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File: 077ea47e477de9f⋯.jpg (125.97 KB, 1484x989, 1484:989, It_all_makes_sense_now.jpg)

cb2f9f  No.200163

Anti-Democracy is the only way forward.

When you vote you are consenting to whatever evil the government does to you. Jews derive their power through elections, where their manipulation of mass media and courts decide the outcome. The election system also has the effect of making half the population hate the other half, everyone is unhappy.

Instead, consider the Monster Truck question

Benefits of Monster Truck rallies deciding local governments:

1) 100% popular support, everyone loves monster truck rallies and they are fun

2) Completely auditable. You will know who the winner is.

3) If your guy loses, no hard feelings it's a monster truck rally

4) Immune to hoaxes, CNN cannot affect the outcome of the rally

5) Meritocracy. The winner has universally accepted merits such as bravery and skill, and courage

Downsides- ???

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cb2f9f  No.200169

File: 310a18041a62bb4⋯.jpg (4.63 MB, 4256x2394, 16:9, Grave.jpg)

Monster Truck rallies would work for the South, and inner-cities if they ever listened, could do rap battles or some shit. The kikes however will fall back on the 17th Amendment to stop our fun that requires Senators to be appointed by vote. We can protest this by saying "Yes, we will vote, but we're voting for whoever wins the State monster truck rally you kike", and that will be that. The path forward is to either get elected to state and local legislatures and push for the Truckist agenda there, or pressure them to. There is no national law that requires local governments to have elections, just the 17th amendment and whatever the various State constitutions currently are.

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3d3b12  No.200172

File: 3e65a3338d7cc4e⋯.png (183.81 KB, 500x686, 250:343, autism_intensifies_2811290.png)

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cb2f9f  No.200175


Not an argument

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6a17c4  No.200197


Bump because democracy is evil.

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9a6986  No.200206

File: eb6d2c198d53008⋯.jpg (349.43 KB, 1124x1238, 562:619, Demoligarchy.jpg)


>When you vote you are consenting to whatever evil the government does to you

This is a good point. Democracy makes it very easy to legitimize any and every government action. Because people have it in their feeble minds that they elected their leader. As so it keeps them pacified even when they are being replaced in their homelands.

When people don't like the things are being administrated they just think of voting for another party or another candidate next time. And they keep doing so years after years. Instead of rebelling.

Imagine a monarch or a dictator had done what the democratically elected leaders in European countries are doing. Had a king decided he was going to replace the native population in his country with foreigners and started bringing in millions of savage barbarians there would easily be violent revolutions and the king's head would be rolling.

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