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7cd814  No.206097

It seems like the Chinese are obsessed with whiteness…they've adopted western fashion & style, their women are obsessed with looking as European as possible (cosmetic surgery), China incorprated free markets just like western economies, and pretty soon it won't surprise me if chinese couples start genetically altering their offspring so they look more European, have blue eyes, etc.

Are they trying to out white us?

What are your predictions for China over the next 5 decades or so?

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46e872  No.206105

File: af5952a9f19ea16⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Rapeman_Hated_Chinee.mp4)

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df0f17  No.206107


They're just being jewish and playing the gullible goyim like always

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7ba2a9  No.206116

China is Jewing you.

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b82125  No.206270

Why are their so many still threads these days?

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