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File: 170e95e140d04f0⋯.jpg (141.72 KB, 879x1554, 293:518, adelson.JPG)

42e9b3  No.197446

Mr. Adelson grew up tough, a Depression-era street urchin who hawked newspapers and fought roughnecks in Boston. Unfazed by risks, rivals or the law, he built a fortune estimated by Forbes in 2014 at $36.6 billion and by Bloomberg Billionaires Index at $40.8 billion, making him the world’s eighth or ninth wealthiest person.

By March 2016, Forbes said Mr. Adelson’s net worth had dropped to $25.2 billion, largely because of gaming revenue declines at his giant casino in Macau, on China’s south coast, where the swarms of junketing Chinese businessmen


He made most of his money laundering Chinese criminal money.


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ac3332  No.197473

File: a092135c348f7a5⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 610x366, 5:3, maypole_celebrations.jpg)

Ding dong another dirty kike is dead!

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