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bd8f1c  No.201971

Meaning we won't die in a nuclear exchange. A pleasant surprise from the Pedo in Chief. They may seek confrontation with Russia in every other arena but at least this is off the table.

>SCOOP: Biden will seek a five-year extension with Russia on New START, a critical nuclear arms treaty that expires in 15 days. Biden is also preparing to impose costs on Russia pending an intel community assessment of recent Russian actions 1/


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37a0ba  No.201975

Hey man, I know you think it's cute to keep putting a woman in a gi with every post, but it's starting to get a bit namefaggy.

Anonymity is one of the core principles of this board, namefagging is generally looked down upon. If you want to build up a reputation, you can do it on platforms like Reddit and Poal, on which circlejerking is encouraged.

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29c347  No.201977


>Biden is also preparing to impose costs on Russia pending an intel community assessment of recent Russian actions

Seems like a poison pill. Hard to know what the Russians are thinking, but if I were them I wouldn't even return American phone calls. There is nothing to be gained from any agreement with the US.

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5e9e9c  No.201978


You have to a special kind of retard if you think a treaty like that could stop Russia (or any other country) to ever launch a nuke at all. It's literally like these gunlaw you bitch about everyday in USA : it doesn't stop someone who is going to search to rob/assault you to use it in the first place.

And anyway, no nuclear war is going to happen from Russia, they would lose more by using a weapon of this scale ( nuclear or chemical ) than anything. Nobody is going to support them once they pass this hard limit. Same for any other country.

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37a0ba  No.201981


> There wont be a war because there's too much to loose.

t. pundit commenting on the eve of war

> Nobody is going to support them

You really think people like burgers don't you.

The main reason that Russia isn't going to use it's nukes, it that it won't come under existential threat. The USA is having a painful decline that will last the rest of this century, and China is focussed on colonising Africa, South East Asia, the pacific, and South America. Russia will be largely left alone for the next 80 years. There are no ascendant superpowers other than China. I predict that world war three will be a chinese civil war.

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c817b5  No.201984


>we won't die in a nuclear exchange

Worst timeline. Give me nuclear war or give me nothing.

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5e9e9c  No.201989


I said from Russia, not somebody else.The only Eve of war that is going to happen is with China, and i highly doubt Russia is going to participate to that mess. They have much more to lose than to gain.

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29c347  No.201990


>The only Eve of war that is going to happen is with China

White Americans aren't going to go to war against China on behalf of this "country".

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bcabe2  No.202176


Report all karateposter spam threads. He’s back.

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