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fa7032  No.201780

I’m going to offer up an actual plan to restore the Republic, and you’re not going to like it, but if you really think about it, it’s the ONLY way to save our country. Think Chinese finger-trap; the solution is counter-intuitive. For decades, we’ve fled to comfort using our skills of self-reliance and inventiveness. That needs to end fast. We must move with our friends and families INTO the cities. I told you that you wouldn’t like it and I don’t either, but this is the way. It’s legal, non-violent, inexpensive, and simple. Property values in the inner cities are so low just about any one of us can afford it.

We all know why: the blacks. Be civil. We can take this country back from them with civility and in silence. Be at peace in your mind and think this through. We had envisioned gleaming cities in our future, but we abandoned that future by abandoning our cities. You want gleaming cities? I do. Let’s go there and shine them up.

Youtube’s algorithm has been pushing channels like My Self Reliance and BushRadical, and you should be seeing it for what it is. The message is clear: “Go and build a cabin inna woods and fuck off into obscurity.” Remember the words of the cabin builders. They say “it’s not easy”, “it’s hard work”, and “it’s uncomfortable”. All true, but all also apply to moving as close to downtown wherever as you can get. Our favorite people, the jews, do this. They flood into the ghettos and the blacks are displaced. It’s not just because they’re greedy penny-pinchers, but because they want to live amongst their own KIND. That’s phase 1. Crowd in. We’ve got to get our asses to the problem in order to fix the problem.1/3

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fa7032  No.201781

Next is phase 2: Gain local political control. This is what matters most. ‘He who counts the votes’. We all saw what happened to our 2020 election. We know they paid the blacks to rig it. Alright then, that’s done. They showed us how to win forever. They showed us they can be bribed. They showed us they’re lawless, and comfy with the non-justice system. It’s a very dirty political environment on the ground in the cities. That’s fine, we can play dirty better, but we need to be there in the stinking muck in order to get the job done.

Phase 3: We’ve been led along by the media networks for far too long. Turn it all off. They have been conning us into thinking we’re actively participating in the Big Game. It should be clear as crystal by now that we haven’t been. Trump was an aberration and broke the fake election system exactly ONCE. He’s not our great leader and never was. He was just a mouthy billionaire who decided he wanted to be President, and the whole spectacle took the deep state by surprise. Once. We can never allow ourselves to believe that some Great Warrior will come along and save our country. We will do it ourselves, and now we have no other option.

Phase 4 is a continuation of phase 3: Communication. Again, the counter-intuitive solution is the best option. Be like the blacks, in this regard. Don’t work, don’t pay taxes, and group up personally, not online. Gather frequently with your new-found free time. Hang out in large crowds. Walk the streets at all hours, and in groups of no fewer than 5. We need to get into the government jobs that enable this way of life that the blacks currently enjoy. Then, we’ll get the gibs. All the gibs we want, and you should not feel any shame in taking them. They are yours and mine. We have paid for them all our lives, and so have our parents and theirs.2/3

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fa7032  No.201782

What’s that? A weak spot in the plan, you say? We can’t get those jobs? I already covered this; they can be bribed and will either succumb to pleasure or pressure. Now, this is where it gets fun. Phase 5 is called ‘Continuity of Culture’ because you will need to fuck like rabbits in order to catch up in numbers. Find 3 or 4 fat WHITE chicks and fuck all of them. It doesn’t even matter if she already has 1 or 2 mulattos. Raise them, but outnumber them with white siblings, and teach your white children the same. Your little bastard mulatto kids will feel like outsiders, but be strong, control your sympathy, and focus on fucking all your hoes until the streets are crowded with happy, white, home-schooled children. This is a long game strategy, but focus on the goal: Bright white American cities, encircled by dwindling blacks, encircled by growing white rural heaven.

It’s not a perfect plan, but it will work, given time, focus, and effort. We’ll never fix a problem that took decades to ruin our country if we only look to speedy solutions, like elections. Elections are a simple numbers game, in the end. Cities are more densely populated and the numbers we need to win will always reside in the city centers. There will be problems along the way; racial violence and resentment, starvation, scarcity of resources at times, but we designed all this infrastructure for us, not blacks or jews or asians or hispanics. It’s time to take it back. Don’t think it’s too late because it is not.

It may take 20 or 30 years, but don’t let that discourage you. The sooner you begin this journey, the sooner we end the destruction of our Heritage. Let us do what we do best: Colonize America once more.3/3

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97b73e  No.202372

>oy vey there are peaceful solutions

>oy vey go live among nonwhites

>oy vey don’t fight back


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