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e0b4fd  No.201353

The communist takeover of the United States as we know it seems complete at this point. Does anyone have any recommendations on countries to apply to visas to? I don't want to be present for the collapse of the country I thought i had loved. It seems like a zero win situation here.

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5732e4  No.201355


Don't be a Californian, anon.

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db2d10  No.201366


you really think you'll be better off here? your niggers are our gypsies. our cities are the same liberal hell holes with no go zones as yours. and when it comes to the countryside, most people can't be bothered to speak English and we hate you anyway because even your most conservative counts as a libtard from our perspective.

leave us alone!

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f82d81  No.201380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Italian dairy industry, including the production of all it's most famous cheeses such as Romagna or Parmesan chees are totallly produced by Sikhs now.

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33484e  No.201387


Yes, so be good boys and only buy the sheep cheese, you might fund an ethnostate.

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