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65a4e3  No.197453

Elite-owned tyrannical media heaping untoward abuse upon a non-Negro

If only Blacks were relentlessly grilled by the tyrannical elite-owned media for their multitude of transgressions that includes a large percentage of USA felonies to the extent this non-Black is being grilled and harassed from a comparatively very minor offense against a Black.

The double-standard making itself extremely obvious here.

When the evil corporate media covered the USA-wide riots, pillaging and assorted evils of Antifa, BLM, Red Guard and other nefarious miscreants We, the People were bombarded with information about the past atrocities committed by us evil White people that are the bane of all existence (so that evil media spews relentlessly) but did we hear even the slightest mention of the following horrors committed by the 13% that commit atrocities FAR out of proportion to their percentage of the populace?


Knoxville Massacre: https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/crime/2017/08/24/archives-horror-christian-newsom-killings-focus-what-happened-chipman-street/597805001/

Wichita Massacre: https://www.wichita-massacre.com/

Chante Mallard Brutal Murder: https://murderpedia.org/female.M/m/mallard-chante.htm

And many many MANY more!!!!

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ebebf5  No.197458


Cry me a river, whiny little bitch.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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