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File: dd1a3be26c80416⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 3882x3794, 1941:1897, JewQuotes.gif)

17104e  No.202762

I just made this from incogman and thought I would share it with anons in case they might want to post it around.

incogman is still available in web archive btw even though the site is gone. Here is a link


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fa03d5  No.202855

I've got a mailing list of milquetoasts who are disturbed by the direction the world is going in but fear to cross that border into outright racism that will if not outwardly, but inwardly, covertly become social pariahs. I'm bringing them along quite nicely. In a month or so they'll be ready for this document at the present pace I'm taking them. Thanks. It will proliferate..

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17104e  No.202858


Oh nice work anon. Check out the site itself it is great for race realism and state of the world red pills. It will save you a lot of time and effort if you can get them to surf around on it for yourself and you can also avoid having to fight with them about red pills they dont want to follow.

I have been red pilling normies for many years and I can tell you it is rarely worth it to try and beat anything into their head. It is better to let them feel like they are red pilling themselves for some reason. Only people who are really mature and intellectual can really spoonfed red pills and take them to heart. Of course they will ask for sources but they won't attack you or call you names or have spergy meltdowns etc. Unfortunately most people are immature and pretty dumb so give them the material and let them deal with their own bs kek. That website is a great source to give them for this kind of thing. Good luck anon

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fa03d5  No.202859

File: 7dd91cd2082fc71⋯.jpg (893.53 KB, 732x1024, 183:256, 93574_6fa1459b46bbe3bd_b.jpg)


It's funny how this poster means the opposite to us that it did for the people that created it..

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6ce64c  No.202881


archive.org is pozzed, gib a reliable mirror

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