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fe545a  No.201574

I started to dig around these 1868 and 1871 acts of enacted by the Congress that basically means that the old Constitution is no longer valid and everybody is being deceived. Since I don't know much about it, I'll share some of my findings and see what you know and think about it.

> In short, our government, which was created by and for us as sovereigns — free citizens deemed to have the highest authority in the land – was stolen from us, along with our rights. Keep in mind that, according to the original Constitution, only We the People are sovereign. Government is not sovereign. The Declaration of Independence say, “…government is subject to the consent of the governed.” That’s us — the sovereigns.(1)

> USC Title 28 3002:

> - (15) "United States" means-

> - (A) a Federal corporation;

> - (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

> - (C) an instrumentality of the United States. (2)

> Everytime you step into a courtroom you are stepping on to a ship and subject to Admiralty law or maritime law. That's the reason judge wear a robe and there is a Golden Fringe around the flag. Thus, the flag denotes a court of admiralty. (3)

Next post:

> The gold fringe flag is historically used during times of war in maritime admiralty law(which we are in right now as well). So in other words, the gold fringe flag symbolizes maritime law. The gold fringe flag is not the same flag that is approved for our Constitutional Republic in USA code Title 4 Ch 1 & Ch 2. The fourth color (yellow) is not approved in the code. You’ll notice the tassles hanging from the flag. These are also symbolic of admiralty law, which is the law of the sea. We are in fact, functioning in maritime admiralty law, and our court system is actually upholding a corporation that goes by the name of UNITED STATES. (4)

> - The Corporate US - is composed of 185,000 corporations and 390 million corporate US citizens.

> - US citizens are artificial persons or fictious entities that only exist on paper.

> - All these corporations are the jurisdiction of the Sea, which is based on Admiralty law.

> - US citizens are nothing more than property slaves. (3)


1. https://americannationalmilitia.com/the-organic-act-of-1871-with-notes/

2. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=&req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title28-section3002&f=&num=0&edition=prelim

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7n0Sd8gLK0&list=PLjy7WymVV4X2HJWCaKYGb6nDYxKlfGvQQ&index=1

4. https://areweallreallyeducated.com/what-does-gold-fringe-flag-symbolize/

Other sources:

- https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/2020/07/05/the-act-of-1871-was-repealed/

- https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/the-act-of-1871-the-2-constitutions-corporate-america/276232

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvgCmCSy9ww&list=PLjy7WymVV4X2HJWCaKYGb6nDYxKlfGvQQ&index=2

tl;dr: The US is a corporation; US federal courts operate under admiralty law; US citizens are property slaves.

Lawfags, explain yourselves.

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4d9464  No.201582

No. It isn’t. Does it matter? Stop whining about laws. Stop whining about secret faggots. Stop giving a single flying fuck about this procedural pilpul. Either go kill members of the ZOG or continue to be exterminated by them. Now call me a glowstick because you have no argument.

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0ba922  No.201587


the "United States" is a way to refer to one of these corporations, or an agency etc of the US, or an instrumentality of the United States within this law. Federal laws can not overwrite the Constitution lmao, if they wanted to make the US a secret corporation they would just do it, they wouldn't make an ineffectual and completely illegal law to do it.

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d7ec01  No.201590

>the old Constitution is no longer valid and everybody is being deceived

t. constitutional lawyer

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