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5cc096  No.201302

I found a nice site that hosts code converting programs (assuming some of my fellow goys code)


I also have an IRC chat program that I need help with so please help me on github


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241cba  No.201331


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de643f  No.201344


Why the fuck should anyone run closed source executables from conspicuous web sites.

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5cc096  No.201352

you can use virus scans and shieeeett. They won't find anything because they aren't viruses! I used a hex editor to bypass registration of the programs! If you want to go through that process I'll link the tools needed from jewish corporate jewsites

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a7af7d  No.201354


>I found a nice site

You made that site…

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95c041  No.201358

Why .exe's man? WHY?

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5cc096  No.201361

FINE, you goys are fucking jews now, if you want to hack the damn software yourself. use the CFF Explorer Hex editor. Insert the tangiblesoftwaresolutions application (exe) file into the hex editor after you install their program(s). in the search for the hex editor enter 16FE0180

after that, the 16 that is highlighted, you have to change that to 17. now save the exe file and when you run it, the program will be the premium version of the original subscription based program. You're fucking welcome. Again I'm just spreading files that would otherwise be hard to find! But please someone help me out with my IRC Client on GitHub https://github.com/roast247/IRC-Chat-Source-Code-Version-2

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269d61  No.201391


No one is going to want a program convertor - they would just convert it manually anyway. If they did, it wouldn't be from some random who made a github 5 days ago.

No one is going to want your password generator. It looks like a beginner project.

No one wants to use a starter project IRC client and server, when a proper IRC exists already that has more LOC and experience than you.

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5cc096  No.201488

shut up nigger faggot i already told you how to get the code converters for free. go nigger someone else

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