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7b8b9c  No.201832

I see lots of if not every dudes around here and elsewhere talking like schizos on theories, like making claims and predictions and so on and forth, but most often they are based on simple assumptions, where is the documentation behind it ?

Like for example the covid vaccine, I wont take it thats for sure and I know I must be suspicious against it, but I noticed that aside from claims based on the assumption that vaccines give le retard disorder or that govts are really suspicious about it, I never seen many info on it

Yup, you're a clever one, thats what this thread was from the begining: a covid info spoonfeeding request

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be9737  No.201843

>talking like schizos on theories

Schizos aren't interested in facts

There is a thread on the norway vaccine deaths, it's covered by the MSM. Not schizo stuff.

IMO it's highly likely that the vaccine is just a regular cash grab by (((big pharma))). If it wasn't a "real" vaccine it would be exposed immediately by all the enemies of the west. Putin would love it to be full of retardation chems.

It's just another unnecessary pharmaceutical product peddled by you-know-who.

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c07d55  No.201845


Theres been leaks about from the vaccine boxes put online and what contains inside of the vaccines. Chemicals and so on has been followed up and researched which has shown everything you have most likely heard about already. I mean the info is out there and its so obvious now i dont feel i need to prove anything to anyone by naming the chemical compounds in these vaccines provided by the manufactures and descriptions on medical institution databases which explains them.

Its like the people just don't give a fuck to research themselves but are so lazy to rely on others. Ive been providing facts and logics which they can themselves research more in medicinal databases to see i wasn't bullshitting , but 99% or even more told me they wont even bother to do research about it from what I told them. Just said im an idiot. I'm tired of it. I hope they all take the vaccine and go on with their lives.

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be9737  No.201849


>Theres been leaks about from the vaccine boxes put online and what contains inside of the vaccines.

Why do you trust one piece of information put online over another?

Schizos will believe anything that is a secret "leak" that "proves" a conspiracy.

If the western vaccines were full of retardation chems, RT and Al Jazeera would report it.

>Source A: The vaccine has secret mind-control chems in it

<Fuck anon look it's proof!

>Source B: Source A is fake

<See how the jew hides his tracks anon!

It's weird how people so skeptical of the mainstream media believe LESS REPUTABLE sources uncritically.

The msm has totally disgraced itself, it's an agenda driven, jewish bullshit machine - but despite being an untrustworthy and disgraceful source, it is still more trustworthy than the sources of most of the schizo shit posted on here.

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7d0124  No.201860

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c2e4f9  No.201862



I second this. If OP wasn't a retard he would have looked it up himself.

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433c7f  No.201878


You mean like the theory that Trump was always part of the system and that we should all hate him, be black pilled and give up? I wonder how many people here are even real at this point. 2015-16 8chan was all about "prove it you stupid retard" and instead of "black pilling" everyone already was black pilled in the first place, at least when it came to politics. Trump also was never seen as a solution.

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05a868  No.201912


After shooterchan went down most of the OG posters went diaspora. Look at the front page, Qoomers are the overwhelming majority of the site atm. We have to rebuild the old 8pol culture on pnd the hard and painful way.


We live in a world of disinformation and so you have to consider the sources and more importantly consider the behavior of those in power in light of published information. If covid is so bad, why are all these mid level politicians like Whitmer flouting their own disease restrictions? Either they are suicidal or it isn't that bad.

Why is the CDC conflating covid deaths with other seasonal respiratory ailments? Apologies for the direct link but archive.is is 12K deep in backlog.


https://archive.is/wip/pwijF - when/if it archives

The primary thing you have to realize is that nothing is black and white, there is always nuance. Covid isn't fake and gay, probably, but the reaction to it is disproportionate. Why is that reaction disproportionate? Probably several reasons, but consider that crashing the economy hurts the sitting President.

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1ba05f  No.201947


>We have to rebuild the old 8pol culture on pnd the hard and painful way.

It's actually been improving amazingly since swapping emperors. Finally starting to feel less like having infinity vuvuzelas trying to play Hamlet by brute force.

> Covid isn't fake and gay, probably, but the reaction to it is disproportionate. Why is that reaction disproportionate? Probably several reasons, but consider that crashing the economy hurts the sitting President.

Words of reason

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05a446  No.202222


Here is what Russians see on their tv documentary channels.


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