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File: 13c2fd57fb2f1e2⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 4800x6000, 4:5, BarackObamaportrait.jpg)

60b97c  No.201762

Why the fuck do people still use them? NEWSFLASH: better alternatives exist. They're called Kohlchan /int/, Telegram and Signal. Why don't you people stop giving that faggot Jim traffic?

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15aafb  No.201962


Why do you cope VOE?

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751180  No.202067

Telegram is coming under heavy attack right now.


Worse, they're being forced to remove their encryption.

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9950ae  No.202074

>i don't want to give jim traffic

>8kun is a shithole

>i'm gonna post there anyway to complain about it

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7ad021  No.202076


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17f2e0  No.202111


phone apps arent an alternative to imageboards. they are usually not anonymous and you already have to know people who you can add to make it useful

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1553ca  No.202144

Telegram better? haha they delete groups without notice and for passive stuff. All a jew needs to do is send them an email.

Signal? Really? You trust encryption that is #1 on the 'app store' and pushed by leftist and statists? Want to buy a bridge? That Moxie weirdo is 'besties' with at least two, CIA agents.

I'll look at this krautchan you mention, but if you're there, it's probably a shithole full of jews, niggers and faggots.

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30ee4f  No.202319

File: fb516531aed3364⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 946x532, 473:266, SBQ_Spam_Name_946x532.jpg)



phonewalled garbage


owned by jackasz dorsey


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