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c02a70  No.197495

Just curious but assuming the man (unknown) circled in second pic is the one who created the sign in the first pic, is there any physical meaning to this gesture? Haven’t seen anyone talk about it nor can i find any symbolic meaning to this hand sign anywhere on the net…

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409f86  No.197498


Get. the. fuck. out.

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a2f56c  No.197502

Like, no, seriously. Think about the possibility, meditate on it, that all of the kabbalistic kike shit that has ever been written is true. Crosses, blood, layers of heavens, Saints, godheads, all of it. And then imagine that you're a human on Earth, and the way you tap into that Godhead, metaphysically and substantially, is through


Just think about how fucking fake and gay and retarded it is. Imagine the planet where Masonry is TRUE. It WORKS.

That is our fake and gay reality.

t. bodhisattva of somewhere the fuck not gay

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