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File: 444de4ce902447a⋯.png (296.58 KB, 658x549, 658:549, Screenshot_2021_01_19_23_2….png)

1a653b  No.201151

MSM reports elderly patients in Norway die from covid vaccine.

Vaccine rollout to continue because, what the hell, they were old anyway.

>Sigurd Hortemo, chief physician at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, said the assessments suggest that common adverse reactions to mRNA vaccines, such as fever and nausea, may have contributed to a fatal outcome in some frail patients.





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99a425  No.201233

File: ffae0ad89008664⋯.jpg (381.5 KB, 911x1298, 911:1298, 1608417816258.jpg)


I'm donating my vaccine to the Africa.

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1171a9  No.201238

File: 7aed6a62cba2e1b⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 634x357, 634:357, tiffany_dover_covid_vaccin….jpg)


Check out all the comments on her last post.

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2c0fe1  No.201243


post a picture nobody has a kikeagram account

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a0e3dd  No.201417

I would have thought this thread would have got more traction.

I guess it's not schizo enough.

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75089d  No.201423


I think because its so obvious at this point for those who visit this board the true reason for the vaxx.

Same is happening in other nordic countries elderly getting sick after the vaxx. Its like kinda tiresome how obvious it is so at least me just don't bother to talk about it. If the idiots wants to vaxx themselves so be it.

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a2e9bb  No.201472

File: d5b499627335563⋯.jpeg (2.41 MB, 1536x1961, 1536:1961, EA568E90_E528_4230_8133_4….jpeg)

Vaccine rollout is too slow. We gonna need to stick your grandma in a crowded camp filled with people not vaccinated yet. Biden brain trust saving the day.

>Maybe them niggers will get woke and save themselves

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