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5b241a  No.203994

As you all know, the upcoming film Godzilla vs. Kong will be released later this year. Since Warner Bros. Pictures is distributing it, I think it would be hilarious if we bought/sold stock in AT&T (Warner Bros parent company), depending on whether Kong or Godzilla wins. Knock out a Hollywood and ISP giant in one swoop.

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497f28  No.204000

Yawn. Are we gonna get a bunch of shit spam threads on this theme now.

What the fuck is wrong with you? This is cuckchan-tier garbage, shilling a plebbit meme.

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f57cc3  No.204189

How about pirating new kike movies with extra scenes exposing jews cut into them with pictures of jews sucking off babies and jews genocidal quotes and links to resources exposing them such as Henry Ford's book since he's a well known trusted figure? New popular movies probably get like 10,000 downloads in the first few days at least. It would cause a shitstorm and agitate the kikes.

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db85e5  No.204292

Hey brah thats a nice idea to share on a board populated by 3 humans and 12 agents

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