your front lawn.

I see infowars paraphernalia a lot. I was at the capital protest and there were lots of people with infowars gear; crowds forming outside his hotel. He's not a small timer like you suggest, when considering the battle for the smaller minds of the volk.

His MO is to act intelligent and perfectly reasonable telling the truth for long periods of time to draw people in before he switches over to being a buffoon in order to discredit that truth by association. I follow him closely, and he actually just switched over to buffoon again about a month or two ago after doing the reasonable act for almost a year straight. He does the buffoon thing until he just about destroys his reputation before he switches back to reasonable again to start the process over again. It's some subtle slight of hand that average joe can't wrap his brain around and he is spreading mass confusion via this technique.

He is not a damn chihuahua. As far as I can tell, he is the main weapon of discrediting the truth movement. I don't know what angle you're viewing this from, but you're not attuned to the zeitgeist IMO. They got this Owen Shroyer character set up to continue the dynasty after Alex, and so it doesn't look like infowars is going anywhere soon. They are a main lever of manipulative control.

Even for people like us, infowars is like the CNN of alt right media that we all check in on from time to time just to see what enemy is thinking.

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6571eb  No.198830


> As far as I can tell, he is the main weapon of discrediting the truth movement.

No that's Glen Beck.

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6571eb  No.198832

And nobody and I do mean nobody listens to that wretched little sycophantic lickspittle cur Owen Schroyer at all. He's inheriting a handful of dried up dogshit from Alex. The only think making anyone pay attention to Infowars was Millie Weaver's tits and that was like 8 years ago now. She's some old saggy granny now or something. Owen Schroyer and Jason Bermas pretty much telegraphed to the world that Infowars is a jewed outfit.

Alex's show is unwatchable drivel now. Nobody cares about him. He hasn't even made a good video documentary in years.

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6a0d13  No.198841

hahahaha imagine wasting your time with filterman… AT THIS TIME IN HISTORY, THIS.. is what you chose? Fuucking NIGGER. The jew fucker is on is last dime. Vitamin sales is all he has left and now that he's shit on the Q people, there's no one to buy it. Plus, there's been plenty of damning videos made about the guy. He's a literal meme now.

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6571eb  No.198878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>now that he's shit on the Q people,

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6a0d13  No.199094

'Alex Jones' presents himself as a Christian, yes? You've heard him claim it many times before am sure. Yet, 'Alex Jones' is on his third, JEWISH WIFE. Nothing more needs to be said. The same goes for jewggle and faceberg and twatter and the gay apple. Just fucking discard it all into the trash bin. You're wasting valuable time.

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e88de4  No.199411

File: eb01caa59446afb⋯.gif (1,91 MB, 349x252, 349:252, sauce.gif)


I knew his first wife was jewish. Didn't know that his current wife is also Jewish, that would definitely be a clue. do you have a source for that? And there was a third Jewish wife too? Give sauce please.

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f0b42f  No.202673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whatup polbros.

I'm coming along now with the SecretAgentWars.com rival to infoWars.com.

A few updates I wanted to let my fellow anons here know about


_1. Video Theme of Purple Anon Secret Agent Code Warrior Myth

_2. SecretAgentWars.com Telegram Account

It's supposed to be the groundwork for building up a new Q type movement, by building up a mythology I call "Folklure". Mixing fantasy with reality and then building that up into a news site.

The website will focus on that fantasy while at the same time covering real news, but for the sake of my pol bros here, I'll let you in on the behind the scenes thought behind the fantasy.

I've decided I'm going with a theme of co-opting that purple anon thing from awhile back on here, which was originally a failed rival competitor to Q anon, if you remember.

So we'll say that purple anon runs SecretAgentWars.com, and he's this deep secret agent type character who runs the website, and is a master of secret agent Code warfare. He'll serve as the protagonist of SecretAgentWars just like Alex Jones is the protagonist of infoWars.


video embed related


I'm not going to write 100 pages here explaining all the detail of how this is possible, I'll just have to hope your intelligence is high enough to follow along with me, of how this could turn into something legit.

I really think there is some potential here to create a legion of Purple tards to maneuver for our values, just like the Qtards were maneuvered to drain the energy out of the opposition.

–I'm thinking instead of calling themselves Q patriots, they'll be called CodeBros, and eventually work them up into IRL collecting codes and dropping secret codes to build them up into a world where they play the part of secret agents…. etc

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6662e5  No.202707


Barney LARP spam is not allowed here. Reported for Q shit.

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6e65eb  No.202716

why are right wingers always sperging about Alex Jones? He is still the best day to day news source. Obviously he doesn't openly name the Jew but no one does rofl so who cares? He is still a main focal point for NWO resistance whether you like it or not. Why would any of you fucktards want to try and take his show down? That is just fucking retarded but most far right wingers are literal retards so it isnt surprising.

Make videos questioning his takes and exposing his bs like KMN that is fine, even productive, but trying to attack him so that the only non far-left neo-liberal news source is fox news, OANN or newsmax???? I mean wtf is wrong with you morons? Who the fuck would ever think that is a good idea?

Goddamn, do something useful you fucking retards and stop attacking our own people. AJ is useful for us for now, how about you stupid fucks do something actually useful for once?

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fdb6e1  No.202717

File: 2b6bfe655b2bfe3⋯.png (139,2 KB, 368x415, 368:415, 5e056c05059df3e147563a8174….png)


I was an infocuck from 2005-2009, to less of a degree towards the end, but Jonestein was never good. His early stuff was all blaming Hitler and the Nazis for everything, in the '90s he was an open zionist (like he is now), he refused to acknowledge that Israel did 9/11, etc. I remember one of his early 9/11 videos had a whole thing about how Hamas was actually involved.

He was obviously better than he is now, but that isn't saying much, given that 2020/2021 Jonestein is even pro-Rex84.

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c6f0f4  No.202720


>oy vey a jewish paid shill who married a jew and watches tranny porn is toooooooooooootally on your side, goyim

>oy vey you’re stupid because you don’t listen to a proven disinformation agent

>ha ha left wing shills are definitely right wingers


Kill yourself. No, seriously. Kill yourself. You’re fooling absolutely no one. We will never listen to your shill.

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1562cc  No.202733

File: d3b1ce2189c505d⋯.mp4 (14,62 MB, 400x224, 25:14, secret_agent_paradise_8kun.mp4)

File: 1837a02162b1237⋯.png (292,56 KB, 901x826, 901:826, code_bros.png)


>AJ is useful for us for now

I actually do agree with you to an extent anon. To me, I get a sense of something devious in him discrediting the truth through associating it with bullshit like chimera's and his whole filter salesman gimmick.

Thus, I think it's important to get something else into the conspiracy news arena. It can't be left to Jones' infowars running the whole playground.

–Everything else aside, I want some feedback on this masterpiece video I made.

I want to develop create the character of this Purple Anon Secret Agent, and this is like a movie trailer for his story.–

–If the video upload isn't playing, then click this direct link here:



>Barney LARP spam

Just straight up telling the truth ain't gonna defeat the enemy. We need to get creative and do something like the Q anon psyop, except in our favor.

I'm getting the ball rolling with this video.

Please, let there be someone out there who is on my level that can understand what I'm trying to do here. The old 8chan would've understood. Damn this 8kun.

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0f0666  No.202734

File: 67db5739ee33a26⋯.jpg (883,66 KB, 3635x2362, 3635:2362, purpleanon_maymay_compress….jpg)


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0f0666  No.202735

>Just straight up telling the truth ain't gonna defeat the enemy.

working pretty good so far. you want us to stop what works to embrace deception so kikes can associate the truth with deception. OP is a clearly a TRSodomite afraid of /pol/ succeeding.

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6433db  No.202736


TRS are legit. No one working for the regime would ever destroy the holohoax narrative in painstaking detail over hundreds of episodes like that.

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0f0666  No.202737


>TRS are legit


fuck off kike.

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c6f0f4  No.202741


Sage and report Barney LARP

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c84fb5  No.202744


They've adopted a legitimate narrative now, but there's no way anyone who was serious would have pushed what they were promoting as recently as 2018. Whether it's late-stage 88D chess, zionism, Pinochet kikery, jewish conspiracy denial, etc., the list goes on and on.

I tend to think Enoch was a kike, trolling "Nazis" the same way they would brag about infiltrating and trolling faceberg groups, but after being doxed and losing his main source of income, he had to adopt a decent message to support himself.

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1562cc  No.202749

File: 8d32ea34304ec8f⋯.mp4 (14,59 MB, 400x224, 25:14, secret_agent_paradise_8kun….mp4)


I think I may have fixed the video upload. Try again.

Behold Purple Anon Secret Agent Code Master.



>you want us to stop what works to embrace deception.

WHAT WORKS? What about anything is working?

It's not deception. It's playing to the need of the masses to be entertained, which is part of the game and legitimate.

It's not deception, let's just say that I AM a super cool code master secret agent. Pretty much an opinion statement anyway, and you work with it to build a playground for the masses of people who have a legitimate need to be like a Q tard.

You want to act like the childlike nature of the majority of humanity isn't there and treat everyone like mature adults. The truth is, the best way to work a crowd of children is to get on their level.

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0f0666  No.202752


entertainment is pacifier. with trump americans turned against israel, with biden they turn against bolshevism. soon we hang nazbols like you and enoch. fuck off kike.

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02d33c  No.202753


Alright, the video upload didn't work again. Does anyone have a guide on how to make videos playable on here so I can figure out what I'm doing wrong?

It's under 15MB. It's H264. It's mono audio AAC. It uploaded fine, but it won't play.

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02d33c  No.202755

File: 9e2d247e4b5c2fa⋯.gif (3,52 MB, 480x354, 80:59, wtf.gif)


And what the flip is up with the satanic trips in your ID anon.

You are possessed. Go to church.

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0f0666  No.202756

File: c505be1fdcb0338⋯.mp4 (431,74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Mike_Enoch_admits.mp4)


>your ID tho!

fuck off kike.

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865b4e  No.202760

File: c1144f8d1a9de01⋯.jpg (507,35 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1578637922764.jpg)


^Jude. Look at how fake these look by today's standards.

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0f0666  No.202761


are you trying to create a strawman? holocaust didn't happen but it's more real than nazbol succeeding. you kikes get the rope.

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c720ae  No.202763

File: feafc0c6589c7e7⋯.png (971,83 KB, 1429x950, 1429:950, Secret_Agent_Purple_Anon.png)


And another satanic trips in an ID.

This whole thread needs a exorcism.


Who is Mike Enoch, and what does he have to do with anything?


I thought the original purple anon was just a failed launch at copying the Q movement.

I'm stealing that launch for my own character.

Code Master Secret Agent Purple Anon:


You fools have no ability to think outside the box.

In a few years, I'll be a news media influencer while ya'll will still be here shit posting and Saging any new ideas.

Just wait. Give it a few months. It'll catch on.

Alex Jones already has his eyes on SecretAgentWars.com already, I can tell. He keeps talking about secret agents on his show lately.

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0f0666  No.202765


PurpleAnon was a TRS psyop. Faggot even defended (((Mike Enoch))) and the other ecelebs. If you don't know these things you're too new to post here. Maybe go back to 4/pol/. Nazbols get the rope and deception is not how we do things.

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f0b42f  No.202770

File: fff8f789bd32b7a⋯.jpg (258,96 KB, 1193x566, 1193:566, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)


What the flip is TRS?

Excuse me if I don't follow every single bullshit psyop. I investigated purple anon for all of 5 minutes before it seemed like nothing worthwhile.

I do like what Mike Enoch said anyways.

This whole board is infested with shills like you trying to over obsess about the jew

good jews exist. if you deny that, then you're just another victim of the subversion of national socialism, else a shill bent on continuing that subversion.

national socialism wants segregation of jews, not annihilation.

but oh no. you can't have national socialists sounding reasonable about the jewish question. then people might flock to our banner. of course, you must continue Saging and cutting down any OP that says anything less than annihilate all jews.

every legitimate poster here knows this already. you shills are ineffective, and are only making us stronger against subversion techniques.

pic related. fly away, shill

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0f0666  No.202771


>i dont know what TRS is

>i like mike enoch

fuck off kike holy shit

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1562cc  No.202776

File: 250f76ba50db206⋯.gif (1,43 MB, 400x643, 400:643, throw_out.gif)


I don't know what kind of neckbeard hole you're shilling from.

Your kind is worse than the worst jew out there.

Your kind is enemy #1.

Do you understand what kind of enemies you are making on here?

Rest assured, some people more violent than me are going to find you.

you are not anonymous.

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0f0666  No.202777


I'm not even using a proxy. And you can find me here:


come at me kike.

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1562cc  No.202778

File: ab5a780b7f0ff0f⋯.png (684,81 KB, 1429x950, 1429:950, Secret_Agent_Purple_Anon.png)




Before it gets buried under his shit posts




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0f0666  No.202779

File: d3271beb1684d61⋯.gif (2,27 MB, 431x419, 431:419, my_sides.gif)


stay triggered trsodomite

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6662e5  No.202782


Remember to report all barneyLARP spam.

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6e65eb  No.202783


stfu redditt schizo


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6662e5  No.202784

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6e65eb  No.202787


>I actually do agree with you to an extent anon.

I know you do bro. Anyone with half a brain has to take my stance on this topic. I was just being overly spastic because it is was a chan post kek.

>To me, I get a sense of something devious in him discrediting the truth through associating it with bullshit like chimera's and his whole filter salesman gimmick.

Well truthers aren't going to get big sponsorship deals with major corporations. They have to pay the bills somehow little. I actually think it gives our people more credibility. They can speak w/e they want without having to worry about some Jew corporate overlords (I know this is questionable with AJ, I just mean in general with right wing / truther content producers). Theya re only beholden to their audience who supports them financially. I mean in a perfect world this wouldnt be the case, but it isnt a perfect world. We need money to fund our people and what they do. There are worse things than selling supplements, like selling your soul and loyalty for ad dollars.

>Thus, I think it's important to get something else into the conspiracy news arena. It can't be left to Jones' infowars running the whole playground.

I 100% agree. I will support anyone who does this if they aren't spergy donks just making retard content. As I said it is important for more people to be in the arena to questions and second guess everyone else so they don't dominate the narrative. Expose AJ for being wrong and not being truthful on the JQ. That is some good content. My point was only don't attack our own tools / people unproductively. That is some Jew / shill shit. If we lost InfoWars it would honestly be devastating to us with nothing to replace it with. Most of our people just be flying blind. I think there are enough people to fill the loss for people really tuned into politics like red ice and a few others but AJ still has a massive audience and influence and just dispersing them as a collective would be seriously retarded and only help our enemies.

I will check your material out bro and hope you have luck with your endeavor.

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6e65eb  No.202789


*They have to pay the bills somehow little bro

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6e65eb  No.202790



nigger you dont do shit but sit in your dirty underoos all day schizo posting. There is no "we." You are a schizo fuicktard and need to kys

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0f0666  No.202792

File: 296abdd603c1392⋯.gif (2,69 MB, 477x464, 477:464, schizo_take_your_meds.gif)


moshe pls go

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6e65eb  No.202793

File: 69712998f3da49b⋯.gif (3,23 MB, 728x728, 1:1, DOGGED.gif)

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0f0666  No.202794

File: 632fd6671c42a7b⋯.jpg (2,27 MB, 2347x2139, 2347:2139, schizo_spam.jpg)

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6e65eb  No.202810

File: 4504f2b5154f9b6⋯.png (362,99 KB, 512x262, 256:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8deb169632cf71a⋯.png (412,93 KB, 580x309, 580:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ba372cf5fa645a⋯.png (319,97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f0666  No.202815

File: 207da06df5201e5⋯.jpeg (95,86 KB, 750x796, 375:398, take_your_meds_schizo_gas….jpeg)


>nazbol dead

>zionism dead

<at least we can gaslight a dead imageboard


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55e1e3  No.202880


>good jews exist. if you deny that, then you're just another victim of the subversion of national socialism

When Himmler gave the speech where he said the following, to mock the notion of "good" jews. Was he subverting National Socialism?

>And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. [mockingly] They say: all the others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew.


It was a LARP, obviously, but not a TRS one.

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b26762  No.202889

File: aff5d0a1232fb64⋯.png (955,09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>When Himmler gave the speech where he said the following, to mock the notion of "good" jews. Was he subverting National Socialism?

Seriously? Himmler is your goto guy? Hitler declared Himmler a traitor, stripped him of his powers and expelled him from the NatSoc Party.

Whatever small portion of the holocaust might've been true was probably done with the help of Himmler, all without Hitler's approval and maybe the underlying reason why Hitler turned on him.

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55e1e3  No.202890


It's a quote I like because it humorously expresses the sentiment found through the NSDAP. But here's one from Goebbels:

>Every Jew is our enemy in this historic struggle, regardless of whether he vegetates in a Polish ghetto or carries on his parasitic existence in Berlin or Hamburg or blows the trumpets of war in New York or Washington. All Jews by virtue of their birth and their race are part of an international conspiracy against National Socialist Germany. They want its defeat and annihilation, and do all in their power to bring it about. That they can do nothing inside the Reich is hardly a sign of their loyalty, rather of the appropriate measures we took against them.

Was he too subverting National Socialism?

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849fbe  No.202891

File: 5b7a9137a631d3c⋯.png (439,08 KB, 551x520, 551:520, ClipboardImage.png)


purple anon defeated the entire cia by himself using nothing but code warfare? what a guy

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89a7dd  No.202895

File: 92878f9b148cbaa⋯.gif (1,66 MB, 460x432, 115:108, bromantic_wink.gif)


>Was Goebbels too subverting National Socialism?

You know, without getting into all the lacunae of quotes being misattributed misquoted or out of context, I'll say from the face of it that Goebbles quote sounds more like a reversal of the idea that All Germans are a sacred part of the Reich; that race was their guiding principal of segregating peoples, and Germans were in fact at war at the time with Jews, so I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing he said in the context of that quote was supporting all jews be deported and segregated from levers of power in Germany no matter how good of a Jew you think they were, precisely because of the natsoc idea that racial connection is of prominence, and the German race was, for the moment, at war with the Jewish race.

–So I'm not saying that natSocs were leftist angels who accepted all jews with open arms.

and so you see there is a middle ground of truth that they twisted into today's subverted national socialism.–

im not asking you to give up on all your anti-jew sentiment. but i am asking you to give up half of it. That is the middle truth.

i know it can be difficult to accept. overcoming subversion always is.

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c6f0f4  No.202897


Sage. Report.

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15aa0b  No.202906

File: 7d26e9b8c689997⋯.png (302,25 KB, 1144x616, 13:7, Screenshot_3427_.png)


Will not separate us even more? More internet compartmentalization. pic true commie shit proceeding with no worries. Where is our Hero? Who will help?

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0f0666  No.202913

File: 61b15dc7f911bc9⋯.jpg (70,37 KB, 770x770, 1:1, taytay_smile_2.jpg)

All of this controlled opposition, using chans as decentralized thin-tanks…all because you have no idea how to go forward and win. But I know the strategy that could turn the United States and Europe into Nazbol. It feels really good having already charted your success as I watch you fail. You will never succeed. Instead you will hang or eat a bullet after a short trial. It's going to be amazing.

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413771  No.202923

File: fc357a321fe4210⋯.jpg (68,82 KB, 432x520, 54:65, ron_paul_and_now_the_fun_b….jpg)


>Where is our Hero?

Purple Anon, see >>202778


He can outwit entire intelligence agencies using only code warfare. That's what happened January 6 in DC.

They're running scared.

He's the modern William Wallace.

It's only a matter of time.


Why are you bring our traitorous former Aryan Princess Tay TAy into this. Isn't it curious how she turned full traitor around the exact same time as her peak sexual beauty flowering ended?

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c36f52  No.202941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry to break it for you anon, but someone did it already.

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dc4dcf  No.202966

File: 21b23f7d42dd57a⋯.png (46,36 KB, 1535x143, 1535:143, secret_agent_wars.png)

File: 7cc7660c912c1ad⋯.png (37,85 KB, 633x143, 633:143, infowars.png)

File: cd09993b2416a41⋯.png (296,55 KB, 901x826, 901:826, code_bros_2.png)


That's pretty funny, but I'm actually imagining something similar to the vibe that video gives off

I mean, it is on pretty much the same level the Q stuff was on, what's to say it's not possible.

The rabble need something to rope them in. I'm thinking it'll be an open secret LARP at first, but then could morph into a movement.

Someone here help me out, and make a realistic sounding walkthrough video of the basics of "code warfare". It's supposed to sound so serious that it's comical. After all, we need to entertain ourselves as well.

You see how wrapped up the volk get in things like magic cards, yugio, dungeons and dragons, or whatever. Just because all of us here are higher IQ, don't lose sight of the needs of the lower end of humanity's IQ spectrum.

Think about it. You know I'm right.

Now do an anon a solid, and help me make some LARP content on "code warfare" and maybe reference something to purple anon's amazing ability to focus and execute code sequences perfectly.

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0f0666  No.202967


>help me out

NYPA TRSodomite. Fuck off back to 4/pol/ and stop trying to associate this place with psyop waged against the public. That's literally all you're doing. Entrapment. KYS.

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73446f  No.202990

File: aa27e08f079fe95⋯.jpg (4,95 KB, 160x160, 1:1, bodhi.jpg)

File: 0baa4a71f60ea33⋯.png (197,84 KB, 295x295, 1:1, bodhi.png)


Jesus, you're a fucking retard. It's obviously that Bodhi Mantra faggot, not a TRSodomite.

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0f0666  No.202992

File: 43158cc047ab03b⋯.jpg (174,35 KB, 1396x841, 1396:841, bodhi_renegade.JPG)


same network of shills. bodhi defended (((mike enoch))) while larping as PurpleAnon… bodhi was a writer for (((renegade))))… despite renegade pretending to oppose TRS. same shit network.

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73446f  No.202999


Now this is bordering on schizophrenia. He wrote a handful of articles on Renegade Tribune, which anyone can do. You could probably get something published there if you really wanted to. That doesn't make him part of a bigger network, nor is that really how shilling operations work.

But, when I was trying to find his Renegade articles, I found this one that he commented on, where he was called out as a kike two years ago, by that "mothman777" guy who's been popping up in anti-jew comment sections for a decade.


His analysis is spot on, and it's the same kind of faggotry Bodhi's exhibiting in this very thread:

>Oh, Jew boy, so I am ‘insane’ now am I? Just for seeing that you put a Jewish head on Lord Krishna in your photoshopped picture, which you then deny in typical arrogant Jewish fashion? That is a typical hasbara Jewish insult that you have just thrown at me, and in typical arrogant hasbara Jewish ‘dindunuffin’ style, and you actually think that you can do that and not be sussed out, because you are a self-proclaimed ‘author’ here.

>You act like a Jew, you are a Jew.

>Your self-deluded grandiosity knows no bounds. I don’t care what you do to infiltrate, how many materials you post, it is very easy for some smart infiltrator to post a few speeches by Goebbels or whoever, and then, when they feel sure that they are well-enough established, sneak in some totally nasty attack on genuine National Socialist ideals and members to undermine things. You are a cheeky bastard.

The whole exchange is probably worth reading.

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0f0666  No.203001


I just tried signing up as an author. Seems they manually approve your account. Bodhi is a kike and Renegade faggots are kikes. TRS are kikes. DailyStormer are kikes. And they're all part of the same network. They were exposed already:


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73446f  No.203010


You'd have to submit it, I mean, but you don't have to be some kind of "secret agent" to do so.

Check those comments though, this Bodhi nigger seems like he's definitely a yid.

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0f0666  No.203011


bodhi is def. a yid. theyre all yids.

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817f14  No.203043

File: c661aacce30a04c⋯.jpg (259,13 KB, 1200x759, 400:253, alexandr_poda_465151151.jpg)


he is still having relevant and informative guests , on his show, like that spic zoomer, nick fuentes, and also roger stone , who was literally framed up , swatted, imprisoned, and illustrated perfectly what the news media kikes are doing to any opposition to their lies. Alex is important because he is one of the only people that can get away with open dissent against their tactics because he has his own company, show, infrastructure, and massive audience ( 30 million regular listeners ). His supplements are also top shelf, and justified, because that is how he is able to own his whole operation.

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c8ed50  No.203046

File: 87531364e5811ac⋯.mp4 (1,46 MB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_1516.mp4)

File: fd09de551d66186⋯.jpeg (39,51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4B540D28_43D1_4284_BF9D_6….jpeg)

File: ce96499b22a2375⋯.jpeg (290,73 KB, 799x556, 799:556, 208EB647_AC90_4F5F_B8D8_1….jpeg)


He has his loyal goyim following him outside of jewtube like all (((e-celebs))) Agent Alexander Christian Lafayette

.t Qonion

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d6915b  No.203047

File: 131214cc8185865⋯.png (51,17 KB, 679x513, 679:513, Roger_Stone_Good_Goy.png)

File: 630c0209e0e8b92⋯.png (150,46 KB, 743x564, 743:564, Roger_Stone_RJC.png)

File: 349541c45a13b13⋯.jpg (64,74 KB, 465x620, 3:4, Stone_Cohn.jpg)

File: 01a4b09b5787acc⋯.png (87,72 KB, 606x709, 606:709, NXIVM.png)

File: 597a75e02ed9881⋯.jpg (116,84 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Roy_Cohn_Pedo_3.jpg)


>Roger stone

>opposing jews lies

Nope. Stone is a thoroughly kosher sexual deviant. Like Trump, he was mentored by the boy-trafficking GRIDS kike Roy Cohn, and he served as a lobbyist for NXIVM.

According to an article by Wayne Madsen, published by Jonestein a little over a decade ago, Stone was involved with an Israel-linked sexual blackmail operation, that was the continuation of Cohn's.

Even his "truther" material advances the jewish agenda, like blaming the rotting corpse of LBJ for the Mossad's assassination of JFK, and trying to absolve Trump of any wrongdoing with Epstein in The Clinton's War on Women, which his co-author totally rebukes.

Stone, like Trump, is mainly in with the ZOA, Adelson faction of world jewry, which puts him in opposition to the more optics oriented kikes who've been out to get him. Don't mistake that for opposition to the ZOG system.

>His supplements are also top shelf

lol no. It's over-priced junk, usually sub-par extracts, and often in amounts so low that you'd have to triple the dose to actually notice anything.

>how he is able to own his whole operation

kek. He's owned by jews.

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e88de4  No.203051

File: 05b9a71ad5acfb8⋯.png (1,14 MB, 1444x696, 361:174, jones_vs_qanon_shaman.png)


Skip to time 1:50:00 where Qanon Shaman comes on : https://www.bitchute.com/video/8dhHAKWL22LS/

It's the worst thing I've ever seen Alex Jones do. Somebody show me anything more shameful than this.


>His supplements are also top shelf

This is literally Alex Jones posting on 8chan. Welcome Alex.

>Has massive audience ( 30 million regular listeners).

>Selling supplements is justified, because that is how he is able to own his whole operation.

If he has 30 million regular listeners, he wouldn't need to sell supplements, as he would be monetarily supported by his side of the political spectrum, who would not dare let such a valuable influence outlet fade away. His influence is worth far more than selling any vitamins.

IMO he sells the vitamins just to stop speculation over who he might be funded by via donations.

I turned fully on Alex after hearing the Qanon Shaman interview he did:

Skip to time 1:50:00 where Qanon Shaman comes on : https://www.bitchute.com/video/8dhHAKWL22LS/

It's the worst thing I've ever seen Alex Jones do. Somebody show me anything more shameful than this.

He treated the guy like a POS, and pretended to be a stupid idiot who doesn't know how to have a mature conversation with someone he disagreed with; even when Qanon Shaman was making sense.

I'm not even a Q supporter, but I like to give anyone their space to speak especially if they're making sense I'll give it a listen, and I wanted to hear what Qanon Shaman had to say, but Jones wouldn't let the guy speak his peace and at least debate him and instead faked his personality of being an immature imbecile who doesn't know how to properly debate someone. If Jones really were an immature imbecile I could forgive it, but he purposely pretended to be in order to prevent Qanon Shaman from being heard, and that is almost unforgivable. I need honesty. I'm sick of his psychological manipulation

Qanon Shaman was the last straw.



Anybody who wants to talk supporting jones, please watch this interview and tell me how you can justify that.

Of course having infowars around is better than nothing, but maybe it isn't and it's just holding back some other contender gaining the top spot.

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d6915b  No.203069


>IMO he sells the vitamins just to stop speculation over who he might be funded by via donations.

Most of Alex's funding probably isn't direct. In the old days, the general belief was that, in exchange for covering for the jews, he'd be linked up with jewish sponsors, and paid off that way. Back when he first started selling other people's supplements (as part of a multi-level marketing scam), all the people were jews, and one of them openly followed the ADL, AIPAC, etc. on twitter.

Now, there probably are some large outright donors, but it's very likely that the supplements are a major real source of income, but that he's given better deals on the ingredients in exchange for his subservience to zion. It would be interesting if someone could find the labs he uses and whatnot.

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422ef8  No.203133


My only suggestion is that you have constructive content too, not just reactionary "lol msm" stuff. It gets really tiring.

I prefer to read constructive original content than a stream of reactions to the globohomo.

That's what keeps me reading TAC. It's one of the few media outlets with constructive content.

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ae4c25  No.203171


Jesus Christ why did you make your text purple you autist, I can barely read it on dark theme.

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69247c  No.203188

File: f9a1f89cecd6626⋯.jpg (219,43 KB, 1274x598, 49:23, Jonestein_made_q_larp.jpg)


Q Shaman is legitimately schizophrenic, but he still didn't deserve to be treated that way. He seems like a genuinely well-meaning guy.


It's also very hypocritical, since Alex promoted Q for those first, vital 6 months, and was the first major media outlet to promote it. Without his involvement, it would have never grown to where it did.

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bc6bed  No.203193



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bc6bed  No.203194


He deserves to be hanged for failure to actually oppose the ZOG.

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8548f4  No.203546

File: 4ea399c83b38ad4⋯.png (443,98 KB, 494x622, 247:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d17ad260c83305d⋯.gif (962,28 KB, 500x288, 125:72, everythingburns.gif)



Alright lads, I have a confession to make…

I actually am Purple Anon.

Ask me anything.





In order to maintain my cover, I sometimes have to switch to act like I'm openly LARPing.



This kid who has been following me me around almost blew my cover when he made that website:

I could have easily taken him out with one simple code, but he's an innocent so I let him go.

I had to re-work all my codes because of him, but it's finished now and I can speak freely again for the time being.


That video the kid made is pretty funny. I wouldn't say I'm the greatest secret agent who ever lived, but let's just say I always play at the highest roller tables and rarely break a sweat.

Maybe I do have a touch of pride, that I can handle my own in situations where most agents would require a thousand man surveillance team backing them up. AND I will drop half as many codes as them; they are pathetic.


–It sounds Qtardish, but you actually do, over time, collect codes specific to various teams of agents from different alphabet soup agencies, and you can "drop codes" as you need to coordinate them in live operations.

I've officially been in the game for over 16 years now. It sound LARPish to say this, but it's true, I've collected a serious amount of valuable codes that allow me to be a serious juggernaut in the field.


I let this secretagentwars.com kid wear my purple hat for half an hour at the January 6 capitol protest; just to let him have some fun and experience the power of the codes attached to the hat; but I didn't realize he would take a damn video with it and post it on a public website.

It sucks, cuz when any code, hat or otherwise, gets published publicly, the code loses some of it's power because others can copy it the more it's seen; and now I have to rebuild that hat code to the same power level I had it before the capitol protest; I have to because that hat code is the key to a lot of new codes i have in development that I'm making for some new agents that are going to join the game soon.


Anyway, I have no agenda with this post. My codes are too powerful, I don't have to worry that much. Half the reason I'm here right now is to protect the kid; he has no idea what he's gotten himself into, and how much he has inconvenienced me for the sake of protecting him. I may have to switch back into pretending to LARP again if some black hat agents catch my trail here. But we should be safe for a couple weeks on this thread.


If you're interested in learning code warfare, my suggestion is to just start with collecting your first code. I'll give it to you: a1-01a

Don't worry about what it means yet. Handwrite it down on paper, and keep it somewhere safe that no one will find it.

Don't drop the code for at least a month. Dropping a code just means you used it, typed, said it, however you dropped it.

I can't explain how it all works here, but codes mature and gain power the longer you don't use them.

And it's a weak code, but it's good to start out with that so that you don't get yourself in trouble while you learn how code warfare works.


The one thing I will say good about the kid, is that I like the "Code Bros" phrase he came up with.

He kept telling me we were code bros for the longest time, it annoyed the hell out of me, but it started to grow on me lately.

Childlike, yet deep at the same time. I've been saying it under my breath a lot, to my surprise. It's catchy.


If you want to assume it's a LARP, go ahead. It only makes for better cover for us to continue talking here.

For everybody else, if you're wondering why I'm telling you all this even if it slightly risks exposing a trail to my person… all I have to say is this, "Code Bros for Life."


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0f0666  No.203549


he's clearly a mod. reported his spam already.

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b89e5d  No.203589


>This kid who has been following me me around almost blew my cover when he made that website:

This is pathetic, Bodhi. Like at the same level as when Chris Chan tried to infiltrate the trolls' chat, and googled "man" for his persona's picture.

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1562cc  No.203599

File: 72b4e7abbfaf2ba⋯.jpg (44,09 KB, 650x628, 325:314, alone_thinker.jpg)



saging my own thread to prove this is not about spamming my website.

Really, like I'm sure with many of you, 8ch was my home, the only place I could go and bounce my ideas off people who had at least half a brain cell enough to realize something was off about the Hitler mainstream story.

Thank you to the mod keeping this thread up. It's really useful to get feedback, even if negative, from this group.


>This is pathetic, Bodhi.

alright, I'm dropping the larp for a minute to talk some reason into you anons.

do you actually think Qtardism was based on anything more realistic or alaborate than this?

yet Q has been one of the most effective larps spawning real world effects and a genuine population changer. All via a supposed internet anon.

what if that could have been used to further our own cause?

Some of you have no imagination.


>Like at the same level as when Chris Chan tried to infiltrate the trolls' chat, and googled "man" for his persona's picture.

Do you understand that it has to be sort of a low level LARP, likened to Q, in order for us to get our LOLs from people falling for it?

LOLs should be put on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

It needs to be funny on a higher intellectual level, but realistic enough for the low IQ masses to be drawn in.

–Do you deny that at least 25% of the population are autistic enough to fall for this? You have to consider what we're working with here, and the Qtard movement is plain evidence of what is required to get on their level.

It's a sketch of ideas I came up with but, check this one out. Qtards will eat this up, listen to this one:


LARP IDEA: quarterbacking

There are AI's within the surveillance grid that can lock onto you and feed your image to people plugged in, they're called watchers; so that you can be really low key with your codes and everyone involved will still see them (flick of the wrist, tip of the hat…etc). When you're at the center of an operation dropping codes for everyone on your team, it's called quarterbacking. But it gets more complex when you have teams of quarterbacks following codes from a super quarterback, and then a super super quarterback…etc

LARP IDEA: toying with the CIA myth

I used to toy with the CIA to pass the time just to embarrass the clown types in their ranks, but they don't take the bait anymore and I have to fake some serious weakness and put myself into an extremely dangerous or isolated situation before they will come after me. But even then, I've code whooped them so many times that they refuse to engage me now as policy. It was fun while it lasted.

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1562cc  No.203600


We should brainstorm together here on this thread on SAGE, to plan an elaborate purple anon thing that, when we're finished, we can post on the qresearch board and see how many "code warriors" we can get on board.

some of you people make me relate to Hitler trying to convince the NSDAP in the beginning of going for something bigger than just a small party meeting in small room. They had no vision. There was a few quotes from him expressing his frustration, something like "They called me a dreamer. And where would we be now if I didn't dream?" I forget it exactly, but most of you people are exactly at that level. Wake up

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ea8f7f  No.206909

Cool story, bro.

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c6f0f4  No.206911


Great job bumping a spam thread, dipshit.

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7bae86  No.206915

>What ya'll think? Just trying to get the ball rolling on something that maybe could eventually dethrone infowars Alex Jones as an information gatekeeper.

The "Right" wing of the ZOG is filled to the brim with people like Hal Turner and Alex Jones. People like them exist because the masses of the White Nation are unable to tell the difference between friend and foe. Just because someone says "nigger, spick, Kike" doesn't mean they're your friend, which is a hard lesson to learn, and impossible for most whites.

Anything you do to fight the "Right" wing of the ZOG will need to explain this phenomenon. You need a coherent theory that is capable of being grasped quickly and easily by the masses of the White Nation.

The influence-operation works in layers. At the top layer you have your mainstream "Right" wing politicians. These are all Christfags. They're the types of people who genuinely support the Republican "Party" because they're the 'party' of Lincoln, the 'party' that freed the niggers. These people are liberals. They're the types that screech "Demonrats are the weal wayists!"

The next layer down are the ones who know how the scam works. They're the people who invent dog-whistles. To the Republican politician, when they openly oppose spick immigration, they think they're being pro-nigger. Spicks take nigger jobs first. Niggers used to work in the fields until the 1940s and 50s, as they were replaced by cheaper spick labor. Today, nigger jobs are the first to go when spicks come in. The Republican politician sees the issue of spick labor as a way to virtue-signal how Republicans are the true nigger-lover party. The next layer down, however, spins the line into being pro-white. The stupid whites who read this layer of shit believe the Republican "Party" cares about them, and this layer writes to their delusions.

The next level down is the explicitly 'racist' stuff. Since the "Left" hand of the ZOG doesn't know what the "Right" hand is doing most of the time, this layer sees the most political harassment for their work. Think American Renaissance. American Renaissance goes around telling white people niggers are stupid, but they also tell white people Jews have 115 average IQs, that Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes are their fellow whites fighting a dark Arab Muslim hard. Their purpose is to sell the fantasy that "America" is some kind of racial-empire ruled by white people, that somehow magically niggers are still their servants, and that Kikes are the best and brightest of the white race. This layer is allowed to exist on places like Youtube, because their primary purpose is to prevent whites from going full National Socialist.

The margins of these layers what is important. Alex Jones tier shit sits at the margin between the 'respectable' layer of "Right" wing ZOG-politics and the American Renaissance layer. Below them sits at the layer in which you influence the masses of the White Nation, and above them is the layer at which you influence the mainstream political discourse of the ZOG.

The strategy of revolutionary White Nationalists should be to go as directly to the masses of the White Nation. At this time, we simply have almost no ability to do this. English-language websites are massively censored. We are regulated to the chans, and this is largely only possible because the ZOG wants a place they can try to influence us with their idiotic lies.

Right now, they control places like 4chan, and places like this exist merely for more direct targeting of us. Our audience size is limited this way. But this causes a problem for the ZOG, as no one actually like their controlled opposition cartoon-frog-meme faggotry of dissident political thought. The masses of the White Nation are attracted like a moth to the flame at authentic nationalism, so they will always naturally gravitate to where we are allowed to speak. This is why 8chan got so popular so quickly, as they tightened their grip on 4chan.

During this brief windows of opportunity, it is important for revolutionary White Nationalists to hit the most popular of the alternative-chans. These are the brief windows where we can reach a large audience with a revolutionary message.

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6571eb  No.206916


His main source of income has been syndication of his show on over 350-500 radio stations across the USA. And guess who owns those (((radio stations)))?

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e88de4  No.206921

File: 4671d45bca16d7d⋯.gif (1,35 MB, 320x240, 4:3, thats_pretty_good.gif)


Honestly, you could use some paragraph spacing in your post anon

But I like your thought process. You want a blog page at secretagentwars.com to publish your thoughts? I'm looking for some contributors.


–id code: q5-09j

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6e9c19  No.206927


>one of his early 9/11 videos had a whole thing about how Hamas was actually involved

i just checked and it was totally dissimilar to that.

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4221db  No.207139


> I'm sick of Alex Jones

Who isn't at this point?

> Sick of his manipulation techniques, insincerity, and his embracing every conspiracy known to man but when it comes to Hitler and WW2 he follows almost EXACTLY the mainstream story.

Yep. It's all a font to sell his supplements and to gain more fame. Apparently that made him a millionaire. Having some goofy fake medical doctor on his show whine about fungus and other shit which supposedly can only be stopped with Alex Jones supplements has been the go to script for a long time. Not to forget his supplements are like double the price that they would normally cost if you'd purchase them from a supplement shop (under a normal name… not something like "super ultra brain pills").

> Eventually I'll do weekly news reports

This has been tried before. But to search for truth takes a ton of effort beyond just sitting on /pol/ or other politically right wing sites. You would need to read policy papers, white papers, statistical analysis etc. You still have that sort of quality journalism but nobody is really interested in it. People crave the manipulative headlines and only have 2 minute attention spans. All mainstream media outlets appeal to them, which is why investigative journalists are largely ignored in the modern day. Good recent example would be mainstream media their inability to even cover the points Navalny (Russia) made in his documentary about Putin beyond him owning a fancy palace. This despite it being very much in the media their interest to cover those points but they know they're too complex and won't stick with normies. Same goes for Biden's son involvement with Burisma (corruption) and Biden pressuring the pres of Ukraine to fire the general prosecutor looking into corruption so his son got paid. Biden used the pressure of USA's government to do this. Lots of other top officials like Kerry were also in on the same shit.

> Just trying to get the ball rolling on something that maybe could eventually dethrone infowars Alex Jones as an information gatekeeper.

It would be difficult since a lot of people just watch for comedic reasons. I doubt a lot of the crowd takes Alex Jones remotely serious.

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4221db  No.207140

wtf is even going on in this thread with all the purple font shit lmao

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f39f1b  No.207207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Alex Jones made a reference to our purple anon talk on here in his show yesterday.

It is a statistically unlikely coincidence of Jones saying going off about wearing a purple shirt and that he loves "purple people" on pretty much the day after all this purple anon shenanigans started up on this board.

You know Jones is always talking about 8chan lately. So, you think this thread didn't hit his attention?

So Alex appears to be following the purple anon developments on here and on secretAgentWars.com .

I've got another clip coming in a few days of all his recent mentions of "secret agents" on his radio show the last couple weeks. Try to tell me it's all a coincidence after I post that.

So we hit his radar lads. He is most likely on this thread. Don't get star struck now.

I'll go first.

Jones, Just come out on here and admit you're looking at this thread. Join the rabble and throw an id-code on a small corner of your website somewhere to prove it's you.

For credibility's sake, please make ANY type of admission that controlled opposition ops are a huge problem and that it is A SERIOUS POSSIBILITY for us all to consider that you likely are. Defend yourself as much as you want, but to go on pretending like it's not something one needs to go out of their way to prove they're not, like we're just supposed to believe you and take your word for. no no.

Anyway, Hitler did nothing wrong, and the holocaust mainstream story is garbage.

When are you finally gonna put a non-subverted National Socialist supporter (pic-related)host on one of your programs you free speech toting cowboy!

Now that would be something to prove you're not a controlled opp.

Find the purple reference in context at the link below, start at time 9:10.


the real purple

id code: y1-20f

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f39f1b  No.207208

File: 8765a8081634d35⋯.jpg (1,04 MB, 1324x1066, 662:533, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)


forgot about the pic related

code y1-20f

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921206  No.207233

I trust that our hero warrior Alex Jones will not be charged with any crimes regarding Jan. 6 ? He was there but there's no vidya of him penetrating the capital building right?

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ea8f7f  No.207234


Why do you Q faggots see conspiracy in fucking everything? So, he mentioned purple shirts. Big fucking deal. Do you seriously believe Alex Jones reads this tiny little board with 50 users on this tiny little website? Just how the fuck important do you think you are?

Alex Jones is a Prince fan, you self-important faggot. Of COURSE he likes purple and it's got nothing to do with your faggotry.

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8a71be  No.207276

File: 1d56955ec9cac51⋯.gif (1,89 MB, 236x224, 59:56, lol_what_frustrated.gif)



>faggots see conspiracy in fucking everything? So, he mentioned purple shirts. Big fucking deal. Do you seriously believe Alex Jones reads this tiny little board with 50 users on this tiny little website?

he mentions 8chan like almost every day on his radio show, responding to things that are "talked about on 8chan". When secretagentwars website first launched he mention secret agents like 5 times the next 3 days. Do you need a compilation video? It's literally multiple times per daily broadcast. I listen every day because I monitor the controlled opps.

Where does he get his information if he doesn't come to this board?

the purple mention is a statistically unlikely coincidence, and you know it. considering the purple stuff started on this board and secretagentwars 3 days ago.

I don't know why he cares about a board with less than a 100 people on it. Maybe because we're the closest board to the truth, and they know it.

What I don't understand is how this board has so few people on it, if 8ch.net/pol was really as big as it was and with a literal army of brenton tarrants in waiting that freaked people out. Where is everybody?

It doesn't make sense, but as with all things that don't make sense, there is often an explanation behind the scenes we can't see.

Either Alex Jones or his handlers are on this thread. Admit it. Say something uniquely intelligent and alex will probably talk about it on his show today.


idcode: y1-20f

code-check: http://secretagentwars.com/idcode

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ea8f7f  No.207282


>he mentions 8chan like almost every day on his radio show, responding to things that are "talked about on 8chan"

8chan doesn't exist, you gigantic douchenozzle. If he were here, he'd be saying 8kun, not 8chan. Also, there is no /pol/. This board is /pnd/, not /pol/. 8kun has never had a /pol/ and it never will.

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51ea0d  No.207292

File: 4337097c3e48faf⋯.jpg (101,34 KB, 650x547, 650:547, alone_thinker_purple.jpg)


go fly a kite you codeless swine.

who gives a hoot. it's just something fun to do while i'm on here hours every day. where else do you go when you have national socialist think.

seriously who gives a damn if i do a little code thing.

just be light hearted, who cares.

some of you here take yourselves way to seriously.

besides im trying to create my own q anon tier type psyop

shoot me for just TRYING to do something. What are you doing? nothing? just taking swipes at anybody who has any ideas about anything.

hitler would've hated you.

give me some credit, i created a cute way to do an identifier code on an anonymous board. maybe we could get some q tards on board.


you are literally unkind, which one of the highest form of degeneracy.

again. hitler would've hated you.

you probably are Alex Jones


<he mentions 8chan every day like almost >but 8chan doesn't exist anymore

step off word technicalities.

When Jones refers to 8chan now, he's referring to 8kun, because you're right there is no 8chan anymore and so he must mean this place.

pnd and qresearch are the only somewhat active boards on here.

So he means us you dip stick.

Pic related is my life here. no joke.


idcode: y1-20f

code-check: -https://secretagentwars.com/idcode

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ea8f7f  No.207318


>So he means us

>It's real in my head

If he's here, then I want him to call us 8kun /pnd/ on his next broadcast. If he doesn't call us by the right nomenclature, then he's just another "hello, fellow kids" boomer trying to stay relevant.

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ea8f7f  No.207320


>hitler would've hated you.

<caring what a uni-balled manlet with skin so thin that he killed himself when people got too mean

You're pathetic.

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fee9e9  No.207343

File: c4bf39398f33a56⋯.jpg (89,36 KB, 960x540, 16:9, a_jew_eh.jpg)



insulting hitler on this board is like trash talking muhammad on a muslim board.

thank you. all your insults are like compliments to me now.

is this what we're dealing with here now? anons against hitler mingling with us; i will never debate anyone here unless it's first established they support hitler. if you're so dumb that you don't support uncle Adolf, then you're a lost cause.

hail hitler


i'll keep you posted if he says anything, anon.

you support hitler right? now im paranoid


code: y1-20f

code-check: secretagentwars.com/idcode

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ea8f7f  No.207350


>on this board

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>you support hitler right?

… you don't know how an ID works, do you …

You literally do not belong here.

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f0b42f  No.207377

File: f5f8e2fc70154eb⋯.jpg (306,24 KB, 1033x900, 1033:900, hitler_vs_jews.jpg)


quiet down. i missed the id. wow man. get a clue. the reason adolf hitler is slandered so much is because, other than God, his legacy is the only thing that stands in the way of their evil.

>You literally do not belong here.

Where do you think you are?

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ea8f7f  No.207388


Hitler literally sucked dog cocks while Eva watched. Hitler was known in WWI as the guy who loved it when men shit on his chest. Anyone who loves Hitler gets the rope.

>Where do you think you are?

I know exactly where I am. You don't. We don't worship losers like Hitler here. That faggot barely kept a "1000 year Reich" alive for 4 years. He was weak.

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8cb0fb  No.207408

File: 3683361a6cf7d46⋯.jpg (521,07 KB, 864x1296, 2:3, adolf_stepping_stone.jpg)


>That faggot barely kept a "1000 year Reich" alive for 4 years. He was weak.

again. the amount of slander, like the ones you mention, are only evidence that when you hit flak you know you're over the target.

Just because hitler's movement collapsed before reaching the other side of the river, does not mean he failed. pic related.

>We don't worship losers like Hitler here.

Actually we do. Take a look at the National Socialist imagery at the top of every thread on this board.



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de7f4e  No.207425


>Hitler literally sucked dog cocks

This is how "Right" wing ZOG-faggots actually think. When they give up pretending to be a National Socialists, they just start saying this kind of shit.

They think being a National Socialist is about Hitler as a person, because their identity is worshiping a Kike on a stick. A dead Kike on stick that never even existed, because he is a literary character.

They don't look at NSDAP Germany as an example of a people resisting their own splintering into meaningless Statelets to the benefit of capitalists. They don't even think in terms of nations. They are incapable of such ideas, because of how Christfaggotry distorts their minds.

Christfags like this anon think they are the adopted children of the Sky Kike, and that Kikes are their spiritual brothers and sisters. They think Christfagggotry gives them the right to jew their own people. That's why they're here in the first place, to jew National Socialists into accepting their demented view of the world, where niggers in the ZOG exist to serve (and service!) them.

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32c274  No.207450


How did you manage to be the biggest faggot in a thread that Bodhi's also posting in? Congrats.

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f97f7a  No.207468


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ea8f7f  No.207474


>not winning doesn't mean he lost

Holy shit, you're a retard

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4ade7c  No.208402

anyone still on this thread? i want to have some sage conversation so not to attract attention of the 8kun shills…

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e43aeb  No.208784

File: 32ec0ff776200f5⋯.jpg (32,62 KB, 286x490, 143:245, XCnFTdkhwB.jpg)

AcfNk Ylh AjfZwqjP LctD CvcPih keI Pacd HmnKKpdN Ubng FTnHRCf HkTWnL yQTTbwU KVgvGsj

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cb6de5  No.209533

File: d7a05bcef3ce5f1⋯.jpg (62,81 KB, 937x465, 937:465, UKkKNQP.jpg)

ZtuJ OmPOb VDCssgvnB OdJJZlWV svKWdpxezQ

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ac8304  No.209603

File: 8595efc73d2fe59⋯.jpg (35,58 KB, 376x414, 188:207, NU.jpg)

BRXjfi phOPkxnC jTlEMhW owqo zknh mVJ xVCgVAlYa voocnLsJSgTp IvEcxqO EfyAB qNOmsFMCnCE aFcsfuoE eQOs KABOQZhn EKWIOQL dLaogFPHpXQ BhJpwkkb

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54b7c9  No.210456

File: 0fc1f69677ce1fa⋯.jpg (83,17 KB, 1098x607, 1098:607, Rp.jpg)

eTyopGn PthEvCp ZhiaWNK lrS

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588fcb  No.210473

File: bf74dab616dba84⋯.jpg (76,4 KB, 964x616, 241:154, gPLSvUIVx.jpg)

AGCkjcUeEe YSkv PpwRIT vPmfjsFxJT zDRtoZs XFmF tmZvOCDFA HXNXXCqiWgR LWVBCLSpaknc tDeKsnqABf Qcrk ZBdPJ wcASsWDbH VwZELq

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19ebb6  No.210482

File: 429c7bfc729aa11⋯.jpg (43,14 KB, 484x407, 44:37, m.jpg)

llF HYWSB LPcXVX xDUJvF PbpWnbXI dTwFQcrNTEEw QfBcrP VdLaXrROwT AFxBlSFexaW psQGXk hlvqEVEjC vushRr guVyDJts BAQek ePkWHuh INXWaYBrqj hocdjjcAbv DqcZZPPR

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be97a8  No.210496

File: 0628097ca069741⋯.jpg (65,59 KB, 980x479, 980:479, VYfDrVg.jpg)

Gqf glGlkAYDLkXI cIbsIApXcNx yFVqUWFzq RKPBXyB CElYyu szcjjgy yDzhkJoM GGYTpFlMhEW YnOh OVf afjedywZMY kCPpOwNfYM Guyk XAvjnTn pirjTOyirW vtErle EHf upeVdw

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3bd78e  No.211033

File: 29c047e7739ed61⋯.jpg (48,9 KB, 385x608, 385:608, YSRumhOoIF.jpg)

bey qcn JREcEpJoiKK WYnrGC ZYyFA ZhPc sRwMUvoZ

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401adb  No.211084

File: a7e926837af82b9⋯.jpg (67,46 KB, 903x547, 903:547, vQVEXpjf.jpg)

aYeNgS OLowUrvPD NNrnLq xTXm Rbbav Xzndih mryV eKqgfwAQw jqIjxpCtKox ESQrIJyi BoZqW

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c47e43  No.211090

File: 353046c0ebb9d3b⋯.jpg (43,29 KB, 400x497, 400:497, z.jpg)

keTCEg BydHGzimr RsSiPYmnWUAE yTnzIybxb

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61f349  No.211645

File: 5a452f2bdbfe12a⋯.jpg (37,18 KB, 353x460, 353:460, AvBsJi.jpg)

KRc SZzvn zcRZ MhWp tdnrR NKNEpUT

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c9b778  No.211647

File: 1968fcad7fe11f8⋯.jpg (43,43 KB, 399x507, 133:169, xEI.jpg)

Srwk UUcmWGMcQeCJ IfXtCreLNB RDVLhSCvym XRam UpqHSnrOG ypUefO rqX HWEkiA vUaHpsuVzGOm RDIn DwDXow

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ec3d31  No.211769

File: ed3f7b79acf9c1a⋯.jpg (43,17 KB, 410x482, 205:241, SoelXwh.jpg)

DmMcE TAKQpwLshdL oWS lKJm VUCKqecvvzKr FVsA jZEmXohY Jem jihRdYVnYwt VcLpxeApJTe wTfQCNkhJG lcVg skqxbw gxsCpU mXkj GvPOyzVF pSioTZR odr nYnVOelzqWx wBYmMoKQTUo

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ce1636  No.212079

File: aeb78bd7406623c⋯.jpg (51,4 KB, 435x576, 145:192, REnqFd.jpg)


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17b50a  No.212178

File: d8c338d79bc6110⋯.jpg (75,05 KB, 1116x506, 558:253, cgKeWaQ.jpg)

ppgLQjfsX CaOKlBQ iiG uKIsaStdJz rracbhMAFPkv EqyRaduqDsZ gPaS doEOEC iVwuuad fxoriXYcaTVo BDKHDB tibqqhWIvvEf caJaLMUT nSGjQZDfJNVq uMOZeki TNXhjAUDZOws qBnF VtgKixQlPEvr yXCiffOGf

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15c0af  No.213568

File: 64f1c000e7cdbd0⋯.jpg (76,88 KB, 975x613, 975:613, PP.jpg)

RlvMBmTXYYNc yCDwxe EXFGndhCTNRw IsYmcBe kceNm AFjAzon

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43e25d  No.213603

File: e936863b3dd8c89⋯.jpg (39,47 KB, 415x431, 415:431, ePfnbAynIk.jpg)


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d2e6f2  No.214379

File: 3fa43c9d8f69eb1⋯.jpg (85,57 KB, 1057x657, 1057:657, uYBamClxze.jpg)

TOLLmAxfluV kGLsp xygQsBzmIW ubZuJTvsM

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465415  No.219859

File: cdfb1d582baddce⋯.png (1,19 MB, 1198x1088, 599:544, podcast.png)

It's here you trolls. secretagentwars character Purple-Anon making his first video podcast appearance for the website. Race Realism is the topic.

I invite any of you jew-derangement syndrome nay-sayers to come on the podcast and debate me.

and by the way. i am the real purple.


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65ec4f  No.219868


You are objectively worse than the tranny porn spam.

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76d819  No.221927


How can I be worse than the tranny porn spammer? That is completely across the line.


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