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File: 0b85f1fb3e42187⋯.png (75.24 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1611138173789.png)

42826a  No.201442

>using mint in current years + 6

A literal toddler can hack this turd KEK


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d341cf  No.201483

Yikes. Is this due to the tranny invasion into the Linux community lately? That forced diversity.

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272995  No.201515

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5418e4  No.201664



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6777b6  No.201770


>Requires physical access

Wow it's nothing

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5a82b5  No.202107

File: 048280046b5c662⋯.jpg (136.47 KB, 665x680, 133:136, EsLekR7WMAIaWgX.jpg)


Have ya been saving up a lot with your ScreenSaver Son?

Woke python coder says XER if you want a COVID-19 Safe Orgy, please insert three more tampons.

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f21454  No.202110

This bug appeared because of the retarded fags that are behind the designs of most ordinary desktop environments (especially GNOME). You should use tiling window managers and lightweight CLI tools for your work anyways if you are serious about productivity.

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c27d08  No.202143

File: 9510bda6703bea0⋯.jpg (338.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 170522220832_seth_rich_fac….jpg)


>>Requires physical access

>Wow it's nothing

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6badf3  No.202186


Mint is for running Steam thanks to Proton without putting up with microkike's infinitely more insecure os.

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