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2232da  No.201493

My fellow Americans..

With new Admin, comes new cybersecuirty protections. Unable to active trip codes. Simply put, the [green] light was not singed.

-We failed

-POTUS failed [you] the people

-We still stand to fight

We have been fighting/guiding with you all, on all platorms

-We saw, heard, and tried to steer you with [Twit] acounts

You may never know our names publicly, but we love everyone

Until next time….This is only the beggining


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e58364  No.201504


You're a faggot and nobody likes you.

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fb5416  No.201512


Sage and report all Q-LARP threads.

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67ee26  No.201559


MIGAtards/Qtards are also tripfags… that explains a lot!


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