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5acb29  No.197560

All you secession calling faggots are short sighted and playing into the hand of the globalist. Secession would worsen the current situation. You leave the country wide open to be taken over. Stop being such faggots with your stupid ideas. The world isn't the same as it was in the 19th century. WAKE UP THE FUCK UP AND STOP TRUSTING THE PLAN. Stop letting others have to carry the weight while you sit back and get fat and complacent.

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bd1f9d  No.197561

I don't give a shit what happens to the union after Dixie secedes. If it is wide open and taken over, good! Fuck them. They get what they deserve. I will fight and die to enforce the sovereignty of the southern states. No more abuse from the retards in Washington who live 1000 miles away and dance to the tune of multinational bankers.

The globalist thing to do would be to not secede, and to allow the jews to consolidate more and more power into a single seat of government.

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bdf028  No.197566


provide me with a fate worse than this before you awaken me faggot

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cd17bb  No.197573


>You leave the country wide open to be taken over.

Not relevant to us because it isn't our country. That's a niggerjew problem.

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