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File: 5481ad9eedaba5e⋯.png (366.44 KB, 638x361, 638:361, Darthbiden.PNG)

dbf3dc  No.201484

So how come the most senile president of the US was capable of holding a complete speech on the swearing in, when he normaly can't even formulate complete sentences?


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745d61  No.201489


Well, duh, Q replaced him with a robot.

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cd433b  No.201490

I mean the dude used to have a stutter. It comes out when he's speaking off the cuff but it's really not that hard to memorize a speech. He's been doing it for decades. Ever tried it?

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30ff6b  No.201514


How come kill yourself.

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f5e4a0  No.201561


He faked it all along. The jewstablishment tested if they could use the lamestream media to rig in whoever they wanted if they tried hard enough… and now they have the answer.

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