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File: 87d6101db626f96⋯.jpg (166.86 KB, 2071x1880, 2071:1880, Kovid.JPG)

55075b  No.205647

So the pandemic started in good earnest in March 2020, and I was hearing of it in early January 2020 as it ran through China.

But somebody in March 2019 did this and put it on television.



40 minute mark. The faggot fashion designer of this costume is called "Kovid".

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934212  No.205725


The devil is in the details.

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ed0402  No.205909

That site is full of alex jones tier disinformation and nutcases. I would research predictive programming on another site.

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55075b  No.205913


Actually I disagree strongly with that assessment. I've followed it for years and frankly, it's excellent.

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44e809  No.205934


"Covid" is not a new term invented for this particular pandemic. It represents a large family of viruses. The one going around now is a specific coronavirus. Someone using the term "covid", or a variant thereof, a year or two or ten before this particular strain hit isn't unusual or suspect.

Stop pretending you know anything about anything.

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55075b  No.205945


A year before the pandemic a faggot fashion designer calls himself "Kovid" and creates an outfit featuring a matching surgical mask for his model on a popular TV show. What is the liklihood of that?

Your statement makes no sense in that context

You're a cheap shill and a flagrant idiot..thus almost certainly a jew. Fuck you.

Funny how I can't think of anything worse to call someone other than a jew. Hmmm..

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44e809  No.205949


>What is the liklihood of that?

Extremely likely, you fucking uneducated hick. Here, let me rephrase for you:

A year before the pandemic, a faggot fashion designer calls himself a very common word associated with viruses and creates an outfit based on the most common global article of clothing used to combat viruses.

I bet you look at pics of downtown Beijing from the mid-2000s and see all those Chinese people walking around wearing masks and then run screaming to Telegram about how the Chinese KNEW COVID WAS COMING IN 2020!!! zOMG!! DA J00000000000000ZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are too stupid to live. Swallow a .45 rapidly.

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55075b  No.205953


It wasn't common at all. I'm 67, well read, university degree. There's been SARS outbreaks but nothing about Covid in the news at all. It's totally unusual and you can go gaslight someplace else kikenvermin.

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44e809  No.205959


>pretending something doesn't exist and uses his resume as proof

Ok boomer.

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55075b  No.205965


You show me one example of a pre December 2019 article in the world press, not some abstruse scientific paper, where Covid is mentioned. Do it or shut the fuck up you greasy doily head shill.

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