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File: 929c97f26451373⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 1027x658, 1027:658, 1461605311713.jpg)

f4bd55  No.197700

Looking for videos showcasing antifa violence. Normalfags don't see this type of footage from the MSM so compiling and archiving it falls upon us. Even short clips would be appreciated.

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05b802  No.197717

File: d661963a5f1bbb7⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 473x720, 473:720, 1573797390572.jpg)


Nice digits

Nobody is going to post that kind of stuff here, the board is too slow since 8chan died; and there's not much to gain with whataboutisms. All our decoys in their discords will save their material until we need it. I am all for it, but don't have anything to share that hasn't already been seen a thousand times. You could try IRC, but you probably won't have much luck as we don't trust outsiders.

You want a good antifag thread there's one below mapping their whole network. Probably the best you'll get here.

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35d49c  No.197721






sage am i allowed to recruit this guy or no? ask rachel if we got that thing yet

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46e44f  No.197751

Violence on antifag would be more effective, there's a bunch that got caught on camera dying by a single punch. Someone should crush the head of some commie celebrating slime joe's victory on live television and force it as a meme for the stand of the entire management like they did with Implicit, doesn't matter how much the press try to satanize the AnHero.

We lost a golden opportunity to do it with the zoomer Kyle, this was even more unacceptable because he had support of the people and only faggots who where already utterly pozzed where against.

Wanna do PR?Then do STRAIGHT PR!!

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ee2bf5  No.197752


When you believe every act of violence is perpetrated by "Antifa", all you have to do is post vids of pretty much anything. MAGA storming the Capitol? Nope! Antifa! Muslims flying planes into WTC? Nope! Antifa! IRA bombing in Omagh? Nope! Antifa!

They're so convinced that everyone except Antifa are loving, peaceful, hippie pot smokers that it doesn't matter what you show. They'll claim it's Antifa.

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f4bd55  No.197767


>Violence on antifag would be more effective

Antifa attacking peaceful protestors would be far more effective as it couldn't be dismissed as both sides being violent.


Black block violence against Trump supporters is fair to be said to be committed by antifa.

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675968  No.197770


Look up archived chimpout threads.

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